The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1471 The so-called drunk

Since there are so many guests here, it is inevitable to drink, and now it is Zhang Fan's concubine's room, so although this matter is well prepared, it is actually very simple to do, and Joanna is like this, wearing A new attire is just to show his face, and then he will go back.

But Joanna went back, Zhang Fan couldn't leave, so many people came, Zhang Fan, as the host, naturally had to stay and drink with him, not to mention, all the people who came were colleagues from the court, Zhang Fan It is even more impossible to leave.

Speaking of which, this scene was really lively. After all, there were a lot of people here, so it’s okay if you don’t want to be lively, but this time the excitement is quite different compared to the previous ones. If you say it’s lively To the extent that there is no change, it is still the same, but because of the addition of Zhu Xuanqi, the excitement has changed a bit.

No, maybe it’s not right to say that it’s changed, but it’s still a little different from the past. Of course, whether it’s Zhang Fan, the person who came here, or Zhu Xuanqi himself, they all understand this kind of thing in their hearts. Therefore, No one said anything inappropriate, after all, they have already come, so we have to act according to the situation and speak, and this is not the case for Zhang Fan and his group of ministers, or for Zhu Xuanqi. What a problem.

Therefore, even if everyone feels that the current scene is a bit strange, it still complements each other, and the cooperation is quite good, and there will be no mistakes.

At the banquet, it is natural to push the cups and change the cups, and Zhu Xuanqi is naturally sitting next to Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng. These three people drank a lot of wine. Of course, Zhang Fan drank a little more, maybe It's just because today is a good day for him, and it is inevitable to drink twice as much when he is in a good mood.

And Zhang Juzheng also drank a lot of wine, but for Zhang Juzheng, why did he drink so much? It's a bit confusing. It's not because Zhu Xuanqi was by his side that he drank more. This is not the reason why he drank so much alcohol. Facing this situation, Zhang Juzheng was also thinking about something in his heart. In addition, among the courtiers present, he has the highest status, and there are quite a few people who came to persuade him to drink. In this way, it is normal to drink more.

As for Zhu Xuanqi's words, there are quite a few reasons. Since I came to congratulate Zhang Fan, it is unreasonable not to drink, even if it is to drink less, even the things that happened between him and Zhang Fan cannot be justified. What makes people feel happy, but it is precisely because of those things that happened between the two that the relationship between them has become a little delicate.

Of course, this is only one reason. The main purpose of Zhu Xuanqi’s coming here is that he wants to come here. It’s not to congratulate Zhang Fan, but he wants to see Zhu Xuanluo earlier and talk to him. , but the more anxious he is, the more unhappy he feels. In addition, his status is really special now, so people are constantly coming to persuade him to drink.

It's not that the people below are making trouble, it's because Zhu Xuanqi's status is too special as a vassal king who came to Beijing, and even the things he is facing now make the people below dare not have too much to do with him. More contact, but at the very least there is still.

Today, there were not too many people, but not too few, so even if only one person came up to say hello and toast a glass of wine, Zhu Xuanqi would have to drink a lot of wine after such a round trip.

However, Zhu Xuanqi didn't think it was a big deal, nor did he think that drinking too much would delay today's affairs, or, although he had made up his mind to see Zhu Xuanluo, but because of what he did to Zhu Xuanluo so many years ago , It made him feel ashamed, so now he is planning to drink more wine in his stomach, maybe to strengthen himself or something.

Of course, this is all just guesswork, without the slightest basis. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to tell what he thinks, but no matter what, Zhu Xuanqi really drank too much today.

On the other hand, Zhang Juzheng on the side, although he said that he had something in his heart, but he was not like other people, and he was sitting next to Zhu Xuanqi, if he didn't speak, he would feel weird, so, The banquet started for almost an hour, and the person who talked to Zhu Xuanqi the most was none other than Zhang Juzheng.

Anyway, Zhang Juzheng didn't have the worries in other people's minds, he could say whatever he wanted, so he talked a lot with Zhu Xuanqi.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan, who was also sitting beside Zhu Xuanqi, didn't say much to Zhu Xuanqi, at most, he raised his glass and drank together for a round, and said some polite words.

Of course, when Zhang Juzheng talked to Zhu Xuanqi, what he said was absolutely impossible to have anything to do with the current situation. The two chatted about the current situation in the court, but they didn't include too many political affairs, and Zhang Juzheng asked Zhu Xuanqi more about Sichuan.

And Zhu Xuanqi also looked very interested in this. No matter what Zhang Juzheng asked, he answered patiently without any sign of impatience, as if he came here today and met Zhang Juzheng. It was a great pleasure, as if he came here for no other purpose at all.

This situation was seen by Zhang Fan next to him, and he also found it a little funny.

But no matter what it is, Zhu Xuanqi will never forget the purpose of his coming here today. What's more, this matter has been pressing on his heart. There is no way to let go, or in other words, it is precisely because he wants to pretend to be so free and easy now, on the contrary, it makes those worries in his heart even heavier.

So, after a while, Zhu Xuanqi came out as if he was overwhelmed by alcohol and dizzy.

And Zhang Fan on the side is also very suitable for the occasion. He obviously never said what to do at this time before, but when Zhang Fan saw Zhu Xuanqi's appearance, he immediately asked with great concern: "My lord, what's wrong with you?" ,"

Seeing this, Zhang Juzheng at the side hurriedly echoed and said: "I think the prince is in a good mood, he drank some more wine, he is a little drunk."

"Zhang Ge... what is the old man talking about?" Zhu Xuanqi was even more outstanding. Hearing Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng's words, he immediately pretended to be drunk and said, "Today, the king is happy. , plus it's... It's Mr. Zhang's wedding day again, this is considered a wedding, since it's a wedding, there's no reason to get drunk, Mr. Zhang Ge... don't underestimate the king, come , drink this glass first and then talk," After that, Zhu Xuanqi crookedly picked up the empty glass in front of him and sent it to his mouth, but the wine glass was not put into his mouth at all. , but got stuck on the cheek.

To achieve this level of acting, thinking about it, there is no need to say anything, everyone else knows that Zhu Xuanqi is "drunk".

"Yes, yes, the lord is not drunk." Now that Zhu Xuanqi was like this, Zhang Juzheng could only cooperate more. After he said something, he hurriedly said to Zhang Fan, "Yuande, the lord also drank a lot. I'm happy, but drinking too much alcohol will hurt your body, let the prince go to rest first, "

"Student understands," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Student, let the servants send the prince to the backyard to rest. My lords, I am really sorry. Yuande will send the prince to rest first, and I will continue to share with you adults later drink,"

Naturally, no one objected to this, or in other words, if Zhu Xuanqi could leave temporarily, for these people present, it might be a matter that would ease them a lot.

That being the case, Zhang Fan stopped procrastinating, and quickly called two servants to carry Zhu Xuanqi to the backyard, and Zhang Fan also went with him.

Although the master Zhang Fan is not around for the time being, but because of the absence of Zhu Xuanqi, it has become more lively. Of course, it is more because Zhu Xuanqi is no longer there, and these people have started to talk about Zhu Xuanqi's affairs with each other. .

Listening to what these people said, Zhang Juzheng didn't intend to talk to him at all, he just picked up the drink in front of him, poured himself a drink, and started thinking about something in his heart.

"Speaking of..." Zhang Juzheng suddenly thought of something, "Feng Bao didn't come today. It's easy to talk," Thinking of this, Zhang Juzheng didn't think too much, but continued to drink.

The banquet in the front yard was still going on, but here, after Zhang Fan ordered two servants to carry Zhu Xuanqi to the backyard, he let them leave. This also made the two servants unable to understand what Zhang Fan meant. Zhu Xuanqi They were drunk and hadn't been sent to the room yet. They were naturally puzzled when they were asked to leave now, but these two were only servants of the Zhang family after all, and they didn't have the guts to go against and question Zhang Fan's decision. I could only obediently obey and leave.

When it was confirmed that there were indeed no other people around, Zhang Fan said to the "drunk" Zhu Xuanqi: "My lord, there is no one around, so don't get drunk anymore."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Xuanqi, whose eyes were blurred and dizzy, immediately opened his eyes. Although his face was flushed, it did mean that he had drunk a lot, but the clear-eyed His appearance also shows that he is extremely sober now.

"This time I have to thank Mr. Zhang," Zhu Xuanqi's first words were thank you.

"Oh, what are you talking about, my lord? It's just a matter of little effort," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and said, "By the way, lord, do you want hangover soup? I'll go and get some."

"No, don't bother Mr. Zhang," Zhu Xuanqi shook his head and said, "About the matter of Brother Yu..."

"My lord, please don't worry," Zhang Fan said before Zhu Xuanqi finished speaking, "This matter has already been arranged properly, and now the lord just needs to go to see him, this matter will be kept secret. Let outsiders know, but the Queen Mother..."

"This king has already thought about it," Zhu Xuanqi said to Zhang Fan with a helpless smile, "Actually, in the palace today, this king has already told the Queen Mother about this matter."

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