Although Zhang Fan has already thought about it, it is not a troublesome thing to talk about Fang Zhenqian, and Fang Yueling's side, Zhang Fan will not think there is any problem, but when he goes to see Fang Zhengan Before doing it, he had to go to Fang Yueling and tell her about the matter.

This is actually because Zhang Fan's feelings for Fang Yueling have changed now. If he doesn't care about Fang Yueling's feelings, then he doesn't need to do this anymore. He just needs to tell Fang Yueling what has been decided. At that time, she will definitely agree, but because Zhang Fan cares about Fang Yueling's feelings very much now, before he makes a decision, even if he knows Fang Yueling will agree, he will still go and tell her.

Today's Fang Yueling is very relaxed. She doesn't have Joanna's troubles anymore. Although her current position is not much different from Joanna's, her mood must be the same as Joanna's. It was completely different. Obviously, Fang Yueling was very happy with what happened during the outing this afternoon.

This is the difference in the situation. Although from a standpoint, Fang Yueling is no different from Joanna today, but in comparison, the current situation is somewhat different from what Joanna encountered. Yes, why, compared to Joanna, she had no relationship with Zhang Fan at first, but now, the relationship between her and Zhang Fan is one step closer than Joanna.

The original Joanna had already established a relationship with Zhang Fan, and there was only one step left, that is, there was only one less ceremony, and she officially became Zhang Fan's woman. Before that, the relationship between Joanna and Zhang Fan The foundation is already very deep.

But she was different. Before that, even though she knew Fang Zhenqian's plan and accepted it in her heart, the situation she encountered made it impossible for her to accept it all at once. Obviously before, the relationship between her and Zhang Fan was only limited to mutual benefit, but now, the relationship between her and Zhang Fan is one step closer than that with Joanna.

Not to mention anything else, after all these things, Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan have undergone earth-shaking changes. Today's Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan are the same as Zhang Fan's for her, full of love. As for, Even if they were not familiar with each other before, it did not hinder the deepening of their relationship.

And with the deepening of this feeling, Fang Yueling began to worry about some things that she would never have worried about at all, for example, what her life would look like in the future, and about the fact that she was going to follow Zhang Fan went back to the capital together and lived under the same roof as Zhang Fan.

And these things, Joanna can't help but stop thinking about it. Zhang Fan doesn't have to think too much about what it will look like and what will happen at that time, but Zhang Fan's family, his mother, him How will her wife and women treat her, and in what way should she treat them.

These are all things that Fang Yueling needs to consider now.

This afternoon, during the conversation with Joanna, the relationship between the two of them suddenly changed from almost no acquaintance with each other to a very good relationship, which also made Fang Yueling very happy.

Although it is really inappropriate to say this, Fang Yueling obviously regards Joanna as an experiment object, or a stepping stone to open up her future relationship with the Zhang family. That is to say, in Fang Yueling's view, the Although she doesn't know about the situation here, as well as the situation in Zhang Fan's house, she can learn some of these things through Joanna's mouth.

And even if what Joanna said is not exhaustive, or even discrepant, but it doesn't matter, the most important thing is, at the very least, the relationship between Fang Yueling and Joanna has become very good now, even if she waits until she When she arrived in the capital and lived in Zhang Fan's house, she found that Zhang Fan's family did not treat her very well, but at the very least, she now had Joanna, a good friend with whom she had a very good relationship.

That is to say, no matter what the future holds, at least Joanna will not have any opinion on Fang Yueling. This is naturally a good thing for Fang Yueling, so Fang Yueling is in a very good mood now.

Not only thinking about the future, but also the Whites I talked to Joanna this afternoon, it seemed that she knew something that she had never known before, or even imagined. Of course, the so-called These things are actually those things about Zhang Fan, which naturally also include some private things.

Although, now Fang Yueling has become Zhang Fan's person both physically and mentally, and not only in terms of her name, she has become Zhang Fan's woman, but both of them have already done all the things they should do. It has been done, but even so, what Joanna said to her, now that she thinks about it like this, she still can't help but feel a little hot.

It was conceivable that the two of them chatted about something in the afternoon, and it seemed that it was not unreasonable for Zhang Fan to turn dark when he came back.

While Fang Yueling was thinking about these things, she also heard Zhang Fan's footsteps. She is not Joanna, she has no martial arts skills. After these two days, she has already recovered, and now, when Zhang Fan is still a long way from here, she has already heard Zhang Fan's footsteps.

Although Fang Yueling didn't know what Zhang Fan was looking for at this time, she was naturally very happy. Moreover, at this time, and with the fact that the two of them were married, Zhang Fan's coming here was probably coming back. Resting, Fang Yueling's complexion became even more rosy when she thought about what happened at night, and the topics she and Joanna talked about in the afternoon.

With some anxiety, anticipation, and shyness, Joanna heard the door opened and Zhang Fan walked in.

"You're back," Fang Yueling seemed to be trying to hide her shyness. After seeing Zhang Fan, she was the first to speak, "It's only Xu time, are you going to rest, or are you tired from the afternoon outing?"

Hearing Fang Yueling talk about going out in the afternoon, Zhang Fan's complexion turned dark again, but now that he really doesn't care about these things, Zhang Fan straightened his mind and said, "No, I will ask you more later. Go talk to your father about something, but now, I have something to tell you first, "

"What's the matter..." At the beginning, Fang Yueling didn't pay much attention to it, but in the middle of her words, she realized that something was wrong with Zhang Fan's expression, so she straightened her face and asked, " Did something happen?" She was fine before, but Fang Yueling found that Zhang Fan had a serious expression on his face, obviously something had happened, which also made Fang Yueling become serious.

"Outside... there have been some changes in the past two days," Zhang Fan said, "Originally, I planned to leave tomorrow and take you back to Beijing, but now, this plan has to be changed."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yueling immediately asked, although many of her expressions were concerned, but more of them were disappointment. Apparently, Fang Yueling thought that Zhang Fan didn't plan to take her back to Beijing.

"Tomorrow, I will still go on the road," Zhang Fan said, "but my subordinates will not leave, and neither will Joanna. They will all stay here for a while, but you have to follow me, although I, a grown man, really shouldn't say these words, but along the way, I still have to rely on your protection, "

Originally, Fang Yueling was very disappointed. She didn't blame Zhang Fan. After all, if something happened outside that changed Zhang Fan's plan, it was not Zhang Fan's fault. But she was very disappointed. Once she couldn't go to the capital with Zhang Fan, but now, when she heard that Zhang Fan still planned to take her, and only she and Zhang Fan were on the road, Fang Yueling's mood was really indescribable, but she was happy, That absolutely is.

"Don't be happy just now," Zhang Fan naturally understood Fang Yueling's thoughts, but his face did not soften, and he said, "Some things I have to say first, this trip, only you and me, but It's very dangerous, beyond these mountains, Zhu Xuanqi's soldiers and horses have already surrounded him. Although he didn't say what he was going to do, it was clear that he wanted to catch me, or even kill me.

"And there are some things in the capital that I have to go back to do right away. If I go out with two hundred people, I will be bumped into them right away, and then I will be in trouble. So I plan to go with two people, and the others will not." Bring, just take you, if we two, one man and one woman, it's easier to muddle through.

"It's just that this trip, if you don't say it well, you may give up your life. If I don't say it alone, I may catch up with you. You have to figure it out. I will never force you,"

Although what Zhang Fan said was completely for Fang Yueling's consideration, but he could figure it out clearly. In fact, he was completely tantamount to persecuting Fang Yueling. That is to say, the more Fang Yueling would agree, the more helpless she would be to refuse.

"Don't think about it anymore, I agree." Sure enough, Fang Yueling didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed, "This is the way to do it. No matter what Longwan Tiger's Den is outside, I will accompany you." Let's go for a while, "

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