During this period of time, Zhang Fan has always been trembling. Speaking of which, this situation has started since Yuer came, and it has continued until now. That day, when he heard that Yuer came here and was going to After the news of staying here, Zhang Fan was already worried, but since Yu'er had already come, and Fang Yueling knew about it, Zhang Fan had no way of driving her out, so he could only let her stay.

But speaking of it, Zhang Fan's worries are actually not complete. Some people think that Yu'er's coming here is a good thing. Even though Fang Yueling was very happy, Zhang Fan could still tell that she was a little lonely.

This kind of loneliness is not the kind of loneliness that leaves the life she is familiar with, or being bound. In fact, Fang Yueling is like this. To be honest, she even feels novelty about the environment she lives in now. At the same time, I also feel very satisfied, it is different from the previous kind of fighting and killing, and in the religion, even as the leader, there are many constraints, and I have to spend my mind on how to save my father. Now this kind of peaceful life, For Fang Yueling, it was also a life that made her very happy. However, people are human after all, and there will be times when they are not used to it.

Therefore, Fang Yueling's life during this period is a bit strange. She likes the current life very much, but she is not used to it.

As for Yu'er's arrival, although Zhang Fan was worried that she would cause some trouble here, in comparison, Zhang Fan felt that if Yu'er's arrival could relieve Fang Yueling's boredom and loneliness, it would not be enough. Might as well be a good thing.

In fact, it can be seen that Zhang Fan's love for Fang Yueling is already very deep, just for Fang Yueling's sake, so that he will not be too lonely, but Zhang Fan does not hesitate to let Yu'er, who is very likely to cause trouble, people live in their homes.

So during this period of time, Zhang Fan lived cautiously.

I still remember the day when Yu'er first came, Zhang Fan went to talk to her first, but neither Yu'er nor Zhang Fan thought that words were useful, and after Fang Yueling came, Zhang Fan didn't talk to her anymore. Yu'er said something, but later, Mrs. Zhao heard the news and came over to take a look.

Mrs. Zhao didn't know about Yu'er, so when she saw Yu'er, she was also very surprised. After all, at Yu'er's age, it was a bit strange to come to serve Fang Yueling, but if it was a nanny, she would Her age is a bit too young, so when Zhao Shi saw Yu'er for the first time, she really felt a little strange.

Here I have to mention Yu'er's thoughts, maybe even Fang Yueling has never thought about it, but Yu'er definitely has already planned it.

Faced with Zhao's doubts, Yu'er simply introduced herself, saying that Fang Yueling's natal family was worried, and she just came to serve her by herself, although it is indeed rare for a concubine to bring a maid to her husband's house, But Mrs. Zhao also knew that Fang Yueling was from a wealthy Miao family, so even if she had already made Zhang Fan a concubine, it would be no problem to bring a maid here.

And even this Yu'er in front of Mrs. Zhao is a bit old, but perhaps, there may be reasons for her own family. In short, Mrs. Zhao will not take care of this kind of thing. There are difficult scriptures to recite, so even though Mrs. Zhao is also a woman, she will not break the casserole and ask the truth about what is going on.

However, Yu'er really knows how to act, especially when she is talking to Mrs. Zhao, the look on her face that she wants to say but doesn't want to say, and keeps looking at Mrs. Zhao's face intermittently is really very frustrating. I care.

At that time, Zhang Fan was right next to him, and even he could tell if Yu'er was going to be careful, and he also saw Yu'er next to her with a somewhat helpless expression.

Originally, when Zhang Fan saw that Yu'er dared to play tricks on his mother, he was really anxious and wanted to stop her immediately, but when he saw Fang Yueling also looked helpless , he understood that no matter what Yu'er wanted to do, at least it would definitely not be something that could hurt Zhao Shi.

However, after Zhang Fan, he really regretted that he didn't stop Yu'er from coming.

I really don't know if Yu'er had already planned it before, or if she came here and just thought of it after meeting Zhao Shi, but that really made Zhang Fan feel extremely depressed.

The story I made up is really bloody. In short, I lost my mother when I was a child, and was kidnapped and sold to that bully-like rich family as a slave and handmaiden. Afterwards, fortunately, Fang's father and daughter passed by and saved her life, and she has been serving Fang Yueling ever since.

Well, if it’s just up to here, then everything is still normal, maybe Yu’er has slightly tampered with some of her past events, but in general, what she said is not wrong, and these words , is already enough to make Mrs. Zhao feel pity for her. Logically speaking, this is enough.

It's a pity, Zhang Fan is obviously wrong if he thinks this way, and Yu'er is obviously not a master who will give up just like that.

Therefore, Zhang Fan felt that the play was about to end, and life after that would be a bit difficult. After all, Mrs. Zhao would definitely take good care of her after hearing Yu'er's words, but Zhang Fan didn't expect that , Yu'er's words are not finished yet.

And the next moment, what Yu'er said was even more bloody. There is no need to repeat what Yu'er said, but the main meaning is that just now Yu'er looked at Zhao's unusual behavior. The expression on her face had already laid the groundwork for what she would say later, and what she said had only one meaning, that is, the feeling that Mrs. Zhao gave her was very much like her mother.

Moreover, Yu'er, who had finished speaking, burst into tears, really crying, her expression was really pitiful.

At this moment, Zhang Fan really panicked. He never thought that Yu'er would use this trick. Although he knew that Yu'er had never met Zhao Shi, it must be because she didn't know Zhao Shi's temper. Yes, but he knew that Yu'er's move definitely had a huge lethal effect on his mother.

Mrs. Zhao was also very cooperative with Yu'er, seeing her crying like pear blossoms with rain, she immediately hugged her into her arms, just like coaxing her own daughter, so comforting.

This time, Zhang Fan became even more flustered. He even thought that if Yu'er had a dispute with someone in the mansion and alarmed Zhao, Zhang Fan couldn't imagine that Zhao would help her. Which side is on, Zhang Fan knows his mother's temper best. Mrs. Zhao is not the kind of person who will favor the other party just because she is his daughter-in-law.

Although Zhao's approach is indeed worthy of praise, Zhang Fan still feels that it is really inappropriate to use it in the future Zhang Mansion.

Zhang Fan, who had thought of this at the time, couldn't help but walked to Fang Yueling's side and whispered to her, "Why don't you stop her, just let her talk like this,"

"It's not that I don't want to." Facing Zhang Fan's words, Fang Yueling couldn't help but smiled wryly, "It's just that I don't know whether what Sister Yu'er said is true or not, even though Dad and I saved her back then, we also know her What happened in the past, but Sister Yu'er never told me about her family, and I don't know if what she said is true or not, let me stop her, I don't know what to do, "

Faced with Fang Yueling's words, Zhang Fan became a little speechless. It's not that what Fang Yueling said refuted him, but he never thought that Fang Yueling was so innocent. Don't think about it, what Yu'er said is definitely a lie made up by herself.

And even if it's true, so what, in this kind of thing, it's obvious to stop her.

But now, Fang Yueling didn't do anything, and let Yu'er say such words to Zhao Shi, Zhang Fan had a headache besides a headache.

Moreover, now that Yu'er's words have been said, seeing Zhao's attitude towards her now, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to stop her, and the next situation, even if Nothing happened yet, which also made Zhang Fan feel very bad. In short, that's it.

That day, nothing happened, whether it was Zhao's fraternity or overflowing love, although Yu'er was still here to serve Fang Yueling, but Zhao's treatment of her really made everyone in the Zhang residence a little curious.

Maybe the people in the Zhang family are too simple, or they are actually the same as Zhang Fan, and it can be seen that Yu'er acted this play on purpose, but no matter what, these people didn't say, it wasn't I don't want to say it, but since Mrs. Zhao agrees, it's useless to say it now.

Therefore, in the past few days, just like what I said before, Zhang Fan's life was indeed a little trembling, for fear that something bad happened in the mansion.

But fortunately, it may be because she just came here and there is no reason. In short, Yu'er did not do anything during the past few days. She was only responsible for taking care of Fang Yueling, and she had no relationship with the people in the mansion at all. What a dispute.

Even Yu'er became kind to Zhaoxue who had come to see her a few times out of curiosity.

And this made Zhang Fan very worried at the beginning, as if something was going to happen, but once, twice, or three times, nothing happened, which gradually made Zhang Fan feel relieved.

He even had an idea that maybe Yu'er came here to take care of Fang Yueling, and not for any other purpose. If that was the case, Zhang Fan would be thankful.

That being the case, Zhang Fan felt relieved for the time being, and concentrated on preparing for Zhu Xuanqi's upcoming visit, and of course the matter with Joanna.

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