Still worried though.Although it has been tested twice.Although now Zhu Xuanqi has entered the palace safely.Nothing happened to this either.But the people present were still very worried about this.not to mention.Even at this time.Everyone in Zhu Xuanqi is already in the palace.But this does not mean that there is no danger.

And now.The little emperor Zhu Yijun and Queen Mother Li were both in the main hall.After Zhu Xuanqi came to see the ceremony.After bestowing a seat.The three also chatted about something.It doesn't matter whether it's gossip or business.In short, the ministers present were not in the mood to listen to this.

No matter what they say.The people present had been watching the expressions on the back of Zhu Xuanqi and Mrs. Li.

Now Zhu Xuanqi Dao really looks very calm.There is a smile on the face.Very relaxed.It didn't look like he was worried about anything at all.And he looks so natural.In the eyes of these ministers present, this is a very weird thing.Not to mention today.Zhu Xuanqi was right in front of Empress Dowager Li.But he still managed to show such an expression.This is indeed something that makes the people present feel weird.And the only one who can accept that.There is only Zhang Fan who has already understood Zhu Xuanqi's thoughts.

And Queen Mother Li's side.But the same is true.Although everyone present knows.What will happen today.It all depends on the meaning of Queen Mother Li.But now.Empress Dowager Li is here to do homework with Zhu Xuanqi.When talking about the past.But it also showed that he didn't want anything.Just smiling.

Zhu Xuanqi's expression is enough to make people feel puzzled.But now Queen Mother Li is still like this.This really makes people feel really weird.

perhaps.Perhaps Queen Mother Li would really abide by the agreement she made with Zhang Fan and the others.But for this matter.It doesn't matter who is actually present.I don't think it's very reliable.So that's why there's so much concern.

And it's a weird thing to say.Obviously worried about this matter.But now Empress Dowager Li has no plans to do anything.To do it is before.It was when Zhu Xuanqi first arrived at the gate of the capital; or when Zhu Xuanqi first arrived in front of the palace gate.But these two best times.Queen Mother Li did not choose to do anything.

certainly.This does not mean that Queen Mother Li will not do it.But after these two best opportunities.The chances of her doing it are greatly reduced.In this way.Those present were relieved a lot.

Just now.Although everyone looked at Zhu Xuanqi's face, they thought it was weird.But I don't think there is any problem.On the contrary, Empress Dowager Li looked like nothing happened.And still smiling.But it made everyone present feel extremely weird.Despite Queen Mother Li's current expression.It's a very natural smile.Talk to Zhu Xuanqi.This is really strange.

And even the smile of Empress Dowager Li natural.There is nothing unnatural at all.But it has been so for hundreds of years.Think of things today.The ministers happened to look at Queen Mother Li's face.But still feel a little scary.I always feel the smile of Queen Mother Li.There is always something dangerous hiding in it.certainly.There is no basis for these.It's just the imagination of these people.Just among those present.There are many people who think so.

even.Although it is said that the relationship between Queen Mother Li and Zhu Xuanqi is commonplace.But even these are inherently boring.Outsiders don't want to hear it at all.It's not something to care about at all.But now it's in the ears of these ministers.The meaning has completely changed.They have been concentrating.It seems that they want to hear something from the conversation between the two.Especially what Queen Mother Li said.They even listened to every word.I always feel that Queen Mother Li's words are in the middle.It seems that there will be some hidden meaning.And those will determine Zhu Xuanqi's fate.Decide how this matter will end.

But this time they are sure to be disappointed.Although in the words of Queen Mother Li.It is true that some of them will misunderstand that they want to do something to Zhu Xuanqi.But if you add the smile of Empress Dowager Li today.There is no way to explain it this way.

In short.until the luncheon started.The ministers all felt very nervous.But in the end.But nothing happened.

this matter.Everyone has already counted.When Zhu Xuanqi first arrived at the gate of the capital.Empress Dowager Li gave people the chance to arrest people.It is estimated that there are [-]%.And Zhu Xuanqi arrived at the gate of the palace.There is an [-]% chance of Mrs. Li arresting someone later.But after entering the palace.The probability that Mrs. Li will arrest people later.But it's already less than three percent.And if today passes.If everything is fine.Then the chances of Mrs. Li arresting Zhu Xuanqi again.It is already less than one.

Although Zhang Fan did not guess these things.But Jin Yiwei can still find out these things.and.Even Zhang Fan didn't know what standard these people used to calculate the probability.But Zhang Fan thought about it himself.So to speak.It's true.

Think about it too.If today can pass safely.Then there will be no more problems in the next few days.

so.until the luncheon started.Empress Dowager Li didn't even intend to do anything.And it's not just hands-on.On the contrary, he looked very happy for Zhu Xuanqi's arrival.

This should not have been the case.should say.If Queen Mother Li smiles more.It means that the more she wants to do it.And the other way around.Empress Dowager Li's expression became more and more wrong.The more it shows that she won't do it.

But now.Empress Dowager Li started with seeing Zhu Xuanqi.There is nothing wrong with the expression.There was no intention of doing it either.up to now.The luncheon has already started.But still no plans to do it.

Here's the thing.Anyway look at it.It's all safe now.And it is for this reason.So basically those ministers were still worried.But now everyone is relaxed.

In short.No matter how.It's all safe now.

therefore.This luncheon.It's really relaxed and happy.certainly.Although I am still a little worried.So during the luncheon.An accident happened to Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng.No one went to toast Zhu Xuanqi anymore.But this already felt insignificant.As long as you can spend this time in peace.No problem.That's fine no matter what.In short.That's it.

And finally.This luncheon is over.All the way from Sichuan to the capital.Although Zhu Xuanqi is a prince.It really won't be hard.But along the way, I really need a break.So after lunch.He just said a few words.Just let him go to rest.

only.Speaking of it, Zhu Xuanqi no matter what he said.He is also from the old Zhu family.But now that he has come to the capital under the imperial edict.Then living in the palace is also what it should be.only.Apparently, Empress Dowager Li had no such intention.Although I said it as a courtesy.But the simplicity of that word.Let people understand as soon as they hear it.She had no intention of letting Zhu Xuanqi live in the palace at all.

And not just Queen Mother Li.In fact, even Zhu Xuanqi himself.It didn't mean that either.That's what it sounds like.Even if he told Zhang Fan.How will Queen Mother Li deal with him.He already felt that it didn't matter.But think about it anyway.Let him live in this palace now.I'm afraid he will feel uncomfortable too.

But that's not bad.Anyway, in the capital.There are too many places like this as a resting place for people who come to Beijing.Whether it's down to small officials and small officials.Or go to the royal relatives.All have various specifications.And Zhu Xuanqi.Even as the most powerful vassal king under the Ming Dynasty.Naturally, there is no shame in living here.not to mention.The current situation of Zhu Xuanqi.Plus his thoughts.I'm afraid it's even a random house for him to live in.He won't be upset either.

After the luncheon.Empress Dowager Li returned to the palace first because she was tired.And Zhu Yijun naturally didn't intend to stay here any longer.Now that we're gone.The ministers also saluted and left.

And Zhang Fan, Zhang Juzheng and others also came out of the palace with Zhu Xuanqi.along the way.Zhang Fan did not speak.But Zhang Juzheng said something to Zhu Xuanqi.those words.It's not a gossip.But seriously, there's something important about it.But also no.In short.all is well.

After leaving the palace gate.Zhang Juzheng left.And Zhang Fan was considered to be during the period when Zhu Xuanqi was in the capital.They are all responsible for entertaining Zhu Xuanqi to his residence.Also Zhang Fan.

"My lord, are you relieved now?" Zhang Fan was the first to speak.asked such a question. "Although the prince has told Weichen before, no matter what happens to this matter, it doesn't matter anymore. But now, the prince should feel more at ease."

"That's right. My king's heart is indeed at ease." The most dangerous moment passed.But Zhu Xuanqi didn't seem excited.It was still the same natural smile as before. "Just like Master Zhang said. Even if you think it doesn't matter. But it is true. Naturally, you will feel a lot more relaxed in your heart. It seems that the Queen Mother has really abided by the agreement with Master Zhang. In this way, Ben Wang really wants to thank Mr. Zhang."

"My lord doesn't have to be like this." Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "Besides, the reason why I did this is not for the sake of the prince. It's just to avoid trouble."

"This king naturally knows." Zhu Xuanqi disagreed with Zhang Fan's words. "But if you help, you are helping. No matter why Master Zhang did it, he helped me after all. I still have to thank Master Zhang. By the way, I heard about Master Zhang and Miss Joanna tomorrow. This king needs to congratulate on the spot."

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