Things in the Northeast have reached this point now, and although Zhang Fan is very unwilling to see this situation, he has no way to change the current situation. Therefore, he has discussed so much with Zhang Juzheng, and It's just that the damage of this matter can be minimized.

However, although the two discussed a solution, that is, before starting the war, they must first inform Li Chengliang. Once the court decides to close the tribute market with Jurchen, then Li Chengliang will immediately start to take in the local people. The people took refuge in the six forts, and they would suffer heavy casualties if they fought.

Originally, when the matter reached this point, it could only be done in this way, and there was no way to do it, but the two of them considered not only these things, but the most important thing was, who should be sent to talk about this matter, although It sounds like this is not too important, but in fact, because the object is Li Chengliang, this makes this matter more troublesome.

After all, Li Chengliang's stubborn temper, even those who have not seen him in the court, already have some understanding, Zhang Fan also understands Li Chengliang's temper, saying that he is soft and not tough, it is true No, if it is too firm, Li Chengliang will agree, but if it is too soft, Li Chengliang may not agree. Therefore, it is really learned who to send over.

As for Zhang Fan, although he thought of Li Chengliang's temper, he didn't think of who would be the right person to send there. However, when Zhang Fan asked Zhang Juzheng who he should let Li Chengliang talk to, Zhang Juzheng said it out. An unexpected person to Zhang Fan, no, actually Zhang Juzheng didn't even mention his name, he just looked at Zhang Fan.

This made Zhang Fan a little confused. If Zhang Juzheng was talking about someone else, then it would be nothing. Even if Zhang Fan dare not say that he doesn't know all the people in the court, but at the very least, he still knows the general things. Yes, Zhang Juzheng can at least know about the candidates that Zhang Juzheng mentioned.

But Zhang Juzheng actually said to let him talk to Li Chengliang about this matter, which made Zhang Fan a little confused.

"This..." Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Juzheng, and didn't know what to say. After thinking for a while, he said, "Why do you want me to go? Isn't it good to send other people in the court? If you let me go I'm not afraid that Li Chengliang will feel that Chaozhong is deliberately using me to suppress him, so let him agree?"

"Indeed, if you look at it according to Li Chengliang's temper, it's true," Zhang Juzheng nodded and said, "But this matter can't be viewed just like that. The reason why I said to let you go is naturally for a reason. Yes, and it is much better for you to do this matter than others, besides, I also hope that Li Chengliang can handle this matter well, and naturally I will not let you do bad things on purpose, "

Hearing what Zhang Juzheng said, Zhang Fan calmed down, and waited for Zhang Juzheng to explain to him, but although Zhang Fan calmed down on the surface, he was constantly thinking about this matter in his heart. No matter how he thought about it, it was unreliable for him to do this matter, but what Zhang Juzheng said was so reasonable and well-founded, which made Zhang Fan a little curious.

"Although you didn't think about this matter badly, you also thought of Li Chengliang's weird temper, but you didn't think about it completely," Zhang Juzheng said to Zhang Fan, "You just thought of Li Chengliang's stubborn temper, but you didn't think about it. Thinking that Li Chengliang is also a person who tends to power, speaking of such people, there are quite a few people in the imperial court. For example, Qi Jiguang is such a person who you are familiar with. It's really tall.

"But now it's not that there is anything wrong with this kind of person. After all, no matter whether it is Qi Jiguang or Li Chengliang, these two people really have real skills. It's nothing to do so, and he, Li Chengliang, is also such a person. For those people in the court, Li Chengliang does not buy it, but for the Queen Mother and His Majesty, he dare not ignore it.

"And this is why I let you go. After all, there is no connection between you and Li Chengliang. If I remember correctly, there is someone beside Li Chengliang who should be someone you know. That Jurchen named Nurhaci, "

When Zhang Fan heard Zhang Juzheng mentioning Nurhachi, he finally understood what he meant. If he said this, and Zhang Juzheng also said about Li Chengliang's sycophant temperament, Zhang Fan was indeed going to the Northeast this time to meet Li Chengliang. The best person to say this.

Although Zhang Fan didn't know much about Nurhachi's situation recently, judging from the last time he knew it, it was very good, regardless of Nurhachi's age, but the most important thing is that the current Nurhachi lived with Li Chengliang It is very good. Nurhachi himself has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and now, he still bears a big enemy, and the enemy is actually his grandfather. This is the time when Nurhachi can't relax at all. Even now, he I had a good life with Li Chengliang, but it's still the same.

But the current situation is not Nurhachi's problem. The most important thing is that the reason why Nurhachi has such a good life lies in the relationship between him and Zhu Yijun. I got to know Zhu Yijun, and after the two of them got to know each other like this, they became better, and the two of them didn't care about the fact that although they were not of the same clan, and their identities were very different, or at the very least, Zhu Yijun didn't care about these.

All in all, the relationship between Nurhachi and Zhu Yijun is also very good. Although the relationship between the two of them is not as deep as that between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun, there is one thing that Zhang Fan is not as good as Nurhachi Yes, that is the age difference between Nurhachi and Zhu Yijun is very small.

All in all, this kind of relationship is like this, and it is also because of this reason, so even if Nurhachi is only in his teens, even if he is not even a Han, but a Jurchen who is about to fight now, but even with these reasons, Li Chengliang still couldn't help but pay attention to him.

And it would be very logical for Zhang Fan to talk to Li Chengliang about this matter.

The matter of Nurhachi has already clearly told Zhang Fan what kind of person Li Chengliang is, but now, let him, a famous person in front of the emperor and the queen mother, tell Li Chengliang about this matter, Li Chengliang has no choice at all If he doesn't pay attention, even considering Zhang Fan's current status in the court, he will definitely listen to Zhang Fan's words, not to mention that this matter is not for him to do bad things, but for him to take in the people in advance , no matter how you think about it, this is not a difficult thing.

"It turns out that this is what the teacher came up with," Zhang Fan smiled after trying to understand what Zhang Juzheng meant, and said, "If that's the case, it seems that there is no difficulty for the students to go to the northeast to find Li Chengliang." There is nothing wrong with smiling, but in fact, there is some helplessness in his heart.

That’s right, it’s okay to let him go to the Northeast, and judging from the current situation, it’s only suitable to let him go. In order to prevent Wang Gao from being aware of it in advance, it is impossible for the imperial court to issue an imperial edict In the past, let others talk about it, the people in the court did not have that much weight, the only few people were Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.

Feng Bao is an eunuch, although he really has nothing to do recently, it’s okay to go to the Northeast and talk to Li Chengliang, but the identity of the eunuch is a problem, after all, some people hate eunuchs, Some people like it, but even if Li Chengliang is following the trend, he may not necessarily obey an eunuch's words.

And Zhang Juzheng obviously has no way to get away. After all, so many things in the court need to be taken care of by him, the chief assistant of the cabinet. Moreover, even many things in the court can be done by others, but obviously It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Juzheng to entrust these matters to other people. What's more, although the new policy of the DPRK and China, the "Testing Law" has been implemented smoothly and has matured, at this stage, people are still needed. All in all, Zhang Juzheng couldn't leave at all.

In other words, no matter how you look at this matter now, Zhang Fan is the only person in the court who has nothing to do for the time being, so this matter naturally falls on Zhang Fan's head.

"But you don't have to go right away," Zhang Juzheng said, "I know you guessed that you just came back. The things in Sichuan have kept you busy for a long time. It's not good to go out again just after you come back. Speaking of which, the situation is on the verge of breaking out, but now Wang Gao is busy gathering other tribes, and there will be no troubles for the time being, and if he doesn't make troubles, we won't be shutting down Gong City, and we still have some time left.

"But this matter should not be too procrastinated. In another month, you should go to the Northeast and meet Li Chengliang."

"Student understands," Zhang Fan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I asked you to come here tonight, not for these things," Zhang Juzheng said after finishing the first two things, and then he entered the main topic. "The main reason is to talk about the new law."

Hearing Zhang Juzheng talk about this matter, Zhang Fan knew that this was the real topic, so he couldn't help cheering up.

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