The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1406 How Can It Work?

Even Zhang Fan who is not familiar with history.And when it comes to the Ming Dynasty.Except for the emperor.The first minister who can think of it.It was definitely Zhang Juzheng.certainly.Zhang Juzheng, Zhang Fan, is at least the person with the most familiar name.Sitting in front of him now.And the relationship between the two is absolutely extraordinary.

But these are not the point.The point is to talk about the reason why Zhang Juzheng is so familiar to people.Of course it was because of what he had done.It's not about controlling the government or anything like that.Rather, Zhang Juzheng implemented the new law in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.And this new law.Even if Daming cannot be rejuvenated.But it also improved the Ming Dynasty a lot.

all in all.Zhang Juzheng is very famous.But for Zhang Fan.Of course, it means that Zhang Juzheng has not been seen yet.For Zhang Fan who doesn't understand the things of this era.Zhang Juzheng's new law.The most famous one is of course his "One Whip Method".This "One Whip Method" is much more famous than the "Examination Method".For Zhang Fan.Just its name.It is enough for Zhang Fan, who is not very proficient in history.I can remember Zhang Juzheng's name and the name of "One Whip".And because of this.Even Zhang Fan didn't quite know what the "One Whip Method" was at that time.But the most basic point.He knew that the "One Whip Law" was definitely used in civil matters.

And now.Zhang Juzheng said to Zhang Fan.I came to him because of the new law.And now.Zhang Juzheng's new law on official administration has already begun to be implemented.And the next one.Naturally, it is also used in civil matters.And since it was proposed by Zhang Juzheng.Then Zhang Fan knew it without even thinking about it.What Zhang Juzheng wanted to use was naturally the "One Whip Method".

Actually.long before that.Zhang Juzheng has already started planning this matter.And at that time.He also thought about it a lot with Zhang Fan.

Indeed.Since it is to implement the new law.Then you have to take one out.certainly.Either way.No matter how big or small.But they are all conceived by people.

At that time, there were two methods for Zhang Juzheng.One of them is to create a new method by themselves.

This is not delusional.In fact, this is the case with the "Taocheng Law".Zhang Juzheng's "Tao Cheng Fa" did borrow a lot from other people.But that's just a little bit.Many things in it.big frame.There are even many rules and regulations in it.All by himself.Of course, there is also Zhang Fan's help.That's how it's done.

And this kind of self-creation.There will always be some trouble at the beginning.Maybe not noticeable at first.But once it is actually used.There will be problems.But these are not a problem.After all, Zhang Juzheng is not just the creator of this new law.It is the executor.Coupled with today's government.It is also held in his hands.So even if there are any problems in the future.It is too late to change.

But there is another way.It is to learn from the already existing methods.Then change it up a bit.This may be with the help of predecessors.It is even the method of the previous dynasties; or it is the method that is being used today.But there is no way to promote it to the whole country.

For Zhang Juzheng today.There are two options before him.

And now.He is really not suitable.Go to create a new way again.Not to say otherwise.Just because.The words of this method.Not only does it take too long.And very troublesome.

after all.Civil affairs and official administration are completely different.It's been said before.Various things in the court.Although it is extremely troublesome.It's not just that there are many parties.And the relationship is complicated.A situation that moves the whole body with one hair.abound.But at the same time.The affairs of the court are also very simple.Because it doesn't matter to anyone.As long as it is an official.Then it is necessary to act under the court.

If so.Just make complicated things easier.As long as the court wants to change.Then no matter how complicated the following relationship is, it must be changed.

But if you put it in civil matters.It's completely different.

Maybe someone will say.It's not the same.Officials are under the court.No matter how complicated the relationship is.And if the court decides something.The officials below have to do it no matter what.If so.Isn't it the same with civil affairs?After all, no matter what.The people are also under the court.Not to mention that these common people are compared with officials.Although there are many more people.But more obedient.Once the court has made a decision.They will certainly obey.

sound.It really is that simple.But actually.This matter is much more difficult than imagined.

To know.Territory under Ming rule.How big that is.Although the imperial court did not conduct detailed statistics.But there are more reports from various provinces and governments.Today there are almost 6000 million people.What a huge number this is.

And such a huge population.It also means that the relationship between them is complicated.On the territory of Ming people.But not only Han Chinese.Even those individual ethnic groups in the southwest or northeast need to be treated individually.But even in the Central Plains.There are also many people from other races living here.And among these nations.Mutual customs are not the same.It also caused a lot of differences and troubles.

now.Even without mentioning these different nationalities.Just look at the huge nation of the Han people.And even so.It also became very complicated.There are too many Han Chinese.Distributed in the north and south of the Great Ming territory.Although these are all Han Chinese.But it doesn't mean they are the same.Contrary to each other.different places.Customs are different.This is a matter of course.even.Even people of the same nationality living in the same place.It is only because of the slight differences in the region.It will also make a huge difference between them.

If so.This is where Zhang Juzheng's troubles lie.It is also the reason why it is impossible for him to create a new law and apply it now.If he wanted to.Well no doubt.He had to create a place.People of all nationalities.Even people of the same clan but with different customs can all accept the law.

And in this way.It also meant what Zhang Juzheng had to do now.It is to understand the customs and customs of all the territories under the Ming Dynasty.This is simply impossible.Not to mention that a person's energy is limited.Even now Zhang Juzheng is in high position and weight.This kind of thing can be collected by others for him.But the information collected.But it is impossible to be exhaustive at all.And his side.Just relying on these few people.There is simply no way to take all these things into account.

so.Zhang Juzheng could only use this method of learning from others.Draw a practical one.It is also implemented in most places.And it's a method that has already worked.

And this is why Zhang Juzheng came to "One Whip Method".

all in all.Zhang Juzheng is not the inventor of "One Whip Method".It's just that he promoted the "One Whip Method".

It is too complicated to say.Simply put.Corvée in the Ming Dynasty.In the past, there were several types of Lijia official service, uniform corvee and miscellaneous general service.Among them, Lijia is the main body.On a household basis.And the households are divided into three classes and nine classes according to the amount of grain.This serves as the basis for compiling the levy of corvettes.This kind of corvee.The basis is that the small land cultivated by the family is very extensive.That's why the imperial court made such a decision.

But after the middle of Ming Dynasty.Land mergers everywhere are too serious.Officials and gentry take over, large households swindle, corvee becomes heavier, peasants flee and so on.Lijia has long been misnamed.In this way.The income of the imperial court is also decreasing year by year.

In this way.Naturally, the imperial court had to change it.Obviously, it is not practical to calculate by head.And gradually.Started to change direction from people to fields.Plus the Ming Dynasty.A commodity economy has also begun to develop.Money works better than ever.In this way.It also created the conditions for reform.

But at the same time.But there are also people who don't want that.After all, this is good for the country.But if it really changed.This tax will also come out of the field.Which one has more land.Which one has to pay more money every year.This is for those who have a large amount of land to their name.It will definitely not be a good thing.And this is actually no matter what dynasty it is in.Once you encounter a time when you need to change the law.There will be countless people who stand up against it.

And the method Zhang Juzheng planned to use.Actually the earliest time.It began to appear in Jiangnan during the Xuande period.Although it is very different from today's method.But basically they have the same.

And now.What Zhang Juzheng needs to do.That's how to use this method.Promoted to the whole country.

now.The question before Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan.It is not how this method needs to be changed so that the common people can agree.It will not cause much opposition.the most important is.How can the court pass this method.

This is a matter of the most fundamental interests.Even Zhang Juzheng is now the cabinet chief assistant university scholar.But once this kind of thing is involved.those whose interests are harmed.Will you agree or not.But it is not necessarily.Will it be implemented if it is agreed?It is also very difficult to say.

so.It's not so much that Zhang Fan and Zhang Ju are discussing how to reform at that time.It's better to say that the two are discussing what method to use to make this law popular across the country.

only.That's not too much of an issue either.After all, there will still be troubles at that time.But the court is now.That's where it stands.Even if the time comes, all the people in the court will oppose it.It is also possible to force it through.But this is naturally not what Zhang Juzheng wants.

But Zhang Fan knew it.Can this method work?It's about Empress Dowager Li.But will Queen Mother Li agree?But it was Zhu Yijun.

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