The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1390 Innocent Love

the capital.early in the morning.When the time of day has just arrived.So early.Yingyue got up early.The personal maid was gone.After all this time.Yingyue always got up so early.certainly.Naturally there is a reason.It was to go to Zhaoxue.

I said it before.Zhaoxue has been pregnant ever since.It can be said that they are from the Zhang family.She is extremely precious.But this so-called baby.But it was completely different from what Zhaoxue hoped for.Zhaoxue is restless by nature.Can't stay still.But now she is not allowed to move.Rest all day.This made her a little unbearable.

fine.Every afternoon.Yingyue will always walk with her.Although I can't leave the house.I can only walk around in this mansion.But for Zhaoxue.This is the most precious time of her day.Although it is still not the time for people to worry.But since it is in the Zhang residence.Even in the past as Zhaoxue.I will also bring a maid by my side.But now.Whether it's the Zhao family or Ru Xue.It's all more worrying.Fortunately, Yingyue was with her.That's why they didn't ask any more questions.and.There are only Zhaoxue and Yingyue.It is indeed to let them be free after all.

Yingyue went to Zhaoxue early in the morning.Just because she was afraid that she would be bored by herself.Although it is very early now.For Zhaoxue who is pregnant.Let her sleep a little longer.It's also a good thing.But actually.this time.Except for Zhaoxue walking around the mansion in the afternoon.For the rest of the time, she stayed in her boudoir and talked to Yingyue.Or go to Yingyue.Sometimes Ru Xue and others came to see her.

all in all.That is to say, Zhaoxue today.Rest most of the day.Even if she doesn't actually need much rest.But it is also true.And in this way.Plus she is pregnant now.It's easy to get sleepy.Then I will sleep for a fact, today's night.Doesn't sleep too much.Will wake up early in the morning.

And Yingyue knew this too.So she also got up early in the morning.Go find Zhaoxue.Just because she was afraid that she would be lonely.

The same is true today.Yingyue actually started thinking about it before going to bed last night.What kind of topics should I find to talk to Zhaoxue today.Can make her happy.More importantly, it can help her pass the boring time.Not because of anything else.It is really because of Zhaoxue today.It seems that it is also because of the pregnancy.Becoming more emotional than ever.And the result of this.It was because she missed Zhang Fan even more.

Although it's not a big deal.But after all, Zhang Fanren is not in the capital now.And once Zhaoxue didn't find something to do.Or have nothing to say.Just be still.It doesn't take much time for a cup of tea.She would start to miss Zhang Fan.This made him look sad.And if you wait for a while.She still couldn't find anything or words to distract her.She might even cry.

for this.Yingyue has been taught many times.So now it can be said that she dare not relax at all.As far as known.Thinking that this time is almost the time for Zhaoxue to wake up.Yingyue rushed over immediately.The reason is that Zhaoxue will suddenly become depressed and cry.

But let's talk about it.In fact, it was the same for Yingyue.After all, in terms of identity.Yingyue and Zhaoxue are no different.Zhang Fan is not in the capital now.Zhaoxue is not the only one who misses him.Yingyue is no less than her.Not because of today's special circumstances.

And actually speaking.Yingyue said to herself in her heart.I did this to take care of Zhaoxue.But she also understands in her heart.In fact, she came to Zhaoxue.Why don't you want to get some comfort from Zhaoxue?

Arrived in front of Zhaoxue's room.Everyone is not exhausted yet.She had already started to speak: "Zhaoxue. I'm here. What should we do today. By the way, there is a good place in the garden. I don't think you will go. Let's go today..." Yingyue I'm halfway through my words.It was when she stepped into Zhaoxue's room door.stopped.

Not for anything else.It was just that she had just stepped into Zhaoxue's room.Instead, she saw Zhaoxue sitting at the table alone.His face was even more gloomy.Yingyue just looked at it this way.One knew that Zhaoxue was missing Zhang Fan again now.

Seeing Zhaoxue's appearance.Yingyue's complexion couldn't help but darken.Even his complexion sank a lot.Not just because of seeing Zhaoxue like this.And Zhaoxue's appearance.It also made her miss Zhang Fan herself.This kind of thing seems to be contagious.It's okay if you don't even think about it.But once someone starts thinking about it.Then the second one can easily think the same thing.

but.Yingyue is much stronger than Zhaoxue.Although her mood was also lowered a lot because of Zhaoxue.But she still forced herself to cheer herself up.Once again, he put on a smile all over his face.Go to Zhaoxue and sit down.

He looked at the breakfast on the table in front of Zhaoxue.It's already getting cold.But it has not been passive.Yingyue felt a little sad.Invite Zhaoxue's maid.Let her clear the table.Then ask the kitchen to make a new one.

"Zhaoxue. I know what you're thinking." Yingyue took Zhaoxue's hand.Said softly. "I miss Xianggong too. I want him to come back earlier. But Xianggong has something to do. It's not that he doesn't want to come back. I also heard the news from outside yesterday. It is said that the Queen Mother asked Xianggong to go to Sichuan to do something. It's done. I don't think it will take long. The husband will be back.

"Come on. Be good. Eat something later. You are pregnant now. It's not that you just say you don't want to eat. You have to feed the baby in your belly. Otherwise, Mr. I heard it. See if he doesn't scold you." According to the past situation.Naturally, this has happened before.But as long as Yingyue can say that.Zhaoxue will be obedient immediately.

"But. Why is there no news about Mr. Xiang?" Zhaoxue said.The voice was very low.Even a little bit crying.Obviously this time.Yingyue's words did not make Zhaoxue obedient.Or maybe she really missed Zhang Fan too much.And this kind of emotion accumulated in the past.It broke out suddenly today.That's why. "In the past, when Xianggong went out on business, no matter where he went, whether it was good or bad, we could at least hear what was going on. But this time, since the sudden rebellion in Sichuan, we have not heard from Xianggong. .

"Eunuch Feng has been back to the capital for so long now. But Xianggong still hasn't come back. There is no news at all. say. Did something happen to Xianggong..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Yingyue lightly patted the back of Zhaoxue's hand.stopped what she was about to say. "Xianggong, Jiren, Tianxiang. Whether it is in the desert or in the south of the Yangtze River, all of them can return safely. Now it is just to do something in Sichuan. Even if there are some accidents on the way. No, there is no damage. Huh. Thinking about it, Xianggong is only focused on rushing back now. It’s too late to send the news. Maybe today and tomorrow. Maybe he will arrive after a while.”

"You lied to me again." Zhaoxue obviously didn't believe Yingyue's words, which were obviously meant to comfort her. "I know. I'm not as smart as you. But I'm not a child. How can you believe such words."

at this time.The servant girl brought up a newly made breakfast.

"Okay, okay. You just trust me this time. If what I say is wrong, then it's up to you to deal with it." Yingyue continued to comfort Zhaoxue. "Come on. Eat something quickly. You can't do without food. Hmm. This porridge is delicious. You should drink more. Look at you these two days. You haven't eaten well. You've lost some weight. It must be before Xianggong comes back. It is enough to raise you fat for nothing. Otherwise, Xianggong will blame you."

"Pfft..." This time.Zhaoxue laughed.Don't just laugh.He also beat Yingyue lightly. "What are you talking about. What are you fat for nothing? I'm not a pig. Besides, if I really get fat. What if my husband doesn't like me. Ah. I know. This must be your bad idea. Humph. If I gain weight by then, my husband doesn’t like me anymore. But I’m going to make it easy for you.”

"Yes yes yes. It's all my bad idea." Zhaoxue spoke like a child.Even Yingyue, who was originally in a bad mood, laughed. "But don't think about it. If you really don't eat, what will happen if you are hungry. Wait until your husband comes back. But you don't want to make him worry. Compared with yourself, you want to make him worry. You still want to be beautiful .” I really didn’t expect it.Zhaoxue is now pregnant.After a while, I will be a mother.But still retains such innocence.It's no wonder that Zhang Fan treats Zhaoxue.There is always a kind of pampering that is different from other people.

"I...I want to be beautiful." Zhaoxue hesitated at first.But next.Even if it's duplicity.But still say so.But then she added another sentence. "Don't...and don't let Xianggong worry."

This time.Yingyue laughed even harder.

"You...what are you laughing at?" Zhaoxue was naturally displeased with Yingyue's laugh.It's just that she is more so.Yingyue laughed harder.

But at the end.Even Zhao Xue himself laughed.

So come and go.Zhaoxue's mood also improved.Also obediently intended to eat.

only.I just finished this meal.Zhaoxue's personal servant girl hurried over.

"Husband... madam." The servant girl panted.But he still opened his mouth and said, "Master... the master is back."

Zhaoxue and Yingyue heard the news.All were stunned.

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