The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1456 Arriving in the capital

The most recent Zhang Fan.In addition to discussing with Zhang Juzheng and the others about Zhu Xuanqi's entry to Beijing.That is to say, they are preparing to marry Joanna.

Speaking up.Zhang Fan's actions.It was not eye-catching.In addition, Joanna is more conspicuous.And she is not the kind of person who can stay in one place for a long time.So go out often.In short.About Zhang Fan and Joanna.Now many people in the capital know about it.

but.It is also because many people know it.So many people also expressed a lot of confusion about this.Indeed.Joanna is from Franz, thousands of miles away.It's kind of impolite to say that though.But she is also very strange.But.No matter how strange she is.After all.She was only married to Zhang Fan as a concubine.

Since it's just a concubine's room.Then why did Zhang Fan need to prepare so hard.A concubine's room is a concubine's room.Concubine only.Where is it necessary to mobilize so many teachers?Moreover.With Zhang Fan's current worth and status.This kind of thing just needs to say the last sentence.Spend some money.It can be done in a day.

But Zhang Fan didn't do that.On the contrary, he ordered people to prepare for this matter very carefully.In short.Zhang Fan can be said to have put a lot of thought into this matter.

and.Regardless of what other people think.As far as Joanna is concerned.She was naturally very happy.After she came here.The relationship with Zhang Fan was also confirmed.But Joanna, who didn't know much about this place originally.It is not too clear what is the difference between this concubine's room and the lover in the country where she lives.Originally in her opinion.These two clearly mean the same thing.

but.After listening to Ru Xue's explanation.That's when she understood.Obviously.Daming is the same as Europeans.It is also a monogamous system.only.Europeans call the extra women mistresses.And here it is called the concubine's room.

It's just that it's a bit shameful compared to the lover's kind.There are even some troublesome titles.The concubine's room is really much better.not to mention.The concubine can also live in the same home as the man openly.That alone.Joanna felt that the women living here were much happier.To be able to see people who love each other every day.Even if they are not wives, they can live under the same roof.more importantly.There is nothing wrong with each other.

It's just that Joanna didn't know it at all.A harmonious scene like Zhang Fan's house.It is too little, too little.Not to mention someone with Zhang Fan's status.It is those big families who are just a little richer.Even if there is only one wife and one concubine in the family.The battle among them.It was all extremely intense.position in the family.The right to have children.and future life.In short, many, many.They are the focus of contention.sometimes.They will even use some extraordinary means to achieve their goals.

And among them.people who have failed.Whether it is a wife or a concubine.The end was extremely miserable.There is no need to talk about the concubine's room.If it fails.The consequences are naturally unimaginable.And as a wife.If there is something wrong in this.Was divorced.It was no different from killing her.

And so it was much better to be a lover.Just need to see the atmosphere.There is no need to ask anything.Even if you no longer get the love of men.But absolutely nothing will happen because of this.In short.That's it.

That is.Seriously speaking.It is much better to be a lover than to be a concubine.It's just that Joanna couldn't see this.All she saw was the harmonious scene of the Zhang family.Naturally, I couldn't think of these.But at the end of the day.It made no difference to Joanna.After all, this is where she will live in the future.It's the Zhang family.rather than somewhere else.Even if she keeps holding this misunderstanding.So what does it matter.

not to mention.Now Zhang Fan is so painstakingly preparing.And the people of the Zhang family.Including Zhao and others.There was no sign of slack at all about it.In short.All in all is very good.And this also made Joanna feel very happy.To be able to meet Zhang Fan.And be able to live with him forever in the future.Even Zhang Fan is not exclusive to him alone.But this already made Joanna feel satisfied.

certainly.There's nothing wrong with this either.But the only thing wrong.That was how the newcomer Yu'er viewed the matter.

Speaking of Yu'er.Joanna naturally saw him earlier than the rest of the Zhang family.certainly.Naturally, it was earlier than Zhang Fan and Yingyue.But that trip to Sichuan.It also allowed her to meet Yu'er in advance.And Yu'er gave her that feeling.Yu'er didn't like Zhang Fan.

certainly.It is naturally impossible for Joanna to know the reason for this.But she could still see it.And after seeing it.Joanna didn't say anything about it.Anyway, Yu'er didn't do anything against Zhang Fan.Even if it's a little unsightly.It is also a very normal thing.

But Yu'er came to Zhang Fan's house this time.Although it was to take care of Fang Yueling.And that's actually the name.But Joanna still found something unusual in it.

Yu'er is to the people of the Zhang family.They are all very kind.Also very polite.Even if you like to act like a baby the most.Zhaoxue is a bit delicate.After Yu'er met her.And never argue with her.

If only here.Then everything is fine.Yu'er can avoid trouble.Everything can tolerate some.If you don't explode your temper.Then the world will be at peace.

But Yu'er will naturally not be like this.Maybe she has a smile on all Zhang's houses.It goes without saying for Mrs. Zhao.Definitely very respectful.And even in the face of other people.Also a smile.It will not cause Fang Yueling any trouble at all.But only for one person.Yu'er is somewhat biased.

Naturally, there is no need to say any more.There is only Zhang Fan.

Although Yu'er didn't say anything against Zhang Fan.But Joanna always felt that every time Yu'er saw Zhang Fan.There is always something wrong with the eyes.even.Match her eyes.That tone of voice when talking to Zhang Fan.Something made her feel wrong.The same is true for Zhang Fan.This is also the case whenever I meet Yu'er.

How is it?Joanna didn't know.She can't even see it.Whether the relationship between Yu'er and Zhang Fan is good or bad.

Remember again.When she passed by inadvertently.I heard the conversation between Zhang Fan and Yu'er.The two were talking about their going to marry Zhang Fan.

Joanna didn't hear what she said before.But she did hear it.It seems that Yu'er accepts Zhang Fan's marriage to her again.There is some dissatisfaction.Come to think of it, this is not a problem.After all, Yu'er is the one who takes care of Fang Yueling.And Fang Yueling married Zhang matter what.Naturally, Yu'er had to think for Fang Yueling's sake.And for this kind of thing that has one more person to share.It's normal to be unhappy.

only.The way Yu'er spoke to Zhang Fan.Let Joanna be a little concerned.Always felt.That kind of words were obviously ridiculing Zhang Fan's fickleness.It's not like persuasion.On the contrary, it seemed to be ridiculed.

It was Zhang Fan.That is not at all.Although it seems helpless.But he didn't have any intention of talking back.

certainly.Except for this incident.Joanna feels very happy now.Will officially become a member of this mansion.And live with Zhang Fan.She was naturally very happy about this kind of thing.

The same is true for Zhang Fan.His feelings for Joanna.The beginning of the two.I also want to talk about that trip to the south of the Yangtze River.But that time.There was no love between the two.But no matter what.Now the two are also together.

And now.Zhang Fan took such pains to prepare for the matter with Joanna.This is not just because Joanna is now alone in a foreign land.And the things that happened in her family made Zhang Fan feel sorry for her.more.It was Zhang Fan's love for her.If it's just for mercy.But it will not do this.

certainly.Another point.Zhang Fan is somewhat enjoying this feeling now.

During this period of time, he went to Zhang Juzheng's place every day.Prepare for Zhu Xuanqi's coming.But speaking of that matter, Zhang Fan didn't need to do much.But this brain is really costing a lot.There are many things to consider.And it can't be sloppy.It has to be considered completely.

Although not hands-on.But this brain remembered.It's just too much work.therefore.Although I understand that I have to go every day.And it can't be avoided.But Zhang Fan was really tired.

And prepare Joanna at home.Although there are many things that need him to consider.There are even some things that he needs to take a trip by himself.But this thing.Zhang Fan was very happy when he did it.Very easy.The mood is also much happier.

Sounds a bit unlikely.But Zhang Fan really took this matter as his way to relax.

After using it for a while.Zhang Fan has already prepared everything at home.Just waiting for the chosen auspicious day to arrive.So he married Joanna in.

This is a happy event.But for Zhang Fan.Even with a concubine.But his identity is there.Naturally, many people will come to congratulate.But these are for Zhang Fan.It's no longer a problem.That's not what he really wanted.But Joanna was happy.

certainly.Maybe this scene.It can't be less or maybe.

And just when Zhang Fan wanted to happily wait for that day to come.And Zhu Xuanqi was getting closer and closer to the capital.finally.When she was about to marry Joanna in two days.There was news from the court.It is said that Zhu Xuanqi and his party have already arrived in Baoding.I will be able to enter Beijing tomorrow.

heard about it.Zhang Fan also sighed helplessly.He even complained a little bit.Why can't it be one more day late.It just happened to be at this time.But this is also impossible.And now even more important.Just wait until Zhu Xuanqi arrives tomorrow.What will happen in the end.

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