This Spring Immortal Dew has just been unsealed, and the people present smelled a scent of wine, and this scent of wine, amidst the sweetness, also has an indescribable aroma. Although it is unclear, everyone is salivating now. Taste it right away.

"This is really good wine." Zhang Fan took a sip of Fang Zhengan's Spring Immortal Dew, showing a surprised expression, "This wine is really soft in the mouth, and after drinking it, the throat is very refreshing. It's hot, but after that, the mouth and teeth will linger, and the aftertaste is endless, but it is not lacking in strength. It is really a good wine."

"It's the right time for Mr. Zhang to come this time," Fang Zhengan heard Zhang Fan's praise, showing a proud look on his face, "This wine was brewed by the old man 40 years ago, when Yue Ling was born , the old man took out an altar, which has been put on for more than ten years, and everyone who drank it here should remember it."

Regarding Fang Zhenqian's words, all the people present showed affirmative expressions. Obviously, Fang Zhenqian did not tell lies, and even if Zhang Fan did not see other people's expressions, he still believed Fang Zhenqian's words. The bowl in his hand contained the Spring Immortal Dew, and he had tasted it himself, so he naturally understood.

"And this time, Mr. Zhang, it's really a coincidence," Fang Zhenqian continued, "The spring fairy dew that Mr. Zhang is drinking now has been stored for 40 years. It took 40 years to store the wine. No matter how bad it is, it can be turned into good wine, not to mention, this spring fairy dew from the old man is even more extraordinary, hahaha...

"In the future, when the little girl gets married, the old man will take out the last jug of wine. I think it will taste better than this one. At that time, I will give Master Zhang a taste. "

I don't know whether Fang Zhenqian's words were intentional, but Zhang Fan always felt that there was something in his words, and what he had felt before, Zhang Fan always felt that Fang Zhenqian's words It is better not to strike up a conversation lightly, so Zhang Fan quickly changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Old Master Fang, I am drinking this wine, it is indeed like fine wine, but I always drink it. I feel that this wine is different from ordinary wine, not that other wines are ordinary, even if it is other fine wines, it tastes different from this Spring Fairy Dew. something,"

"Someone asked me about this before, but I didn't tell them," Fang Zhenqian said with a smile, "but now, it's been 40 years, and Mr. Zhang asked again. If so, The old man just said it, "

Fang Zhenqian said that he wanted to tell the contents of this wine, and all the people present pricked up their ears, thinking about it, this wine is really delicious, but Fang Zhenqian brewed these three jars, and now both jars are unsealed , there is only one altar left, and Fang Zhenqian also made it clear that the altar will be taken out when Fang Yueling gets married, not to mention how long it will take, but whether there will be any of these people present at that time portion, that is a problem, and now, looking at Fang Zhenqian, he has no intention of brewing any more.

Therefore, all the people present want to hear clearly. If it is easy, it would be good to brew some by yourself when you go back. Even the brewed wine may not be as delicious as the jars brewed by Fang Zhenqian, but if it is not far away, That's enough.

"Speaking of this wine..." Fang Zhenqian still kept a secret when he said this, and saw that everyone was staring at him, so he continued, "If we talk about this wine, it is nothing like ordinary brewing. It's different, it's just grains like rice, but when brewing wine, the old man put a lot of ingredients in it.

"Since it is called Chunxianlu, it is naturally brewed in spring, and those things are the seven poisonous weeds that the old man found in this mountain when spring comes, and the five poisonous things used by our Five Immortals Sect. , these are the things that have just grown when spring just comes, and they are the most fresh and tender, "

"What?" Zhang Fan was startled when he heard Fang Zhenqian's words, but immediately calmed down.

That's right, after hearing what Fang Zhenqian said just now, everyone present felt that either Fang Zhenqian lied to them, or Fang Zhenqian wanted to poison them. If he lied to them, then naturally it didn't matter. No, after all, when Fang Yueling was just born, Fang Zhenqian took out a jar of wine to entertain guests, and among the people present, it is not uncommon for people who had drunk that jar of wine at that time, but they did not see any problems with them. They are all living well.

However, even if he could figure out these things, Zhang Fan didn't think that Fang Zhenqian would deceive them about this kind of thing, and now, not only Zhang Fan was a little surprised, but the people next to him also looked shocked. Indeed, if Fang Zhenqian said that what precious materials, flowers and plants, even snake gallbladder were used to make this jar of wine, they would all believe it, but Fang Zheng years ago said that in this jar of wine, There are poisonous weeds and five poisonous things in it, how can this not make people feel shocked.

And it's the beginning of spring, others don't know, but how can the people of the Five Poisons Sect not understand that at the beginning of spring, whether it is the newly grown poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds, or the poisonous insects that have just awakened from hibernation Snakes are most poisonous when they are most poisonous. Sometimes, an ordinary poisonous snake may not need treatment if it is bitten on a daily basis. People who are in better health can recover with a little resistance. But the same snake, If it is placed in the beginning of spring, the toxicity may kill a person immediately.

If it is simply to say that there are not a few people who use poisonous things to make wine, there are many such poisonous snakes and scorpions, but Fang Zhengan is good, seven kinds of poisonous plants, all five poisons, all mixed together It is used to make wine, which is completely unbelievable.

"Well, old leader, isn't this a lie," You Xuguang said with some disbelief, "Although we, the Five Immortals Sect, are experts in playing poison and understand the principle of fighting poison with poison, the words of the Five Poisons , all mixed together, what effect will there be, we are very clear, it is really faster than any poison, a little bit, it will definitely die immediately, the old leader uses these to make wine, "

"That's right, that's all," Fang Zhenqian said with his smiling expression unchanged, "What you said just now is also true. If you just mix the five poisons, it is indeed extremely poisonous. A little bit of it will be enough to kill you." It is fatal, but you just forgot that the old man also said that the old man added seven kinds of poisonous plants to this wine. It is these seven kinds of poisonous plants that completely eliminate the toxicity of the five poisons. After getting it, it will be of great benefit to people. Although I dare not say that it has the effect of prolonging life, but the old man can guarantee it, especially for those who practice martial arts, it is definitely a good thing , if you don’t believe me, you might as well try your luck.”

The people present were all practicing family members. Hearing what Fang Zhenqian said, they all immediately mobilized their internal strength. Even Zhang Fan had never practiced martial arts, but Wang Meng also taught him some techniques of breathing and breathing. With such luck, the people present It was all felt. Even Zhang Fan felt it. He felt a heat rising in his stomach, but it didn't make people feel irritable. It was this head, which was extremely clear at this moment.

Even a person like Zhang Fan who only knows how to breathe and breathe has such an obvious feeling, not to mention other people, each of them really has a different feeling.

Zhang Fan also turned his head to look at Wang Meng and Liang Chao, who also drank the Spring Immortal Dew, and they also nodded at him. It seems that Fang Zhenqian's wine really has the effect of improving his power.

"Look, what the old man said is right," Fang Zhenqian smiled even more when he saw the expressions on everyone's face, "I blamed the old man for not talking about it back then, but you don't have to worry about it, and you don't need to fight now." There will be time to sit for an hour tomorrow, and now is the time to invite Mr. Zhang, let’s meditate and practice here one by one, what will it look like?"

Fang Zhenqian's words are still very effective. Sure enough, no one is busy practicing kung fu anymore, but speaking of it, it's just a sip now, even if you practice, you can't practice anything.

And then, the place became more lively, but there was one difference. Almost everyone wanted to drink the Spring Immortal Dew, but there was only one jar of this Spring Immortal Dew, which weighed only ten catties. Although ten catties is indeed not a small amount, and there are only a few people present who are qualified to drink this wine, but obviously, after what Fang Zhenqian said, ten catties of wine is definitely not enough of.

However, now Fang Zhenqian made it clear that the reason why this wine was taken out was to entertain Zhang Fan, and other people, no matter how much they wanted to drink, were too embarrassed to ask, let alone pour it up by themselves. wine.

Zhang Fan fit the occasion, and didn't say anything. Instead, he persuaded these people to drink, which made these people's attitude towards Zhang Fan much better.

This made Zhang Fan want to laugh a little. Before, there were still many unresolved problems between them, but now, just because of such a jar of wine, even if it is very expensive, it is of great benefit to martial arts practitioners. However, their attitude towards Zhang Fan changed dramatically, which made Zhang Fan want to laugh.

However, in the lively atmosphere of so many people, there was one person who didn't smile, or didn't see a smile, and that was Fang Yueling. Obviously, Fang Yueling had a lot on her mind.

And Zhang Fan, in fact, has been observing Fang Yueling.

The next moment, Fang Yueling said a few words in Fang Zhenqian's ear, then got up and left. After Zhang Fan saw it, he also found a reason to get up and followed. Now is a good time for Zhang Fan to leave. Fan Hao went to ask Fang Yueling what was the reason for that incident.

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