Zhang Fan's current acting skills.Although it's not perfect.But it's definitely not bad.the main thing.It still depends on who it is for.And use it in a different way.

Let's say right now.For the soldiers under Zhu Xuanqi in front of him.The biggest one here is a corporal.And for these people.Naturally, it must be used in a way that makes these people feel unusual.For example, the reason he discussed with Fang Yueling.Just rushing home to see people one last time.And this kind of thing.Put it on these people who also came from ordinary people.Naturally, there are many resonances.It is also easier for these people to believe his words.

certainly.Now it's not just this way that you can pass the level.Because he and Fang Yueling came out from here.The distance from the official road is really far away.So for those Zhu Xuanqi's soldiers who are now waiting here.They certainly won't let the question go.You must ask to understand.And this situation.The two had already considered it before.

but.The reason for how to say this is relatively simple.But how to make these people let them go.But it is different.Reasons for taking this path.There are literally tens of thousands.Too much too much.Each one has the possibility of being recognized by these people.But the most important thing.It still depends on what you should say when the time comes.

like now.Zhang Fan was talking about the mother he and Fang Yueling pretended to be.It came through the mountains.Just this sentence.It can actually be suspicious.Come across the mountain.It's not a problem.The mountains.Although there are five poisons in it.But no one knows.And there are many people who go this way.

the most important is.Although it is said that Zhu Xuanqi's army has surrounded this place.But as said before.After all, there are only 2000 people. 2000 people surrounded here.Naturally, some places will be vacant.For those teams of more than ten people, dozens of people, or even hundreds of people.They are naturally impossible to miss.And for Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling like they are now.Two people walking.But it is possible to become a fish that slipped through the net.

certainly.Zhu Xuanqi had also considered this issue.Consider after Zhang Fan knew the situation outside in the mountains.Will it come out alone.But Zhu Xuanqi gave up this possibility after thinking about it.no matter what.He didn't even think that a person of Zhang Fan's status would dare to be alone.Or walk out with only one or two guards.

That's why.When the corps leader heard Zhang Fan say that they came from the north.But there is no reason for doubt.In his opinion.Maybe Zhang Fan and Zhang Fan managed to come here without being discovered by the inspectors over there.

And in this way.He naturally wanted to ask how it was in the mountains.After all, nowadays.Their mission is here.Cut off Zhang Fan.Once found out.Immediately notify the staff to come over.And Zhu Xuanqi was very sure.Zhang Fan and his subordinates hid in these mountains.But Zhu Xuanqi issued a strict order.The people under his command.Never set foot in these mountains.

After all, this place is really too big.Let alone 2000 people.Just double it. 4000 people went in.It's also completely useless.And in this kind of place. 200 people can easily use the geographical advantage to feel that they have several times more people than them.

certainly.Logically speaking, since Zhu Xuanqi's soldiers and horses are not familiar with these mountains.Then Zhang Fan who came from afar should not be familiar with him.Both parties were in an unfamiliar mountain forest.Naturally, the side with more Zhu Xuanqi's subordinates will win.But Zhu Xuanqi didn't see it that way.In his opinion.Zhang Fan will lead people directly into here.There must be some reason.For this kind of unknown.Zhu Xuanqi was still a little worried.

Now.The corporal met Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling in disguise.And also learned from them.The two came through the mountains.At this time, the two came out.Obviously spent the night in the mountains last night.

That's not a big deal.I've said it before.There are a lot of people passing by here.Although not too familiar with here.But in these mountains.It has already been arranged by the people of the Five Poison Sect to enter the mountain from four directions: east, west, north, south.At the same time, it looks like it can come out from any place.

and.Although here is just as Fang Zhenqian said before.Really complex terrain.The five poisons are complete.But these five poisons are not all over the mountain.But only in certain places.The Five Poisons Sect created a place for pedestrians to rest and walk.Naturally it is impossible.

In short.The corps leader heard what Zhang Fan said.He immediately asked about the situation in the mountains.If you can ask something from Zhang Fan's mouth.So that they can successfully catch Zhang Fan's words.Then he was lucky.

Zhu Xuanqi had already paid a heavy reward in the army.As long as it can be caught.Even the person who killed Zhang Fan.That is definitely rewarding.But how much is the reward.Zhu Xuanqi still didn't say anything.But Zhu Xuanqi was very generous to his own people in the past.So even without saying.The people below absolutely understand.This is definitely an opportunity to enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth.

certainly.Those who caught and killed Zhang Fan.I'm afraid there will only be one.so.In order for others to be active as well.Zhu Xuanqi also said.Even if you can't catch it.They also failed to kill Zhang Fan's people.As long as Zhang Fan can be found.Or news or something.A hundred taels of gold will be rewarded.This is for those soldiers.That was of course a windfall.

It is precisely because of this.That's why the people under Zhu Xuanqi are so active.The corps leader heard Zhang Fan say that the two of them spent the night in the mountains.Only then will I ask what it looks like inside.

And Zhang Fan's heart is naturally clear.and.Even so.In Zhang Fan's mind at the moment.It is even more clear.He understands the situation.Although the corporal heard the story made up by the two of them.Has become extremely excited.My mind is probably not as clear as before.But Zhang Fan will not become arrogant because of this.

so.Zhang Fan's answer.It's a completely unknown appearance.He was not in a hurry to say that there was no one else in the mountain.Nothing.If so.Isn't this the same as revealing stuffing?certainly.It is very likely that the corporal leader will not notice these things.But for Zhang Fan.Now he has to be careful about everything.so.Zhang Fan put on a look of bewilderment.It looked like he couldn't understand what he was saying.

This is just in case.

The corps leader heard what Zhang Fan said.Immediately became anxious.But obviously.He wasn't blaming Zhang Fan.I'm just anxious to know what's going on inside: "No. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about this mountain...is there...is there anything unusual in the mountain."

"An unusual place." Zhang Fan asked again.Putting on an even more inexplicable appearance. "Master, this is the first time for my mother and son to pass here. This mountain. I have never been here before. I also heard from passers-by on the road. This road is faster and more stable. There are no people. This What does it look like in the mountains? This is my first time here. I don’t know what’s unusual.”

"Oh..." The corporal leader heard Zhang Fan say this.Obviously more impatient.He even grabbed Zhang Fan's shoulders. "I'm asking you. Did you see any other people in the mountains? Not to mention those walking. There are many. Nearly two hundred people. And all of them have swords."

This time.Zhang Fan was really taken aback.He really didn't think about it.This man is so impulsive.But such a shock.It just happened to be the occasion.Imagine how ordinary people would be if they were grabbed by the shoulders so suddenly.That must be frightening.So unintentionally.It made Zhang Fan make such a very natural movement.

And Fang Yueling on the side is even more outstanding.Although looking at the current scene.He clearly knew that the corporal leader would not hurt Zhang Fan.But because he cared about Zhang Fan very much.So when the corporal leader just wanted to move.Fang Yueling was already secretly preparing.Once something changes.Just take action to rescue Zhang Fan at any time.But even so.Fang Yueling also did not forget to do enough plays.Although secretly prepared.But on the face of it.She basically looks like an old mother who is worried that her son will be hurt.

Fang Yueling made a pair.Although a little cringe.But he still walked forward tremblingly.He opened his mouth and said: "This military master. Don't...don't blame the kid. He is very clumsy. He doesn't know how to speak. I hope the military master doesn't care about him." These words.No matter Fang Yueling's demeanor, voice, or the way she speaks.All of them are performed vividly.It is impossible to see any flaws at all.

Fang Yueling's words.It also played a role.The corporal also calmed down.Released Zhang Fan's shoulders.He opened his mouth again and said: "I was a little anxious. Now I heard a group of bandits who killed people without blinking an eye. They hid in these mountains. I want to catch these people as soon as possible." Unexpectedly, Zhu Xuanqi had a good plan.In order to avoid people's eyes and ears.Also specially called such a name.At that time, I really found Zhang Fan and his group.kill them.It can also be said to the outside world.

"This... Lord Jun. My mother and I didn't see anyone." Zhang Fan also put on a look of shock.Open your mouth and say. "This mountain is very quiet. I heard that there are no poisonous snakes or beasts. My mother and I dared to walk here. It is also very quiet inside. It seems that many people have passed by. But last night. I But no one has seen it. There are... really bandits... and there are more than 200 people inside." Zhang Fan immediately put on a look of being frightened by the words of the corporal leader.asked very worriedly.

"Indeed." The corporal was very disappointed.But still said. "However, since the two of you have come out now, you don't have to worry about it. Fortunately, these mountains are too big. Maybe they are on the other side. You two are lucky."

That's it.This is Zhang Fan's peace of mind.That's all.Thinking about it, this level can be regarded as passed.

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