The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1371 Please, My Lord

Now.Obviously Zhang Fan was begging Fang Zhenqian for help.But the situation turned around.It turned into Zhang Fan forcing Fang Zhenqian to help him.What Zhang Fan raised.Although it was clearly a slogan of asking Fang Zhenqian to help.But actually.These things that Zhang Fan raised.Fang Zhenqian had no way to refuse.This is equivalent to Zhang Fan forcing him.

And facing Zhang Fan's persecution of him.In fact, Fang Zhenqian has no ability or reason to resist.Anyway.If Fang Zhenqian helped Zhang Fan with this matter.That is actually tantamount to helping yourself.But if Fang Zhenqian rejected Zhang Fan's request.It is equivalent to him planting a huge hidden danger for Zhang Fan's "help".Fang Zhengan was in a dilemma.

In other words.Although it is a dilemma.In fact, Fang Zhenqian was given a choice.But it can be said that there is almost no.That is.Fang Zhenqian now has only one choice.Then the only choice is to agree with Zhang Fan.Ask Fang Yueling to follow him into danger.There is only one.but.Although there is only one way to go.But this involved Fang Yueling's life and death after all.So even if he has only one way to go.But he still had to consider the pros and cons of it clearly.

But for Zhang Fan.How could he not understand.In fact, Fang Zhenqian's idea.His heart is also very Zhang Fan just needs to wait for Fang Zhenqian to speak out.There is no need to urge him any more.

therefore.When Fang Zhenqian said that he had already thought about it.Zhang Fan was not surprised at all.This is an inevitable outcome.So Zhang Fan was naturally not surprised.

"The old man promised you." Sure enough.Fang Zhenqian said what Zhang Fan wanted. "The old man agrees to let Yueling go with you. It's just that this favor is not a little bit of what you owe. As for how you will pay it back at that time. The old man doesn't know yet. But this favor will be paid back. That's quite It's not easy. Son-in-law, have you thought about it yet?"

"I've been worrying about this for a long time." Zhang Fan said to Fang Zhenqian.There was no change in expression.Did not show any trouble.On the contrary, he looked relaxed. "Since I made this kind of request, I have to pay a price when I think about it. As for this matter, how much is the price to be paid. Although I don't know it in my heart, I probably understand it. Please rest assured, Master Fang .I will never deny this matter.”

"That's good." Fang Zhenqian said. "But about tomorrow's matter. Although the old man agreed to let Yue Ling and you go on the road, but the old man still has some plans."

"Old Master Fang, please speak clearly." Zhang Fan was not in a hurry.Don't say that Fang Zhenqian has agreed to his request now.more importantly.Now Zhang Fan can only think of such a way.Although Zhang Fan now thinks that doing so is not bad.But think about it.Zhang Fan in such a short time.Can think of such a way.It's already pretty good.Not to mention this method.There is still a lot of adventure in it.

But Zhang Fan can't think of any other way now.Or some better way.

But Fang Zhenqian is different.After all, Fang Zhenqian got the news earlier than Zhang Fan.So Fang Zhenqian had more time to think about this matter than Zhang Fan.Although what Zhang Fan proposed now is indeed a solution.Perhaps Fang Zhenqian had thought of it too.But maybe Fang Zhenqian thought of something that Zhang Fan didn't think of.There might be a better way.

"Although the old man agreed to let Yueling go with you, the two of you go out," Fang Zhenqian said. "The old man also knows. This is a gamble. But just betting like this. The old man is still not at ease. Therefore, the old man has to make some preparations. You two go out. If Yue Ling is alone, you can walk in the dark Don't be discovered by them. But take you. The two of you can only go out of sight.

"But other than that. The old man will send people to go with you. But these people are naturally in the dark. You can't see them. Yue Ling won't find out either. Let alone the soldiers under Zhu Xuanqi. But If something really happened to you. They will come out and help you out."

"This... I have to thank Old Master Fang." Although he said.Fang Zhenqian came up with this idea.All with good intentions.But Zhang Fan is concerned about this matter.In fact, there is some hesitation.

"Hehe." Fang Zhenqian looked at Zhang Fan's expression.But he laughed.Naturally, he could see what Zhang Fan was thinking.said with a smile. "The old man understands what you are thinking. You must be thinking. I am a disciple of the Five Immortals. Is my skill as good as I said. I can follow you without being discovered. Protect you. Presumably you too I think. I am a disciple of the Five Immortals. I am afraid that the people brought by you, the virtuous son-in-law, may not be as powerful. But you yourself don’t think that your own people can achieve such a level. But the old man dared to say this. Yes Not so."

have to say.Fang Zhengan was right.And Zhang Fan faced Fang Zhenqian's words.Really can't say anything.I can only acquiesce with a wry smile.In fact, Zhang Fan was thinking about the problem Fang Zhenqian mentioned.

even though.The Five Poisons Sect is a sect of Jianghu.The disciples under the door often travel the rivers and lakes.Whether it is vision or skill.All have a lot of training.Absolutely not bad.But compared to Jin Yiwei under him.These gangs in the rivers and lakes.But it may not be much better than them.And now things.Zhang Fan really felt it.Even if you pick out a few extremely elite people from among your own subordinates.I'm afraid it may not be possible to do so.

But Fang Zhenqian said such words with a very confident appearance.Zhang Fan naturally couldn't believe it.But after Fang Zhenqian said such a thing.Zhang Fan didn't see it that way.After all, since he can say that.Thinking about it, Fang Zhenqian should have a reason to support his self-confidence.So Zhang Fan planned to listen to Fang Zhenqian's words first.Then make a decision.

certainly.Naturally, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to agree to this matter without thinking.To know.If what Fang Zhenqian said is true.That's a good thing to do.After all, someone was following him in the dark behind him.Help at critical times.That is absolutely necessary.

But if it is said that these people sent by Fang Zhenqian are not worthy of their names.At that time, once they expose their whereabouts.It's not just that there is no way to help Zhang Fan and the others.It might even make things worse.

Therefore, before Zhang Fan accepted it.You have to listen to Fang Zhenqian to explain clearly.Otherwise he would not agree.

"If it's just about martial arts and skills, maybe the people sent by the old man may not be comparable to the people under Mr. Zhang. At most, it can only be a tie." Fang Zhenqian explained. "But Master Zhang, have you ever thought about it? This is the territory of my Five Immortals. Don't say it's in these mountains. Or a place outside the mountains. Even the whole of Sichuan. I can guarantee it. Except for their own Other than people. No outsider will be more familiar than them. After all, this is the place where my Five Immortals sect lives and lives. Naturally, this kind of thing needs to be understood. Otherwise, after hundreds of years, my Five Immortals How could the religion survive so safely.

"So. That's what this old man thinks about. Let these people follow in the dark. If nothing happens, you and Yueling can get out of Sichuan safely. That's a good thing. They will never show up. But once you The two ran into Zhu Xuanqi's army. If they didn't get away with it and started fighting, they would appear. Help you. Be human. The number of people sent out by the old man is wrong. I want to really fight with Zhu Xuanqi's men. Victory. I'm afraid there is nothing you can do. But if you let them help you rush out, there is still no problem.

"Of course. This kind of situation. It's better not to appear. Otherwise, even if you can rush out. I'm afraid it's not a good thing."

"No one knows about such things." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "You can only obey the destiny. But the old leader Fang can do this. It is really a great help. Gratitude. There is nothing in return."

"It's impossible to get nothing in return." Fang Zhenqian waved his hand.Said. "Let's count this into the favor you owe. In this way, it may be troublesome for you to pay back in the future. But my account is easy to settle."

Fang Zhenqian is just sitting on the ground and raising the price.Obviously he did.sent men to follow them.Protect them in the dark.It can be said that Fang Zhenqian was thinking about Fang Yueling's safety.But he insisted on putting this account on Zhang Fan's head.

Although Zhang Fan didn't understand this truth in his heart.But now the situation is stronger than people.Even if he knew.Do this for Fang Zhenqian.He is also helpless.Can't say anything at all.And he had to be happy to accept it.certainly.For Zhang Fan today.Anything that can help him.All he needs.So not only would Zhang Fan not refuse.He would even happily accept Fang Zhenqian's proposal.

"Of course it's a good thing." Zhang Fan said to Fang Zhengan with a smile. "This matter is settled like this. If I can get out of trouble this time and return to the capital, then I really owe the Five Poisons Sect a huge favor. In the future, whether it is the old leader Fang or the Five Poisons Sect If there is anything that needs to be used by Jin Yiwei, just ask. As long as it can be done. No matter how troublesome it is, I will help."

"A good son-in-law can do this. That would be the best." Fang Zhenqian also had a smile on his face.Said. "That being the case, this matter is settled. You don't have to see those people. I will let them go out tonight. When you go out, they will follow you.

"As for you and Yue Ling. Although it's settled, it still needs to be considered. It's no problem for a man and a woman to go on the road. But it seems that we still have to disguise ourselves."

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