After explaining the matter in the yamen, Zhang Fan went home. Speaking of which, Liang Chao and Wang Meng really had a hard time this trip. He finally returned home, Hong'er had been waiting for him for a long time, and Liang's mother often missed her son during that time, now that Liang Chao is back, naturally everything is fine.

However, Wang Meng was a little unhappy, not because of any personal matters. Speaking of Wang Meng, he was older than Zhang Fan and Liang Chao, and he was not married until now. It's not because Wang Meng has any unusual hobbies, it's just that Wang Meng's life, from the time he joined the army until now, is all tricks that are different from ordinary people. Wang Meng's life has undergone tremendous changes, and for Wang Meng today, it is obvious that the affairs in the yamen are much more important than those private affairs.

Of course, it is precisely because of this kind of thought in Wang Meng's heart that it seems to have become a vicious circle. The more he wants to put this kind of thing in the future, the more he works hard now, but in this way, Wang Meng's concern for his own affairs It's just that he doesn't care less and less, and he doesn't care less and less, but it also makes him care less and less about such things. Until now, it's not that Wang Meng is really a person who is not close to women. It's just that for Wang Meng, as a martial arts practitioner, even if he has desires in his heart, he has his own way to vent them.

For Wang Meng today, two things attract him the most, one is work, and the other is martial arts. Wang Meng has just come back now, and there is nothing on hand, even if he is going to the Northeast. However, Zhang Fan also said that there will be no major incidents at that time. Of course, for those of them who are subordinates, even if Zhang Fan said so, they still have to be prepared just in case. It's only a matter of time, but Wang Meng doesn't care too much, after all, he is quite familiar with the situation in the Northeast.

In short, the current Wang Meng is also idle, and the first thing he thought of was to find Wang Degui to learn martial arts. This has become one of Wang Meng's hobbies. He agreed, accepted Liu Xian's son Liu Ting as his apprentice, and taught him martial arts. Originally, he planned to bring him to the capital this time.

But before, because of the matter of going to the Five Poison Sect, plus Liu Xian's lack of manpower, not to mention the siege of Zhu Xuanqi afterwards, so many things piled up, Wang Meng couldn't take care of this matter, and The situation is also not allowed. In short, Liu Ting did not come back this time, and he will come to the capital again after that.

It is definitely a big event for a martial arts practitioner to find a piece of talented and beautiful jade that can pass on his martial arts skills. For Wang Meng, this is also a kind of reward for his mentor. Therefore, now that Liu Ting is not around, Wang Meng It also seemed a lot more boring, so Wang Degui started to have things to do.

To put it bluntly, if Wang Meng's state was originally in this state, he should have drawn people from the upper guard to practice against each other. Most of them were Liang Chao, or those who were recruited by Jin Yiwei, but none of these people belonged to Wang Meng. Opponents, so it can be regarded as suffering for these people. If you don't agree, you can't do it. If you agree, you will be tortured. Only Wang Meng enjoys it.

But now, this situation is different, because the existence of Wang Degui has changed this matter. Although in comparison, Wang Degui may not be Wang Meng's opponent, but at the very least, Wang Degui can still After several rounds with Wang Meng, even if he lost in the end, he would not look too humiliated, let alone being abused.

But for Wang Degui himself, this matter was also what he hoped for.

But these two people are like this, but it doesn't mean that Zhang Fan agrees with it very much. It's nothing to practice martial arts and learn from each other on weekdays. It's even a good thing to say, but Wang Meng is different from Wang Degui. After all, Wang Degui has a family With his personality, his wife would not say anything if he did this, but Wang Meng was alone, spending every day on such "insignificant" things, Zhang Fan felt the same. Some shouldn't.

Therefore, sometimes Zhang Fan felt that Wang Meng was doing something wrong, and wanted to help him. Of course, this so-called helping him was actually looking for someone to tell Wang Meng about a marriage. Wang Meng's current age is already beyond his age. For Wang Meng himself, he has no problem. He is a good-looking talent, and he has won Zhang Fan's trust in Jinyiwei. The future is also limitless, not to mention the well-deserved title of "No. Definitely not in the minority.

After figuring this out, Zhang Fan secretly made up his mind on the way home. Wait for a while, and let Ru Xue and the others help to find out. Those families in the capital, although for Ru Xue, they It was a bit troublesome, but that was only at the beginning. Now Zhang Fan is busy with official duties, so he doesn't go home a lot of the time. In order to kill boredom, Ru Xue and the others, even with these other women from official families, have a lot of troubles. Speaking of dating, women are indeed born to gossip, so Ru Xue and the others also know quite a few people.

If you tell Ru Xue and the others about the matter, let them find a woman from a good family, and let Zhang Fan come forward as a matchmaker, it is impossible for the other party to refuse, so that everything will be easy to handle, of course, As for Wang Meng's side, he probably wouldn't agree, but Zhang Fan nodded in agreement, and even if Wang Meng was extremely unwilling, he wouldn't be able to go against Zhang Fan's intention.

Of course, it may be said that if this is the case, even if Wang Meng got married to the other party under Zhang Fan's will, he would not have any feelings for the other party, but in this era, it is not Zhang Fan's previous life. In this era, even in Zhang Fan's last life, those people who fell in love freely and will be happy in the future, to be honest, Zhang Fan really didn't see many of them, most of them were seen in books and TV.

But now, it is not wrong to let Wang Meng do this, even if the relationship is cultivated later, but for Zhang Fan, this is not a problem at all, it is the same before and after marriage, as long as there is relationship, of course, The reason why he thinks this way is not because of other reasons, it is because Zhang Fan is a little worried about Wang Meng's situation, so he did it. Besides, Wang Meng is already a big boss, so this kind of thing, until now Look, it is also very normal.

After figuring this out, Zhang Fan made up his mind and told Ru Xue and the others about it when he got home. Ru Xue and the others would also agree. After all, Wang Meng has helped Zhang Fan so much over the years. The matter has even saved Zhang Fan's life several times, but now, it's just to help him settle down. Anyway, it's not a big trouble.

Thinking about this matter, Zhang Fan also walked into the house. However, after entering the house, Zhang Fan realized that he was too worried before, and now it was not his turn to care about Wang Meng's affairs. At home, there are also problems that have not been resolved.

Before, when he came back, he brought Fang Yueling with him, and after he came back, he also explained Fang Yueling's identity and relationship with him.

And this, although it surprised the members of the Zhang family, it didn't make them feel that there was any problem. Even Fang Yueling's beauty was beyond imagination, even more beautiful than Luo Linger, even if it was listening Fang Yueling has a lot of background, but it doesn't matter. What's more, Fang Yueling's identity is recognized by the Zhao family. Since everyone in the Zhang family has recognized it, there is nothing else to say.

However, perhaps it was also because Joanna did not come back. In short, although no one forgot, no one mentioned Joanna.

But this place is now Joanna's home, so she will naturally come back. Now, Joanna is back, and since she has come back, speaking of it, many things have to be considered.

Firstly, it was about Fang Yueling. When Zhang Fan brought Fang Yueling back, he did not elaborate on Fang Yueling's affairs. Of course, for Zhang Fan, it was really not easy to bring up the matter between him and Fang Yueling to his family, but maybe Because Yingyue knew her, the family did not force Zhang Fan on this matter.

And Yingyue, although she knew Fang Yueling's identity in her heart, she also knew that Fang Yueling's identity really couldn't be said. After all, if she said her identity, she would talk about her past with Zhang Fan. If he almost killed Zhang Fan back then, something big would definitely happen.

Although Yingyue is also worried about Fang Yueling's purpose of coming here, since the two of them are already like this, their affection is not fake. In other words, if this is the case, Yingyue will definitely not destroy him.

And it was just like this, the members of the Zhang family stopped asking too much about Fang Yueling's affairs, at most they knew that she was from the Miao family, and that being born in the Miao family had some weight, that's all.

But now, now that Joanna is back, Joanna went to Yunnan with Zhang Fan, so she must know about this, that is to say, maybe just ask Joanna to know about Fang Yueling.

Although they said that they stopped asking questions before, it doesn't mean they don't care.

And Zhang Fan, now he has to face this matter again,

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