The wedding banquet lasted until halfway through Haishi.This is the all the people have had their fill of wine and food.This wedding is the real beginning.

Although this time the wedding.Most of them are done according to the rules of the Miao family.But because of the rush of time.In addition, Zhang Fan is Han Chinese.There are reasons to take care of it.So this wedding.On the surface it seems.Whether it is the groom and the bride's dress and service.Or like a wedding reception.They all look like the Miao family.But this among them.Fang Zhenqian still made some changes.

Fang Zhenqian is not just Fang Yueling's father.He is the most respected person among the Five Poison Sects.Regardless of the people in the Five Poisons Sect.Is the relationship with him good or not?Or have any grievances.But this will never change.

So today's wedding.Fang Zhenqian naturally wanted to stand up and host.This.In fact, it is done according to the customs of the Han people.

God bless this part.Of course there are.only.Above this high hall.There are no elders of Zhang Fan.Only Fang Zhenqian.That's nothing.But this is heaven and earth.Zhang Fan felt very depressed.Why.Naturally, it was because Fang Zhen did it.

obviously.the moment before.He and Fang Zhenqian are still on an equal footing.Even if the two are talking about an alliance.When fighting each other.Zhang Fan is not at all behind.But now.In this way, Zhang Fan suddenly became a generation younger.

this kind of thing.Naturally, Zhang Fan felt a little uncomfortable.After all, nowadays.Not just words.Zhang Fan was extremely polite to Fang Zhenqian.He even had to bow down to Fang Zhenqian.These were the things Zhang Fan didn't want to do the most.Now he really had to.This was what made Zhang Fan most unhappy.

seem.He understood Zhang Fan's thoughts.Now in the scene of worshiping heaven and earth.It should have been a very lively time.But now.There are really not many people here.There is no master of ceremonies.There are no relatives or friends.There are only four of them.Zhang Fan, Fang Yueling, Fang Zhenqian.And Yu'er was also present.

Although no one saw it.This also made Zhang Fan feel a lot better.But it's still inevitable.Therefore, Zhang Fan was naturally very upset about this matter.

but.Someone on the other side is upset.Then someone will naturally feel comfortable.Now Zhang Fan feels uncomfortable.But in Fang Zhenqian's heart.That is not to mention how happy it is.Since he met Zhang Fan for the first time.The two clashed many times.But so many confrontations.Fighting overtly and secretly.Zhang Fan didn't take much advantage of him.And Fang Zhenqian also never convinced Zhang Fan.

But now.All this has changed.Just because his daughter is getting married to Zhang Fan.Even if it's not a wife.But since Zhang Fan came here.Then you have to pray to heaven and earth.Now that I have prayed to heaven and earth.Then the other party would have to bend his knees.

This feeling.It was definitely what Fang Zhenqian wanted most.Even Zhang Fan was kneeling in front of him.Even Zhang Fan had a smile on his face.But don't mention how uncomfortable it is in my heart.But the bare minimum.On the surface.Zhang Fan still had to be respectful to him.You have to call him father-in-law very kindly.

about this point.It also did not follow the rules of the Han people.To a person of Zhang Fan's status.Just marry a wife.But the words of concubines.For the father of a concubine.There is no need to be so polite.But unfortunately.Even Fang Zhenqian didn't tell him about this.Zhang Fan could understand the reason behind this.

even though.If Zhang Fan really stood up.Just don't call him that.Fang Zhenqian had nothing to do with him.But no matter what Zhang Fan thought.He also didn't want to make things so rigid.otherwise.For the Five Poisons Sect and Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan didn't think it mattered.But it's not easy to say about Fang Yueling.

This is where Zhang Fan's emotional changes towards Fang Yueling can be fully reflected.If nothing happened last night.Even now, what method Fang Zhengan used.Forcing Zhang Fan to marry Fang Yueling.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to give in like this.And now.It is because Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling are husband and wife.That's why Zhang Fan is like this.Actually.It was just that Zhang Fan was accommodating Fang Yueling.

And this.Fang Zhenqian can naturally see it.

But for Zhang Fan.If possible.He really didn't want Fang Zhenqian to know his thoughts.but now.Because Fang Yueling was also there.So Zhang Fan had no way to hide this idea.After all, he is about to ask the other party to kneel down.This is already completely exposed.

There is no master of ceremonies here today.There was no matchmaker in this marriage either.But since it is worshiping heaven and earth.Then there must be someone to remind you.And now.This task fell on Yu'er.

For Yu'er.For this person who absolutely does not want to see this marriage.This task is undoubtedly very cruel.From yesterday to today.She was always in a bad mood.Although she clearly knew.Even after Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan got married.I spend the most time with her.but.Yu'er still can't stand this fact.

The original Fang Yueling.things with her.Although I didn't think about anything about men's love.But naturally, it is impossible to think about the woman who is by her side.And the future Fang Yueling.The feelings for Yu'er will naturally not change.But on weekdays.I'm afraid he will think of Zhang Fan.

Although the result is the same before and after.But for Yu'er.Fang Yueling didn't even think about anything.Including not even caring about her.But it was much better than Fang Yueling thinking of Zhang Fan from time to time.

And now.Yu'er has no way to change this matter.even.Not only can she not change this matter.You have to see it happen with your own eyes.She even helped the two get married.This is for Yu'er.What an ordeal.But she couldn't escape it.

This is heaven and earth.That's how it started when it was so confusing.And among these four people.There are two people who are full of displeasure.And the other two.One is extremely comfortable.One is fantasizing wildly.

"Pray to heaven and earth." Yu'er stood aside.The smile on his face was unnatural.But she spoke up anyway.There are not too many rules and words.Come to think of it, even if there is.Yu'er wouldn't say anything either.

There is no problem in worshiping heaven and earth.Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling followed suit very politely.

"Second obeisance to the high hall." Yu'er shouted again.Even though I know it's impossible.But she has been fantasizing.It would be good if I exchanged positions with Zhang Fan.

Worship high hall.That's the point.The tea on the side has already been prepared.For Fang Yueling.There is nothing wrong with bowing down to one's father.She didn't hesitate.Just knelt down like this.

And to Zhang Fan's side.He began to hesitate.Although logically speaking.The two of them should kneel down at the same time.Even if not at the same time.One side knelt down first.Then the other party should also kneel down quickly.But Zhang Fan naturally hesitated now.

Fang Yueling naturally knew what Zhang Fan was hesitating in.But for Fang Yueling.She wasn't worried about Zhang Fan.Even the two don't know each other very well.But Fang Yueling always felt this way.Zhang Fan would kneel down.Moreover.Today's Fang Yueling.My heart is very chaotic.Always thinking about something that is not there.How could there be so much effort to notice Zhang Fan's hesitation.Just a little thought.She continued to think about her feelings.

Naturally, Fang Zhenqian did not intend to urge.On the contrary, it is very funny with a pair.He looked at Zhang Fan as if he was watching a play.This made Zhang Fan even more unhappy.

As for Yu'er on the side.It is smiling.But his eyes were fixed on Zhang Fan.Spit out anger.Where would she notice these details now.even.I'm afraid even she noticed.Not only won't blame Zhang Fan.I'm afraid I still hope that Zhang Fan will delay as long as possible.For today's Yu'er.this wedding.Even if it takes a little longer.It's a good thing for her.Although it is inevitable in the end.But she still hopes so.

In the end it was Zhang Fan.Although he understands.It can even be said that he already understood.The other party is doing something about kneeling inevitable.and.It can be said that Zhang Fan has already made plans.I have already prepared in my heart.But when it really comes to an end.He still couldn't let it go completely.

but.This matter is already in sight.Now there is no way to last.Zhang Fan gritted his teeth.Finally, he bent his knees.

And just when his knees had touched the ground.Fang Zhenqian, who was sitting in front of him, hurriedly stood up from his actions.walked up to him.Lift him up.Not only that.Fang Zhenqian also put on a happy look.Said: "Oh. Why does Yuande need to be so polite. Although it is now worshiping heaven and earth. But the things between you and me are all called Abi. There is no need to be like this."

Zhang Fan stood up instead.But his mood became worse.And Fang Zhenqian in front of him.The satisfied look on his face.It made Zhang Fan so angry that he wanted to do something.

Since you, Fang Zhenqian, have said so.Why not stop it sooner.You have to wait until your knees are on the ground before coming to help.Isn't it obvious that this is just to see Zhang Fan's jokes?

but.Even Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.But there is still no way.angry.Of course not.

finally.Zhang Fan could only show a smile all over his face.Fang Zhenqian said: "If that's the case, then forgive my son-in-law for being rude." Even the word "son-in-law".If it weren't for the particularity of this wedding.Zhang Fan would never shout out.

"Hahahaha..." Fang Zhenqian.Naturally, he laughed proudly.

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