The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1441 I don't know

Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanluo was a little surprised for a moment.And after being surprised.What it brings is hatred like being humiliated.It's just that even this hateful expression didn't last moment.This expression of hatred turned into deep helplessness and self-mockery.That's right.What Zhang Fan said was extremely relaxed.But for Zhu Xuanluo.How could he not know what it meant.

"Master Zhang, don't laugh at me anymore." Zhu Xuanluo didn't hide his thoughts.Instead, he told Zhang Fan exactly. "Indeed. I am already in the capital. Even the Queen Mother. Although I don't know what the Queen Mother is going to do. But at least the Queen Mother has recognized my identity. If this is the case, what Master Zhang said is true. There is nothing wrong. No matter what happens to this matter in the end, at least nothing will happen to me in the future.

"However. I think Master Zhang should be later. What do I think in my heart? If it's just that, I wouldn't go to the Shu Palace to suffer that crime. Although speaking, this idea is true. It's too mundane and profit-seeking. But people live forever. There is no way to do this. So, I invite Mr. Zhang to come here today. I just want to ask about this matter. Ask about my future. In the end What will happen."

Facing Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanluo has already made it clear.

But Zhu Xuanluo's words are easy to say.But after changing to Zhang Fan.But he couldn't answer Zhu Xuanluo straightforwardly.sound.Zhu Xuanluo's words.It looks like a broken jar.The appearance of not caring about anything.But actually.How could he not care.Say nothing else.Zhu Xuanluo will invite Zhang Fan over today.It also illustrates the problem.

Listen to the question Zhu Xuanluo asked.Zhang Fan found it difficult to deal with it.Actually.For Zhang Fan.Even without sloppiness.He didn't hesitate at all.Just tell Zhu Xuanluo the matter clearly.For Zhang Fan, there is no burden at all.No problem at all.certainly.This is only from a rational and practical point of view.And that's exactly what happened.

But.After all, communication between people.It's not just that.After all, humans are emotional animals.So Zhang Fan is involved in many things.Obviously, you only need to make very rational and practical actions.You can avoid a lot of trouble.But even so.In fact, Zhang Fan still did something that required a lot of trouble to complete.perhaps.Humans are such contradictory creatures.

certainly.This kind of thing doesn't happen every time.After all.This kind of thing still depends on the person.If you are facing someone with a good relationship.Even if there is no contact.It's just people who have met two or three times.It's an embarrassing thing.Nothing.But it's not so good to face that kind of relationship.Even the troubled ones.But it won't work.

But for Zhang Fan.Zhu Xuanluo.In fact, the relationship between the two is not good.In addition, because of Zhu Xuanluo's previous reasons.This put Zhang Fan in danger.Even almost lost his life.In short.In fact, Zhang Fan directly rejected Zhu Xuanluo and said those words without reservation.In fact, there is no problem at all.

but.Maybe it's because of my poor heart.Or maybe Zhang Fan understood.Knowing that Zhu Xuanluo's future will be like that.In short.Yes.Zhang Fan didn't say those words clearly.

Think about it.Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo who looked expectant.Finally, he said: "If we talk about this matter, I really have a hard time talking to the prince."

Zhang Fan's words have not yet revealed what is going on.But just such a sentence.It has already made Zhu Xuanluo nervous.Although before Zhang Fan came.He has already done a lot of preparations.I also thought of many possibilities for this matter.Good and bad possible.In short.Zhu Xuanluo had thought of all these things.But now.After all, this is just his own random thinking.what is going on.There is no conclusion yet.And it is precisely because of this.He was looking for Zhang Fan to come.Ask him to understand.

And now.Zhang Fan was having a hard time talking to him about things.Although Zhang Fan hasn't said what's going on.But whenever he heard such words.Think about it for ordinary people.The first thing that comes to mind is that things are not good.It didn't develop in the direction he expected.therefore.Zhu Xuanluo heard Zhang Fan's first words.Immediately became tense: "Master Zhang, what's going on. Could it be that the queen mother...the queen mother is not planning to do something to that bastard Zhu Xuanqi. This... this..."

"My son. My son. Don't panic like this. I have never said these words before." Zhang Fan hurriedly tried to persuade him. "I just said that this matter is not easy to tell the prince. If you don't say this, it must not be what the prince wants."

Zhang Fan's words.Let Zhu Xuanluo's nerves relax a little.But only a few.At this time, Zhu Xuanluo was very nervous.Therefore, it is impossible to control why Zhang Fan is so procrastinating.He just refused to tell himself about the matter.But what Zhu Xuanluo thinks now.That is, Zhang Fan doesn't care what he knows.Maybe it's not bad news for me.But it is definitely not news that is extremely beneficial to him.Otherwise.There was no need for Zhang Fan to be so procrastinating and unhappy.

"Master Zhang, don't procrastinate like this anymore." Zhu Xuanluo straightened his expression.Said. "What's going on with this matter. Master Zhang, please clarify."

"Since the prince wants to listen, it doesn't matter if I say it." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Before. When you came to the capital, I was still in Sichuan. I had some things to do. I couldn't come back. But at that time, I just wanted to come back quickly. Because at that time, I knew that the Queen Mother was very concerned about this matter. I am in a hurry. I am afraid that the queen mother will attack Zhu Xuanqi before I come back.

"Please don't worry, my son. In fact, I don't care much about Zhu Xuanqi's affairs. It doesn't matter to me whether he can do anything. I just hope. Even if the Queen Mother makes any decision, it doesn't matter. It's nothing more than an influence. As long as it doesn't cause any trouble, that's fine.

"It's okay. The Queen Mother didn't make a decision right away. Wait until I came back. But after I came back, I also found out. It's really not easy for the Queen Mother to hold back for such a few days. The Queen Mother is really unhappy with Zhu Xuanqi. She wants to do it.

"And my suggestion to the queen mother is that this matter should be based on the queen mother's plan. But it must not cause trouble. After that, the queen mother issued this imperial edict. Call Zhu Xuanqi to Beijing."

"That is to say..." Zhu Xuanluo listened to Zhang Fan's words.He already understood what Zhang Fan meant.And his complexion became happy in an instant. "Because the Queen Mother doesn't want any trouble, she plans to lure Zhu Xuanqi into the capital before doing it. If this is the case, it is indeed the case. If it is in the capital, then everything will be easy to handle. And even if it is Zhu Xuanqi will be regarded as demoted. At that time, those people in Sichuan will not make a fuss. In addition, the Queen Mother will have him again. At that time, as long as the evidence is produced, then the other vassal kings will be gone. The reason for the commotion. In this way, the world will be peaceful. This matter will be resolved." At the end.Zhu Xuanluo laughed.

"What the son said is indeed true." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo.Naturally, he knew what was going on in his heart.only.What Zhu Xuanluo thought in his heart.In fact, it was far from what Zhang Fan knew.even though.Whether it's Zhu Xuanluo or Zhang Fan.It is not very clear what Queen Mother Li's plan is.But at least Zhang Fan has many more sources than Zhu Xuanluo.So what Zhang Fan knew.Even if he is the same as Zhu Xuanluo not know anything.But Zhang Fan guessed.But it is much more accurate than Zhu Xuanluo.And the current result is.The result of Zhang Fan's guess.For Zhu Xuanluo.Not a good thing.

"But this matter. You can't think like that now." Zhang Fan said something that stopped Zhu Xuanluo's expression. "What exactly does the Queen Mother want to do? To be honest, I don't know at all. This matter. I only know about the fact that the Queen Mother sent the imperial decree to Yunnan. But after the person who delivered the decree came back, I only knew. Zhu Xuanqi accepted The imperial decree has been issued. I think it is already on the road now. But when Zhu Xuanqi arrives in the capital, what will the Queen Mother plan to do? I really don’t know.”

"I don't know." Zhu Xuanluo expressed some disbelief.Looking at Zhang Fan, he asked. "Could it be that there is something in this that Master Zhang doesn't want to tell me. Please don't worry, Master Zhang. No matter what the result is. I want to know now. Please don't hide it, Master Zhang. Tell me the truth gone."

"It's not a result that the prince doesn't want." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "It's really about this matter. I really don't know. What is Queen Mother Li thinking? Don't say I don't know. Even Eunuch Feng who follows the Queen Mother doesn't know what the Queen Mother is thinking. That is to say .What is the Empress Dowager's plan? She didn't tell anyone. And what will happen to this matter. No one knows. Now the crown prince came to ask me. I really don't know."

When Zhang Fan was speaking.Zhu Xuanluo has been watching his expression.But Zhang Fan was not worried.After all these words.Zhang Fan is not talking nonsense at all.He really doesn't know.Even if you ask a lot of people.There has been a lot of guesswork.And they all go in the same direction.But Zhang Fan didn't know what Empress Dowager Li was really thinking after all.In short.Zhang Fan naturally did not deceive Zhu Xuanluo this time.

And Zhu Xuanluo also saw it.this matter.Let him be very disappointed.But disappointed.He also has no choice.But obviously.Zhu Xuanluo is not going to give up just yet.

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