Neither Zhang Fan nor Fang Yueling knew about it.In fact, I have already followed Fang Zhenqian's way.Actually think about it.This thing couldn't be more normal.After all, it doesn't matter if it's Fang Yueling or Zhang Fan.The reason why the two will be combined.It's all because of what Fang Zhenqian did.If it wasn't for Fang Zhenqian.Even Zhang Fan was greedy for Fang Yueling's beauty.But he won't do that kind of rape.And Fang Yueling is a woman.What's more, as Fang Zhenqian's daughter.It is absolutely impossible for her life trajectory to allow her to have any admiration for Zhang Fan.Not to mention Fang Yueling after meeting Zhang Fan.He didn't show any affection either.

but.Fang Zhenqian is for the Five Poisons Sect.Or to be more precise.It is for the future of Fang's family.Ask Jin Yiwei to form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect.Fang Yueling should also be given to Zhang Fan as a concubine.So as to ensure that this alliance can last for a long time.Make sure that Zhang Fan can take care of Fang Yueling in the future.

And there's an obvious problem here.If no means are used.Obviously Zhang Fan would not agree to do this.Just think about it from a security point of view.Zhang Fan would not do this.After all, put a Fang Yueling who knows martial arts at home.And not very willing to marry his own woman.Zhang Fan will worry about the safety of his home.

And Fang Zhengan for this matter.It was forcing Fang Yueling.Let her deal with Zhang Fan in advance.If so.Zhang Fan really had to give Fang Yueling a title.

But Ruoguang is just like that.Apparently still not enough.Why.Because if so.This was not what Zhang Fan wanted to do.I don't care what Fang Yueling thinks for now.At least this matter is not what Zhang Fan wants to do.In this way.Zhang Fan's attitude towards Fang Yueling in the future.One can imagine.Even if it is possible that Fang Yueling will be able to give birth to an heir to Zhang Fan in the future.Even if it's a boy.But Zhang Fan.Even the people of the Zhang family.Maybe he will love this child very much.But for Fang Yueling.I'm afraid it will just be more annoying.

If so.Fang Zhenqian's move can be regarded as stinky.It's not just the misery that can be described by such a sentence as losing his wife and losing his army.

And Fang Zhenqian is a very smart person.Especially the time when he was imprisoned for so many years.this kind of experience.But not everyone can experience it.And people who have experienced this kind of thing.There are nothing more than two results.Or just go crazy.Or just become more sensible.And obviously.Fang Zhenqian is the latter kind of person.Today's Fang Zhenqian.It is no longer the original style of acting impulsively.Even the original him.Act more cautiously.But now Fang Zhenqian.But he has become more cautious.

So clubhouse.Such and such Fang Zhenqian.How could he fail to consider what the future of this matter will become.And now that he has considered this obvious future.How can there be no advance preparation for this kind of thing?

The answer is naturally no.Now that Fang Zhenqian has considered it.Then it will be natural to make corresponding preparations.But for Fang Zhenqian.Let Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling cultivate their relationship by themselves.Obviously impossible.Not to mention Zhang Fan's temperament.Fang Yueling is his biological daughter.What kind of temper does his own daughter have.How could he not know.

Needless to say.Fang Yueling even married Zhang Fan.But she is still the leader of the Five Poison Sect.It is impossible to live in the Zhang family for several years.Let them develop feelings.And once the two live in two places.We can only see once a year.Even one side may not be able to see.This is for Fang Zhenqian's extremely disadvantageous.

so.Fang Zhengan needed some means.Just to make this a little bit faster.And this means.For Fang Zhenqian.It is also extremely simple and convenient.After all.It's just poison.

certainly.Even with poison.There are also some problems here.That is Fang Yueling.Fang Yueling's martial arts.Including things about poison.All were taught by Fang Zhenqian himself.And Fang Yueling is his biological daughter.Perhaps for disciples with foreign surnames.A master may hide his secrets.But for his own flesh and blood.Fang Zhenqian taught him everything naturally.

The actual situation is exactly as Fang Yueling said.Even in terms of making and using poison.Fang Yueling is not as good as Fangfang Zhenqian.But if it comes to admitting to drugs.It is absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to be much worse than Fang Zhenqian.

That is.Now this matter.The difficulty was how to get Fang Yueling to take the poison.But even she didn't notice it.

And this did not bother Fang Zhenqian.Don't say it.He really has such a prescription.The reason why Fang Zhenqian didn't hand over this house to Fang Yueling at the beginning.It's not because he's being extremely secretive.Even his own daughter refused to teach.It was because Fang Zhenqian was teaching Fang Yueling back then.I feel that the poison prepared by this prescription.It's just useless.It has no practical value at all.Even Fang Zhengan himself.If it weren't for this incident in front of you.He almost forgot about this recipe.

now.But it happened to be used by him.And the people used.Except for Zhang Fan, who he can benefit from.And there is his own biological daughter.

This recipe.It sounds like those top poisons.Colorless and odorless.It is made like clear water.Even if you taste it yourself, there is nothing unusual about it.But this works.But not to be underestimated.

If it is only used by one person.It has no effect at all.Even if two people take it.As long as they are of the same sex.Also ineffective.But if the persuasion uses two men and women.This effect is up.certainly.This so-called effect.Naturally, it is between men and women.Even if they were originally sworn enemies.Even people who have never heard of it.But once the two meet.Immediately, he will look at mung beans.Eyes met.Perhaps this description is a bit vulgar.But that's how it is.

If both men and women take this medicine.Even if the woman is an old woman in her seventies and eighties, and the man is only two decades old; even if the man is an old man in his seventies and eighties.And the woman is a young girl in her [-]s and [-]s.always.Regardless of how both men and women are.Once the two meet.This feeling will arise immediately.And although this kind of feeling is said to come without a trace.There is no reason.But it doesn't make the parties feel weird.Maybe you'll notice later.But I don't think there is any problem.

certainly.In order to prevent others from eating by mistake.Fang Zhenqian only made enough for two people.And it was time to find an opportunity to inject the poison when the two of them were bound to take it.

all in all.Fang Zhengan relied on this.That's what made them what they are today.But Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling didn't notice it at all.Even if you think this thing is a bit weird.But think about it carefully.But there's nothing wrong with it at all.

That's right.After all, even Fang Yueling couldn't detect it.That's even more urgent, not to mention that Zhang Fan is completely ignorant of things like poison.

And this poison.Of course there is time.This colorless and odorless lovesickness poison.It's also weird.It can be managed for ten years.There is no cure for this poison.Ten years later, it unraveled naturally.certainly.If you insist on solving it.It's not impossible.One of the two poisoned people was killed.It's all over.

And ten years.For Fang Zhenqian.It is completely enough.think about it.What it will look like ten years from now.No one can guarantee.But there is one thing Fang Zhenqian is sure of.Ten years later.Fang Yueling will definitely give birth to an heir to Zhang Fan.Not even just one.

Wait until then.Even if the poison on them is resolved.But it is impossible for the two to be separated again.After ten years of intimacy.There is no way to forget it if it is replaced by anyone.It's only going to get deeper.

even.Things at that time.Fang Zhenqian has already planned.It doesn't matter whether Fang Yueling gave birth to Zhang Fan's offspring is male or female.will let him.Or she would inherit the position of leader of the Five Poison Sect.In this way.Since the leader is Zhang Fan's own flesh and blood.How could Zhang Fan not take care of his family?

As for the child.Naturally, Fang Zhenqian would instill something in him since he was a child.Let it naturally focus on the Five Poisons.certainly.For Zhang Fan.Fang Zhenqian would not let the child have any hostility towards Zhang Fan.After all, this is how it came about.Perhaps Zhang Fan will discover something.thereby changing the mind.That's not good.

all in all.Fang Zhenqian was already on the move.I have already considered all the ins and outs of this matter.And now.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Fang Yueling.And all without realizing it.Followed his way.All of this.Everything is developing in the direction Fang Zhenqian wants.

As for Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.Unaware of this matter.All kept in the dark.Maybe one day in the future.They will know about it.But wait until then.It was also time for Fang Zhenqian to feel that he could let them know.And at that time.Even if someone among the two of them wanted to stop thinking about it.It is also impossible.

But then again.Although the emotions are manipulated.It does feel unreal.But for Zhang Fan.It didn't do any harm to him.

This.It was also the reason why Fang Zhenqian did this.The bare minimum.That is even if Zhang Fan knows in the future.He will not express any dissatisfaction with this matter.Just like this.Then all this is perfect for Fang Zhenqian.

now.Under Fang Zhenqian's arrangement.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling can be said to heat up rapidly.All this is under the arrangement of Fang Zhenqian.Unknowingly proceeded smoothly.

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