The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1324 Get in touch

"My lord means..." Wang Meng looked at Zhang Fan suspiciously, and asked, "The person who said these words in the Five Poison Sect is actually Fang Zhenqian himself. How is this possible?" Although in the past, Wang Meng believed everything Zhang Fan said unconditionally, but what Zhang Fan said now was so unbelievable that he couldn't understand it no matter how he thought about it, and Wang Meng couldn't help but feel raised some doubts.

"You don't understand, it's normal," Zhang Fan naturally understood what Wang Meng was thinking, and it was absolutely impossible for him to go back and blame Wang Meng for not believing in himself. Instead, he smiled and said to him, "However, you If you listen to me explain it to you, you can understand why.

"Actually, even if you don't say anything else, just say that Fang Zhenqian said this matter, it can be figured out. If you think about it carefully, even if it is about Fang Yueling, even if Fang Zhenqian once wanted to marry her Give it to me, but in any case, this matter is the most, and only their father and daughter know about it. Fang Zhenqian is not the kind of self-righteous person, so as long as I don't agree, it is absolutely impossible for him to discuss this matter. It was said indiscriminately, so I'm sure that the people in the Five Poisons Sect didn't know about it.

"Whether I have a relationship with Fang Zhengan or Fang Yueling in the past, but that relationship is not very good. It can even be said that we have some disputes with each other. Even in the matter of Yongning Mansion, I Asking them for help, they also helped Fang Yueling rescue her father, but the relationship between them was not harmonious, and everyone in the Five Poison Sect knew this.

"In this way, Wang Meng, do you think the people of the Five Poisons Sect will figure out that I like Shang Yueling and want to get him, so I plan to form an alliance with the Five Poisons Sect?"

"This..." Wang Meng thought for a while about Zhang Fan's words, finally shook his head, and said, "What your lord said is that if you look at it this way, it really shouldn't be like this. People from the Five Poisons Sect It should also be that they don't know about that matter, so now, no one should think about it, "

"Exactly." Seeing that Wang Meng had figured it out, Zhang Fan nodded and continued, "If people in the Five Poison Sect want to oppose this alliance, or incite their disciples to oppose At most, it means that once the alliance is successful this time, the Five Poison Sect will be under the control of Jin Yiwei, and they only have this reason.

"And now, our people have found out such news, and there is only one person who can spread this kind of news, Fang Zhenqian. Although it sounds very incredible, if there is only such a possibility, then It’s unbelievable, that’s what it is.”

"That's a good thing to say. I believe what my lord says." Although Wang Meng agrees with Zhang Fan's words, "But I still can't figure out why Fang Zhenqian did this, what if he did this , it's completely useless."

"You can't say that," Zhang Fan shook his head, not agreeing with Wang Meng's words, "It's easy to come out, of course there are, first of all, although there is no formal alliance between our two companies, this matter The matter has already been decided. You have seen the situation at noon today. Fang Zhenqian really prepared a lot for the alliance. , He is very familiar with it, he knows who is against him, and he also knows how to deal with that person.

"We don't care about the alliance with the Five Poison Sect. If we don't form an alliance, although the news from the Southwest will indeed be troublesome in the future, we didn't always come here like this before. After forming an alliance, we will naturally It's good, you don't have to worry about the news from the Southwest, and sometimes you can use the people of the Five Poison Sect, even if they need our help with something, it's not troublesome. Think about it, After all, they are sects in the Jianghu, and there are only a few hundred people. Even if they cause some big troubles for them, we will not take them too seriously.

"And with Fang Zhenqian doing this here, this matter has been settled, and there may be some troubles along the way, but the alliance is already certain.

"In this case, Fang Zhenqian will do the next thing. We have also said this. It is to tell the people of the Five Poisons Sect to stop thinking about us. The reason why we formed an alliance with the Five Poisons Sect is because Because of Fang Yueling, if this is the case, Fang Zhenqian's intention to spread this matter is obvious, isn't it?"

"My lord means..." After Zhang Fan said this, Wang Meng understood, "The reason why Fang Zhenqian did this is because he wanted to let the people of the Five Poisons Sect understand the importance of Fang Yueling, or Fang Yueling's respect for her." It's important for adults, so no one here will dare to trouble Fang Yueling in the future.

"As for the matter of forming an alliance, even though it hasn't happened yet, it's already a certainty. Therefore, Fang Zhenqian is not worried, and he will spread such news so boldly,"

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded.

"It seems that Fang Zhenqian really took great pains for this matter," Wang Meng couldn't help sighing after hearing what Zhang Fan said about the reason for this period.

But when I think about it, this matter does make people feel sighed, and there is nothing wrong with pursuing power and strength. There are too many people who use unscrupulous means for this kind of purpose throughout the ages, and there is nothing to sigh about. Fang Zhen did this Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing it, but in order to achieve his own goal, he can even sell his daughter's reputation, which is indeed something that will make people sigh.

However, it's other people's business, what kind of plan Fang Zhenqian has made, and what kind of things he has done, these are not what they need to care about, they just need to do their own things well.

These are naturally Wang Meng's thoughts, but Zhang Fan's thoughts are not limited to these, he has other things to consider.

What he said to Wang Meng was naturally the truth in his mind, but although it was the truth, it was not all of it, and there were some things that Zhang Fan kept in his heart and never said anything to Wang Meng.

When Wang Meng came to tell him the situation, and what Zhang Fan thought of, he couldn't help but think of another thing, that is, Fang Yueling came to him before to dissuade him from forming an alliance.

What Wang Meng said, plus the fact that Fang Yueling came to him, these two things added together, Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking about whether there was any connection between these two things.

When Fang Zhenqian planned to marry Fang Yueling to Zhang Fan, Fang Yueling obviously knew about it. , I always felt that her expression was a bit unnatural. At that time, Zhang Fan hadn't figured it out, but he understood it at that time. Fang Yueling must have known about it, so she only knew it at that time. As soon as he saw Zhang Fan, he acted abnormally.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan rejected Fang Zhenqian, and Fang Zhenqian never brought up that matter again, and with the end of this matter, Fang Yueling also changed back to her original appearance, and she would not show anything when she saw Zhang Fan. It's abnormal.

But today, when Zhang Fan first arrived here, everything about Fang Yueling was still doing well, she didn't look abnormal at all. Fang Yueling, there was nothing abnormal at all. Zhang Fan believed that Fang Yueling hadn't changed at that time. Fang Yueling was not the kind of person who was good at covering up and acting. What, but it was easy to see her changes, and Fang Yueling did not have such changes at that time.

However, it was just after lunch time that Fang Yueling had undergone such a big change. She actually came here in person, trying to get Zhang Fan to cancel his plan to form an alliance. Obviously, something happened during this period.

And after that, it was Wang Meng who came and told Zhang Fan the news he found in the Five Poison Sect.

In this way, Zhang Fan also came to understand that Fang Yueling's change was probably due to the fact that the Five Poison Sect is spreading now.

However, just knowing these things is not enough.

There is one thing that Zhang Fan doesn't understand. He doesn't know if Fang Zhenqian's change is just because of the rumors in the Five Poison Sect, or because she really heard something from Fang Zhenqian.

If it was just because of these rumors, Zhang Fan felt that it didn't matter at all. Rumors were rumors after all, not to mention that Zhang Fan knew that these rumors were all rumors spread by Fang Zhenqian in order to confuse others.

However, if Fang Yueling really heard something from Fang Zhenqian, and this is the reason for this change, Zhang Fan will be alerted. He is worried that Fang Zhenqian really has such intentions and really wants Fang Yueling to marry him. Give it to him, so as to better consolidate the power of the Five Poison Sect, or their Fang family, after the alliance in the future.

Fang Yueling obviously didn't want to do this, but she had no way to oppose him in front of her father, so Fang Yueling could only come to Zhang Fan and persuade him to cancel the alliance and go back quickly.

If everything is like this, the news that Wang Meng inquired about, and what Fang Yueling said when she came to see Zhang Fan in the afternoon, all of this can be explained.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan also had a plan. He wanted to find an opportunity to go to Fang Yueling again, and ask him clearly. This is not a question of being shy. No matter how much Fang Yueling wanted to avoid this question, Zhang Fan still wanted to go to her. Just ask to understand.

One more thing, Zhang Fan naturally felt a lot more relaxed about Fang Yueling's objection, but he also had some unpleasant feelings, but Zhang Fan didn't take it seriously ,

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