Zhang Fan returned to the capital with Fang Yueling this time.other people.For example, Wang Meng, Liang Chao and others were absent alone.And Zhang Fan was walking in the capital.You can't always be alone by your side.But now that he has returned to the capital.Naturally, there is no need to worry about the problem of manpower.Just like now.There is an excellent candidate by his side.Wang Degui is now.

Wang Degui was also extremely happy about this.He was originally because of Zhang Fan.That's why he entered Jinyiwei.That's why he guarded the gate of Zhang's mansion so devotedly.Now Zhang Fan happened to be short of guards.Of course he wanted to follow up.But Zhang Fan didn't do that.Speak the truth.He also likes Wang Degui very much.Not only because of Wang Degui's high martial arts skills.What's more important is the delicate thoughts hidden under Wang Degui's rough appearance.For Zhang Fan.Wang Degui will not only help him a lot in the future.more importantly.He felt that Wang Degui's future was limitless.Even now he is not young.But this does not prevent Zhang Fan from thinking so.

And before.Zhang Fan asked Wang Degui to help guard the home.One reason is that Wang Degui just came back from the Northeast.Also really tired a lot.So I want to find him a slightly easier job; secondly, Zhang Fan is really worried about the safety of his family.Of course, that's mainly because Fang Yueling and her party were able to enter and leave the capital so swaggeringly.Even took him into captivity.certainly.Now Zhang Fan naturally doesn't need to worry about these things.

Zhang Fan asked Wang Degui to stay.Instead, some people were transferred from the yamen in the capital.Let them follow him back to the capital.

Obviously.as one's own.The Jinyiwei people knew the news that Zhang Fan would come back to the capital like this.After all, Zhang Fan rushed back to Sichuan from Yunnan all the way.Although the whereabouts have not been revealed.He also didn't contact the Jinyiwei yamen along the way.But they all knew that Zhang Fan would pass by here.So it is also more protected in the dark.

certainly.This move was actually very dangerous for Zhang Fan.After all, no one knows if there will be any traitors among Jin Yiwei.If once out.Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling are in danger.It was just the two of them along the way.Once someone secretly set a trap.That's troublesome.

But Zhang Fan didn't get entangled in these things.After all, everything has risks.And it's not the same as what he does.so.Zhang Fan even understood that there were risks involved.But it still behaves like this.The facts proved that Zhang Fan was right.Totally serious.Even if someone among Jin Yiwei rebelled.Or was bought.But it doesn't have anything to do with what's happening now.Nor would he take Zhang Fan's life.Zhang Fan returned to the capital safely.

Zhang Fan chose this time to go to the palace.In fact, it is not yet time to go down.certainly.Morning time.It is really uncertain.In case there is anything to discuss.That will of course take a while.But Zhang Fan didn't care about these.So he still sticks to what he thought was about the same time in the past.went forward.

Come to the palace gate.It was really quiet.It seems that the early morning is not over.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't intend to wait here either.He walked directly towards the side door next to him.

Guards here.Nothing has changed.He also knew Zhang Fan.It's just that they can't be like Jin Yiwei.He knew the news that Zhang Fan had returned to Beijing in advance.And now.Zhang Fan is in Sichuan.It is already well known in the court.But now Zhang Fan suddenly appeared in front of them.This really surprised them a bit.

It's just a surprise.But they didn't stop Zhang Fan.Still let him go.

Come on.This has to say about Zhang Fan's current status in the court.If you change someone.I'm afraid I won't be able to pass this level.And Zhang Fan has the waist badge that was given to him during the Longqing Dynasty.It is very easy to enter the palace.Just as usual.Even so.want to enter the palace.You still have to show your waist card.

And Zhang Fan rushed out of Zhu Xuanluo's siege in order to get out of Zhu Xuanluo's siege with Fang Yueling.If so.To prevent a bit from everything that might happen.Like body searches or something.In case he brought this belt on his body.Accidentally found out.That would be really revealing.So before Zhang Fan left.Take these things that can prove his identity.All were taken down and handed over to Wang Meng for safekeeping.I just pack so lightly.In this way, he returned to the capital.

so.at this time.If the guard guarding the gate really wanted to ask Zhang Fan for that waist card to check.Zhang Fan really had no choice.You can only let people in and pass it on.Or wait until the morning court.There are people I know.Then help yourself to go in and communicate.

But now it is good.Zhang Fan knew these two people.certainly.To be more precise.In fact, these two are Zhang Fan Jinyiwei's subordinates.After all, the guards in the palace.Many of them came from Jin Yiwei.It's just that although they are Zhang Fan's subordinates in name.But in fact Zhang Fan has no right to control them.

But these are not important.important.When the two met Zhang Fan.It was indeed a surprise.But after being surprised.The two immediately let Zhang Fan in.

After entering the palace.Zhang Fan didn't delay much.I'm going to go to the palace soon.After all, although this palace.It was very easy for Zhang Fan to enter the palace.But he came in this time.But I'm going to see Queen Mother Li.And the Compassion Palace.It's not that he can enter if he says he wants to.Say nothing else.If there is no one.It is impossible for the maids and eunuchs there to help him report.Therefore, he had to find someone he knew to help him inform him.And now.Feng Bao is the most suitable one in this palace.

But since the morning is not over.Then Feng Bao's people should be in the hall.After all, he is now the eunuch in charge of seals.In addition, the emperor is not in charge yet.So he also wants to go to the morning court together.

Speaking of this rule.Since the supervisor of ceremonies was called the inner minister.It has always been like this.And for the ministers.Even if they don't like it.But he is already used to this rule.

But speaking of it.Zhang Fan's luck is good today.After all, it was early in the morning.Even originally, he needed to come to court.But since the morning dynasty has started for so long.It's not good for him to go in and interrupt now.Originally, he wanted to wait until the morning court was over before looking for someone.

But when Zhang Fan arrived outside the court hall.Just in time to see the temple door open.Apparently it's gone down.This is not a waste of time at all.As soon as I arrived, it happened to go down.

Zhang Fan just thought it was a bit of a coincidence.But those ministers who came out of the hall had different reactions.These people looked at Zhang Fan who was standing outside the gate of the main hall one by one.They all opened their mouths wide open.His eyes widened.All in all, each of them looked like they couldn't believe it.

And Zhang Fan looked at the appearance of these people.It felt a little funny.Can't help but smile.Nod to them.And these people can only return the gift dully.

But right now.From inside the hall.Two figures came out.It's Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.The two went down just now.Just said a few words.Although now the Empress Dowager Li has agreed to put the matter of how to deal with Zhu Xuanqi to the back burner.But as long as Zhang Fan didn't come back for a day.But Queen Mother Li did not make a decision for a day.Both of them were not at ease.Feng Bao is better.But Zhang Ju was particularly worried.So it's been like this for both of them these days.But mostly Feng Bao was comforting Zhang Juzheng.

The same is true today.After morning is over.The two were discussing some things together again.It's just that the two of them haven't said a word yet.I heard something strange in front of the main hall.in the past.Just look at it.These ministers going out will talk about something with each other.But today.The sound that should have been there has disappeared.This surprised the two of them.They couldn't help but walked towards the outside of the hall together.

As a result, the two of them left the hall.Also saw the reason.I saw Zhang Fan standing not far away.watch them.

Zhang Fan's back.Not just to surprise the other ministers.The same is true for Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.It's just that in comparison, the two of them were surprised to see Zhang Fan.Others are happy.After all, what the two of them are worried about now.It is Empress Dowager Li who will attack Zhu Xuanqi immediately.And now Zhang Fan is back.That was naturally something that would reassure the two of them a lot.

When they saw Zhang Fan, they hurried over.

"Yuande." Zhang Juzheng spoke first. "You are back. I heard that you encountered a little trouble along the way. Eunuch Feng and I were talking about it just now. I don't know when you will come back. Now that you have returned safely, I am relieved up.

Zhang Juzheng naturally didn't say what kind of trouble Zhang Fan encountered.This matter is now only known to some relevant people.And he didn't want to spread the word about it.Otherwise, it would be extremely unfavorable to Zhu Xuanqi.therefore.That's all Zhang Juzheng could say.

"Thank you teacher for your concern. The students are safe and sound." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "This way. It's really a lot of trouble. But the students also used some special means. It was safe and sound. They left Sichuan without letting Du Yuang find out. But the distance from the capital is really far away. It's too far. I just arrived this morning too."

"Master Zhang has suffered along the way. But it's good to be back." Feng Bao who was on the side also interjected. "Since Mr. Zhang has returned, then our affairs will be easy to handle."

"Too many. I'm here now for this matter." Zhang Fan also nodded.Said. "In the end. How is the situation now? What did the Queen Mother say?"

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