The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1467 The So-Called Interests

Zhang Fan came to dissuade Zhu Xuanluo.Later Zhu Xuanqi will come.And after the two brothers met.What will it look like.honestly.It really made Zhang Fan worry.And what Zhang Fan was worried about.In fact, there is only one.That's when the time comes.Afraid that Zhu Xuanluo would raise his hand.

therefore.Before Zhu Xuanqi came now.Zhang Fan had to ask Zhu Xuanluo to explain clearly.So as not to wait for Zhu Xuanqi to come.Really something happened.Then there is no way to end it.

only.Although Zhang Fan's idea is good.But after all, the parties involved in this matter are two enemies, Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu matter what.Want to solve it smoothly.In other words, Zhu Xuanluo was successfully persuaded.Neither is easy.And the next situation.It was just as Zhang Fan thought.After Zhang Fan said his intentions.It is indeed in trouble.

It's not like Zhu Xuanluo just rejected Zhang Fan.In fact, Zhang Fan said what he wanted.I have already waited for what Zhu Xuanqi hopes he will do when he arrives.Zhu Xuanluo really didn't reject him right away.But there was no refusal.Zhu Xuanluo didn't agree with Zhang Fan either.but.The look on his face.It was already obvious that he did not intend to agree with Zhang Fan.

certainly.Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't just give up.Instead, a different method was used.Talk to Zhu Xuanluo.But now Zhu Xuanluo is in a hurry.For a while, I didn't want to understand at all.What did Zhang Fan mean by that?Zhu Xuanluo at the moment.His chest was already filled with anger and resentment.Why go back and think about so many things.

But when Zhang Fan said that he was worried about his life.Zhu Xuanluo also had to cheer up.After all no matter what.Your own life is the most important.And once it comes to this kind of thing.Think about who it is.You also have to ask questions.

But for Zhang Fan.He was using this method to attract Zhu Xuanluo's attention.Let his restless mind calm down first.Just listen carefully to what you say next.As for what Zhu Xuanluo planned after hearing it.Zhang Fan naturally didn't know.But at least.I also did what I was supposed to do.

And what will happen after he meets Zhu Xuanqi.Then it can only be seen.At least.Zhang Fan had also arranged for Wang Meng to wait.If you think about it this way.Even if something happened.It can also be resolved in time.

"Isn't this obvious?" Zhang Fan said to Zhu Xuanluo. "Although it is said that the Empress Dowager did not attack Zhu Xuanqi. But I have said it before. Now no one in the court knows what the Empress Dowager is planning. So there is no conclusion on how to say it.

"But if you really do it, my son, then everything will be different. Although I feel a little sorry for my son, but it is also true. Now my son is the empress dowager's trick to deal with Zhu Xuanqi. And if you say The prince really did something. If you kill Zhu Xuanqi, the prince has never thought about it. What will it look like?"

Zhang Fan just said such words.It has already calmed down Zhu Xuanluo.

indeed.Just like what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Xuanluo is now just a handle that Empress Dowager Li will use to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.Although he is still living as a person.But for Queen Mother he lives.It really doesn't matter.The most important thing is what kind of effect he can produce.And Zhu Xuanluo's role.It's just as a handle to restrict Zhu Xuanqi.

If so.His first condition.It's not that he can really have a big influence on Zhu Xuanqi.And more importantly it should be.How obedient he is.This is fundamental.If he can be obedient.Stay out of trouble.It is also safe and sound on weekdays.That is naturally the best.But if he wants to make trouble.I have my own opinion.In this way.That's the most troublesome thing.sometimes.No matter how useful a tool is.But it will cause trouble.The owner will also choose to give up.

And now.Zhu Xuanluo and Zhu Xuanqi are about to meet.If Zhu Xuanluo really couldn't bear this tone.Let's do it.Even if Zhu Xuanqi was killed.In this way.Then he was in big trouble.

To know.If Zhu Xuanqi is dead now.That would really cause very huge trouble.After all yesterday.Empress Dowager Li didn't do anything.And today.Zhu Xuanqi went to the palace early in the morning to pay his respects.He died shortly after coming out.What a mess this would cause.

not to mention.This is for Zhang Fan.It is also a huge trouble.after all.If Zhu Xuanqi was killed by Zhu Xuanluo today.That died at Zhang Fan's home.think about it.None of them died in the palace.But in Zhang Fan's home, he died.What are the consequences of this.

Maybe Queen Mother Li's side.This matter can still be explained clearly.After all, it was Zhu Xuanqi who insisted on seeing Zhu Xuanluo.And even so.It can also be said that Zhu Xuanqi asked for these things himself.Can't blame others.

But even Queen Mother Li saw it that way.What's the use of that.The key question is.It is absolutely impossible for Queen Mother Li to tell the reasons for this to the ministers in the court.And in this way.That's what the ministers in the court saw.Zhu Xuanqi went to Zhang Fan's house.And was killed there.

certainly.This is actually not a big problem.After all, Zhang Fan himself is the Jinyiwei.But for Jin Yiwei.Help the queen mother who is now in power to solve problems.That is of course a matter of course.

But.If this matter is placed in the eyes of those ministers in the court.That would be totally out of the ordinary.True.Jin Yiwei may indeed have done many things.the things instructed above.Surveillance and the like are ubiquitous.Even if it is murder.It is also a normal thing.

But the problem is.If it is just to kill the minister.Even if it is just to kill loyal ministers.That's okay to say.At most, this can only show that the people above are more stupid.

But if it is Zhu Xuanqi who died now.This meaning is completely different.Who is Zhu Xuanqi?No matter what he has committed now.Someone offended.But his identity is after all a prince.Of course since ancient times.No matter what dynasty it is.Being a vassal is actually very dangerous.

But in the Ming Dynasty.A vassal.If it is said that he died in the hands of Jin Yiwei.That's completely different.

certainly.If so.It can only be said that this is the decision of the above.But the problem is.For this decision above.Even the prince can do it.

If so.It will only make the ministers in the court more afraid of Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan took charge of Jin Yiwei.This good image has been erected through untold hardships.That's where it was destroyed.

But that's not a problem either.At most, it means that Zhang Fan is the lackey of the Empress Dowager Li.Just a loyal dog.This is very important to Zhang Fan's status in the court.It has no effect.

But this has an impact on Zhang Fan himself.That's pretty big.Even the prince dared to kill.If so.Not only those ministers in the court are afraid of Zhang Fan.What's more important is that there are so many princes under the Ming Dynasty.Including those feudal kings and idle kings.One can imagine what will happen to Zhang Fan.

And in this way.For these people.Zhang Fan would be like a butcher knife hanging around their necks anytime and anywhere.make them afraid.Maybe even changing a person can't change anything.But at least.If Zhang Fan can go down.It's also a good thing for these people.

And don't underestimate these princes.If they really united to perform.The influence cannot be ignored.Even Queen Mother Li couldn't refuse.

Jointly petitioned for regent.Naturally, Queen Mother Li would not agree.After all, this is the foundation of the country.There is absolutely no room for interruption.But the joint petition petitioned for the dismissal of an official.this kind of thing.Even if Empress Dowager Li didn't want to.But it also needs to be considered and understood.These people are all from the clan of the Ming Dynasty.Even if their decisions cannot affect the government.But it will disturb the court.So if that's the case.Even if it is Queen Mother Li for the sake of stability.I'm afraid Zhang Fan can't stay in his current seat any longer.

so.Now Zhang Fan came to dissuade Zhu Xuanluo from doing anything.Not just for the smooth progress of Queen Mother Li's plan.more importantly.Absolutely don't affect him.

And Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng to come over and watch.This further explained Zhang Fan's thoughts.

this matter.Already unconsciously.Zhang Fan just didn't want to affect the government.And until now.It has developed to the point where Zhang Fan doesn't want to get himself burned.

But these things.It is naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to explain to Zhu Xuanluo.Moreover, there was no way for Zhang Fan to use these things as reasons to persuade Zhu Xuanluo.Therefore, Zhang Fan can only change one way now.It is enough to say that this matter has something to do with Zhu Xuanluo's own life.And that's all.Only then can Zhu Xuanluo pay attention.

certainly.The reason why Zhang Fan would say that.He also saw Zhu Xuanluo's temperament.He is not the kind of person who only cares about revenge and disregards his life.And just the opposite.Zhu Xuanluo's ambition is not small.There are many things he wants.therefore.He would not easily do anything out of the ordinary with his own life as a bet.

really.Zhang Fan's words.It made Zhu Xuanluo think in a deep voice.What Zhang Fan said.Zhu Xuanluo thought about it carefully.The discovery was indeed as Zhang Fan said.

Although I don't want to admit it.But he also understood that he was in the eyes of Queen Mother Li.It's just a tool.And once he does something.For example, killing Zhu Xuanqi.In this way.Zhu Xuanqi means.His tool is useless.

That's the case.What's the use of Empress Dowager Li keeping herself.It's better to kill things earlier.Keep him alone.What troubles will arise later.That would be bad.

Seeing Zhu Xuanluo's expression.Zhang Fan also understood.No matter how.What he thought in his heart was almost the same.And this is exactly what Zhang Fan wanted.

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