The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1432 is indeed different

Although there is still a little worry in my heart about such a matter, it is obvious that the situation is no longer as worrying as before. After understanding this matter, Zhang Fan, even if he can't completely relax, Zhu Xuanqi's It was obvious that things could no longer make him so worried.

After talking about this matter, Zhang Juzheng left. He still had official business to do in the cabinet, and several other people also met at Zhang Juzheng's home to discuss matters. Naturally, Zhang Fan would not go, and there was no reason to join in the fun That's right, besides, he still has to go to the palace to find Zhu Yijun.

Therefore, after Zhang Juzheng left, Zhang Fan also went to the palace with Feng Bao, and the two of them walked towards Qianqing Palace while talking.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan has traveled this road many times, and he no longer has the sense of freshness and mystery that he had when he first entered the palace. The surrounding scenery also has the fresh and luxurious feeling from the very beginning. , has become monotonous and dismissive. When I think about it, Zhang Fan is just a minister, and he doesn't even come here every day, but he still has this feeling, let alone those who originally lived here. How will the people here feel.

Along the way, Zhang Fan and Feng Bao were talking, although the matter had reached the point where they could no longer pay attention to it, but for Zhang Fan and Feng Bao, they were still discussing that matter just now after all. Yes, so it is only now that I have just parted with Zhang Juzheng, so it is no wonder that I will talk about this matter again.

It's just that now, even talking about this matter, for the two of them, it's like talking about a very common thing when they are chatting. Even if they still have worries in their hearts, they don't think about it Too worried, the two of them talked about it, and then brought this matter over, and then, as if to alleviate the lingering worry, Feng Bao talked about some interesting things in the palace.

Of course, for Feng Bao, some things in the palace can indeed be called interesting, but for Zhang Fan, these things really cannot be called interesting, and even some things, although they sound nothing on the surface, But in fact, there will be some scary things behind it, but for the people in the palace, it can become a kind of pastime. You must know that the palace is quite boring, so even if it is a It's not very interesting, and even things that have nothing to do with being interesting at all will attract the attention of many people.

Speaking of which, Zhang Fan didn't care much about this kind of thing, but since seeing Feng Bao was so interested, Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't interrupt him. Instead, he looked very interested and listened to Feng Bao with a smile. Bao talked about these things, and sometimes even opened his mouth to say a few words.

Of course, in fact, Feng Bao himself doesn't know what the definition of what he said is in Zhang Fan's eyes. It's just that Feng Bao, as an eunuch, if he has nothing else to do, he will be bored in the palace all day long. In addition, Feng Bao has also seen the outside world, so Feng Bao will know how boring the palace is, so even if Feng Bao knows that Zhang Fan is just to deal with himself, he put on a very He looked interested, but he was still very interested in talking about this matter.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang," Feng Bao was talking about Zhu Yijun's recent affairs, but he suddenly remembered something and said to Zhang Fan, "Speaking of your majesty's palace, there is something that our family is concerned about recently. ,"

"Oh," Zhang Fan became interested after hearing what Feng Bao said, "Did anything happen in Your Majesty's Palace recently?" He didn't come to the palace, but he did come ten days ago. Anyway, Zhang Fan really didn't find anything different in Zhu Yijun's palace at that time, so now Feng Bao said that there was something wrong with Zhu Yijun. Zhang Fan is still more concerned. In his mind, perhaps during these ten days, Zhu Yijun may have done something again. The frivolity of the palace is much better.

"Master Zhang will not forget about last year's draft." Zhang Fan did not expect that Feng Bao would actually mention it. "

"Of course I know about this matter. When I came back, I went to His Majesty's place and saw Yu'er too." Zhang Fan couldn't help cheering up when he heard Feng Bao talking about Yu'er. After all, that Yu'er also made Zhang Fan very concerned, "Speaking of which, although that Yu'er is a bit eccentric, and her mind is different from her age, why does my father-in-law notice her?"

"I didn't really care too much about it at first," Feng Bao nodded, and said, "After all, our family has experienced the draft in the palace several times. We have also seen all kinds of people who just entered the palace. I have seen those who are not familiar with the rules and made big mistakes, even those who were beaten to death just after entering the palace; Yes, in short, our family has seen a lot of these things.

"It's just that, like this Yu'er, to be honest, we really haven't seen much,"

This time, Zhang Fan's interest was completely aroused. Although Zhang Fan probably knew more about Yu'er than Feng Bao, but now that Feng Bao said this, Zhang Fan would still be surprised. He was very interested, not to mention that the Yu'er that Zhang Fan knew was just Yu'er who had not yet entered the palace.

And even after Yu'er entered the palace, Zhang Fan had seen her, but only a few times, while Feng Bao was always in the palace and could see her all the time. The Yu'er in the palace may be different from the Yu'er outside the palace that Zhang Fan knew.

What's more, Zhang Fan also cared a lot about this Yu'er, so he wanted to hear from Feng Bao what was even interesting to Feng Bao.

"This Yu'er, our family thinks it's not easy," Feng Bao said, "During this period of time, His Majesty is not as displeased with our family as before. In addition, our family is also working for the Queen Mother, so we are in the Qing Palace. , The number of visits to our family has also increased, and His Majesty treats our family a little differently.

"Since that Yu'er came, our family didn't find anything at the beginning, but at the end of last year, Mr. Zhang went to Sichuan. After that time, Mr. Zhang was not in the palace, and His Majesty also It became boring, but at that time, our family found that this Yu'er would say this to make His Majesty happy.

"Although this 'skill' of this Yu'er is not as deep as that of Mr. Zhang, but at the very least, our family feels that there are really not many people in the palace who can do this, not to mention that at that time Zhang Your Majesty is not in the palace, so His Majesty is really a little too boring, this Yu'er has caught up with the good time, so His Majesty has become a little concerned about her."

"I know all the things my father-in-law said. When I just came back, His Majesty mentioned Yu'er to me," Zhang Fan said, "Besides, with His Majesty's temperament, it is normal to feel bored. It’s very good, and it’s really great to have someone to accompany him and make him happy, and besides, my father-in-law won’t think that I will be jealous of a teenage court lady,” Zhang Fan said here, using He looked at Feng Bao with a playful look.

"Hahahaha," Feng Bao couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhang Fan's words, "Look at Mr. Zhang's words, our family doesn't have that kind of meaning, besides, don't we all talk about it?" , this Yu'er's 'skill' is not as good as Master Zhang's, not to mention that our family can understand this matter, His Majesty just regards this Yu'er as a person who can kill boredom, that's all. But he didn't pay much attention to her.

"No, now that Master Zhang is back, His Majesty is still the same as in the past, and he cannot do without Master Zhang,"

"Eunuch, if you just talk about these things, I think this matter is really nothing," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that since Eunuch mentioned Yu'er, I want to know, what is wrong with Eunuch? No,"

"This is also something our family doesn't understand," Feng Bao nodded, putting away that playful expression, and said, "If there is something really wrong, our family really didn't look at it." Come out, otherwise, our family would not have waited to discuss this matter with Mr. Zhang, and would have already started.

"Speaking of this Yu'er, maybe her mind is indeed much more mature than other court ladies of the same age, and she also has ambitions, but in this palace, is there anyone who doesn't have this kind of thinking? It's nothing at all, we We can't knock down a whole boat of people with a stick, but our family thinks that there is always something wrong with this Yu'er, what is wrong, our family really can't tell for a while, But something is definitely wrong.

"Now I heard that Mr. Zhang knows a little about this Yu'er. This is the way to tell Mr. Zhang about the matter. I also hope that Mr. Zhang will give our family a detailed look. Speaking of which, it is not a bad thing to be ambitious, and even on the contrary. It might be a good thing, but if this ambition is too serious, our family will have to guard against it."

Even if the other party is just a young maid who just entered the palace, it doesn't make any difference to Feng Bao. There are too many things in the palace. Since there will be troubles in the future, it is better to prevent them from happening now. Danger is nipped in the cradle.

And Zhang Fan who heard Feng Bao's words fell silent.

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