The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1473 Temporary Relaxation

Although Zhang Fan's words are a bit ambiguous, in fact, his words don't have any other meanings, and they don't imply that Zhu Xuanqi has any unusual meanings. What Fan said was that it would be troublesome for Zhu Xuanqi to solve this matter, but he didn't let Zhu Xuanqi use those unconventional means.

Of course, even if Zhang Fan just talked to Zhu Xuanqi about this kind of thing, it is impossible to say it too clearly. This kind of thing is such a troublesome thing, and for Zhu Xuanqi, even if Zhang Fan didn't explain it clearly, He also understood Zhang Fan's meaning, so even if Zhang Fan's words were not clear, Zhu Xuanqi would never guess about those aspects.

And Zhu Xuanqi, after hearing Zhang Fan's words, nodded his head and said, "I understand Master Zhang's words in my heart, but if you really do it, it will not be easy." Zhu Xuanqi is now encountering this kind of thing , it is really similar to this situation, but it is naturally impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to think in that impossible direction, and now, what should be done next is only for Zhu Xuanqi to decide up.

"In this case, then I will leave," Zhang Fan said to Zhu Xuanqi, looking at the room not far away, it was self-evident, obviously Zhu Xuanluo was there.

He nodded to Zhang Fan, but when he saw that Zhang Fan was about to leave, Zhu Xuanqi stopped him again: "Master Zhang, wait a minute,"

"Does the lord have any orders?" Zhang Fan was a little curious, and couldn't help asking, "If you have anything to say, I will definitely do it."

"No, Mr. Zhang, it's not an order," Zhu Xuanqi said, "Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang has done enough for this king, and this king really has nothing to repay. I have given Master Zhang a favor, if Master Zhang needs help from this king in the future, just say so, as long as this king can do it, he will definitely not refuse,"

"My lord is really too polite," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and said, "Although this matter is not my duty, the reason why I did this is also for a purpose, but please rest assured, my lord. This so-called purpose of this minister will never hurt the prince in the slightest, and this minister dares to guarantee it with his life."

"My lord Zhang's mind, I understand to some extent," Zhu Xuanqi looked at Zhang Fan, nodded, and said, "This lord really admires Mr. Zhang, so there's no need to say those flattering words.

"By the way, this king has one more thing to ask Mr. Zhang. When Yudi came to Mr. Zhang's house, Mr. Zhang must have talked with him. What is he thinking now?"

It seems that no matter what you say, whether you care about it or not, at this time, Zhu Xuanqi's heart is still not at peace, or in other words, Zhu Xuanqi's heart is the most unsettled now. He has already talked about other topics just now, and now he says After it was over, he continued to come back to talk about Zhu Xuanluo's affairs. From this, it can be seen how restless Zhu Xuanluo's heart is.

"I did tell him something," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "If the lord wants to hear it, I should naturally tell the truth without any concealment, but now what the lord wants to ask , Weichen is still a little hesitant, wondering if he should say it or not," Zhang Fan was not looking for any excuses, these words were also the truth in his heart, he really couldn't say it.

It's just that Zhu Xuanqi is a smart person, even if Zhang Fan didn't reveal any information in the words, but just these words are completely enough for Zhu Xuanqi.

Although I don't know exactly what Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanluo said, but at this time, there is no need to know the details. With a look of being speechless, Zhu Xuanqi immediately understood.

Speaking of which, this is not an answer that would disappoint Zhu Xuanqi. In fact, before she came here today, he had already expected that the situation would be like this, but even so, even if he had already prepared , but when he really learned such words from Zhang Fan, although he was not disappointed, it also made him a little disappointed.

Looking at Zhu Xuanqi with such an appearance, Zhang Fan suddenly felt that he was a bit pitiful, but it was impossible for Zhang Fan to say this kind of pitiful, besides, the so-called "poor people must have something to hate" , the situation will become like this now, isn't this the mistake Zhu Xuanqi made himself back then.

Even if it is this kind of mistake, there are "young and ignorant" or other reasons as an excuse, but these cannot change the mistake itself. If you make a mistake, you have committed it, and there is nothing to refute.

And now, it is time for Zhu Xuanqi to taste the mistakes he made.

No longer wanted to say, or there was really nothing more to say, Zhang Fan nodded to Zhu Xuanqi, then turned and left. After all, today is not only Zhu Xuanqi who has his own affairs, but for Zhang Fan, today is the most important thing. It's a very important day, this kind of time can't be wasted on these unpleasant things, besides, there are so many guests outside, being a person, neglecting the guests is not the most important thing, the most important thing Yes, Zhang Fan was afraid that if he left for too long, it would make those people outside think wildly, which would be bad.

Although the Empress Dowager Li already knows about this matter, Zhang Fan still feels that the less people should know about it, the better. After all, even if the Empress Dowager Li has already agreed, if other people know about it, I am afraid it will be revealed again. There may be no troubles, but in comparison, it's just fine.

After thinking about this, Zhang Fan also went back to the front yard.

It wasn't long before Zhang Fan left. Even though he had a little delay after talking to Zhu Xuanqi, it wasn't so suspicious yet.

After Zhang Fan came back, Zhang Juzheng immediately asked before he could open his mouth, "Yuande, how is your lord?" Although on the surface, what Zhang Juzheng heard was about Zhu Xuanqi's "drunkness", but in fact, How could Zhang Fan not know what he meant?

"Teacher, please don't worry." Zhang Fan nodded with a smile, and said, "The student has asked his servants to send the prince to his room to rest. The prince drank a little more, but there is nothing serious about it. Let's rest for a while. It's nothing to worry about," the first sentence was said to Zhang Juzheng, letting him know that things were going smoothly, and the second sentence was said to other people present, the purpose of which was naturally to let them not think too much about it. Too much, Zhu Xuanqi was drunk.

"That's good," Zhang Juzheng felt relieved after hearing what Zhang Fan said, as long as things went smoothly there, he didn't have to worry so much.

And in this way, the banquet continued, and after Zhang Fan came back, he also sat down on his seat again, but this time, he sat down next to Zhang Juzheng.

After Zhang Fan sat down, he immediately whispered next to Zhang Juzheng: "The Empress Dowager already knows what happened today."

"..." Although Zhang Fan's voice was very small, the voice at the scene was very loud, but even so, Zhang Juzheng still heard what Zhang Fan said clearly, but after hearing this, he was immediately shocked. He almost stood up, but fortunately Zhang Fan who was beside him held him down.

Of course, Zhang Juzheng didn't just want to move his body, but even his complexion became extremely different because of Zhang Fan's words, but fortunately, perhaps it was also because Zhu Xuanqi had left, the people present were more enjoyable than before. Less, that's what no one found out.

When Zhang Juzheng was pulled by Zhang Fan, he immediately realized that now is not a good time to change his expression at will, and he immediately changed into the previous appearance, holding up the one in front of him, as if he was about to drink, Covering her mouth, she asked Zhang Fan: "What's going on here?" Empress Dowager Li would know that Zhu Xuanqi was coming here to meet Zhu Xuanluo today. Zhang Juzheng had already considered this point, but in Zhang Juzheng's opinion, That should be after today, not before, so Zhang Juzheng was naturally very surprised when he said such a thing to Zhang Fan.

"It was Zhu Xuanqi who told the Queen Mother himself," Zhang Fan said.

This time, Zhang Juzheng was even more surprised, but fortunately he also understood the current environment, so although he was extremely surprised in his heart, there was no change on the surface.

"Zhu Xuanqi told me," Zhang Fan explained, "Instead of becoming troublesome afterwards, it's better to tell the queen mother beforehand. Please rest assured, teacher. I heard from Zhu Xuanqi that the queen mother has already agreed to this matter." It's a matter, although I don't know what the queen mother thinks, why she agreed, but it is impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to deceive me about this, since even the queen mother has already agreed, please rest assured, teacher."

"..." This time, upon hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhang Juzheng fell silent. Since the matter had already come to this, and the Queen Mother did not express any inappropriateness, and agreed, then naturally everything was fine.

Of course, even so, Zhang Juzheng didn't blame Zhu Xuanqi at all in his heart, after all, if something happened, it would be a big deal.

"Now, we don't have to worry about it anymore," Zhang Fan said to Zhang Juzheng, "Everything will be resolved in a few days, not to mention the current situation, the ending is what the teacher hoped, as long as If so, then everything will be fine, wouldn’t it be the best,”

"That's true," Zhang Juzheng, who thought about it clearly, planned not to ask about it for the time being, at least not to ask about it today, since he came to Zhang Fan for a wedding today, he should have a good time. Okay, even if there are any troublesome things, you can put them aside for the time being.

There is something to do, something to think about, the time is not particularly tight now, it is good to relax a little bit, if that is the case, then just enjoy it, if there is anything, it will not be too late to talk about it until tomorrow.

After thinking about this, Zhang Juzheng also drank the wine in the glass, and the atmosphere became more lively.

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