The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1475 Unforgivable

Speaking up.Although before Zhu Xuanqi came.Zhang Fan had already come over to talk to him.Let him wait until Zhu Xuanqi arrives.Hold back.Don't do it lightly.certainly.This kind of Zhang Fan's warning is fine.Advice worth mentioning.But it's not just this kind of weak verbal speech.Zhang Fan explained to Zhu Xuanluo the power of all of this.

So.It is really Zhu Xuanluo who cherishes his life very much.After listening to Zhang Fan's words.I also understand.Now do it yourself.The consequences would be quite serious.So under his second thought.He also agreed with Zhang Fan's words.Don't do anything to Zhu Xuanqi.But even so.Even he himself didn't know that he was really waiting for Zhu Xuanqi to come over.Can he bear it.

And now.Zhu Xuanqi appeared in front of him.Not to mention whether he could bear it or not.But Zhu Xuanqi said that he believed that he would not do anything.As soon as Zhu Xuanqi's words were spoken.Zhu Xuanluo became strange.Even he himself is not sure whether he will do things.Another person helped him to confirm it.Who should put this kind of thing on.It will also feel strange.

But after the strange.Zhu Xuanluo immediately thought of two possibilities.And think of these two possibilities for a moment.His face became ugly.Looking at Zhu Xuanqi's gaze.It also became sharper.

"What. Could it be that you heard someone say it. I don't know how to do it." Zhu Xuanqi asked coldly.That's right.The first possibility he thought of.That is, Zhang Fan revealed this matter.After all, Zhu Xuanqi can be so sure.Obviously not like guesswork.It's more like someone told him beforehand.And among the people Zhu Xuanluo knew.Zhang Fan was the only one who dared to be so sure.So now he has to think so.

"Xuan Luo. Don't get me wrong." Zhu Xuanqi naturally saw what Zhu Xuanluo meant.Hastily waved his hand.Said. "This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang. To tell you the truth. Before I came, Mr. Zhang also told me. He said that he persuaded you not to do it. But although I know about it. But this That's not why I'm so sure now."

"What is that?" Zhu Xuanluo didn't say whether he believed him or not.Instead, continue to ask. "If it wasn't for this reason, it's hard to say. You also think that I won't do anything to you. If I do, the queen mother will also kill me. So I threw myself into the trap of rats. That's why I dare not I will do it to you." This is the end of Zhu Xuanluo's words.The voice became even colder.

Thinking about it is indeed the case.If it was only because of Zhang Fan that Zhu Xuanqi was sure that he would not do anything.Maybe Zhu Xuanluo would blame Zhang Fan.But his to blame.It doesn't matter at all.Or.Before Zhang Fan asked him to talk about that.He should have already thought that Zhang Fan would talk to Zhu Xuanqi.Even if I feel a little upset.But there is no way.

But if it is the second type.If it was because of Zhu Xuanqi, he would have thought of it.Once he starts.His life is in danger.That's why I didn't do anything.if it is like this.Zhu Xuanluo probably couldn't think of other things at all.Zhu Xuanqi must be killed by hand.

This kind of thinking.Speaking of which, it was a complete insult to Zhu Xuanluo.Others can tell him that.Zhang Fan can.It can even be replaced by anyone.But Zhu Xuanqi couldn't do it.Because once Zhu Xuanqi said it.This feeling was like Zhu Xuanqi was laughing at him.enmity between the two.Now if Zhu Xuanqi did this again... Zhu Xuanluo would be ashamed.I also suffered.Even before, in order to get back what belonged to him, he was willing to be a guard by Zhu Xuanqi's side.humble.

but now.The situation is different.After all.Those three years.Zhu Xuanluo really endured it for a long time.And now.Zhu Xuanqi already knew his identity and purpose.If so.There is no need for Zhu Xuanluo to endure it anymore.And if Zhu Xuanqi still despised him at this juncture.Zhu Xuanluo couldn't bear it either.

therefore.When speaking of the second possibility.The eyes Zhu Xuanluo looked at Zhu Xuanqi became even colder.

And now.It just depends on how Zhu Xuanqi answers him.If Zhu Xuanqi dared to nod at this time.Zhu Xuanluo will definitely do it right away.

now.Wang Meng was listening to the movement outside the house.It is also tense.Zhu Xuanqi was ready to make a move at any time.

"No. Not for this reason." Zhu Xuanqi continued to shake his head.Said. "What's happening now. If I say that I don't think about anything, you won't believe it. But now I really don't think about it that way. Xuan Luo. You have to believe me."

"Believe in you. Believe in you and I won't end up where I am now. You won't be able to sit on the throne either." Facing Zhu Xuanqi's words.All Zhu Xuanluo had was cynicism. "That's the case. It's neither of these. Why do you believe so much that I won't do anything to you now?"

"It might make you think it's funny." Zhu Xuanqi smiled wryly.Said. "I don't have any reason at all. But I just think. You won't do it."

"..." It took me a long time.Zhu Xuanqi gave him such a vague idea.Such an ambiguous answer.Honestly this kind of thing.Zhu Xuanluo would not believe it.Or it would be impossible for anyone else to believe it.But I heard what Zhu Xuanqi said.Zhu Xuanluo really didn't want to do anything again.

"You trust me." Zhu Xuanluo relaxed.But there is no relaxation between words. "But think about it as you like."

"Xuan Luo..." Seeing Zhu Xuanluo relax.Zhu Xuanqi also let out a sigh of relief in his heart.He already knew it.It is very difficult to talk to Zhu Xuanluo.And now it seems.The biggest problem has been solved.Zhu Xuanqi then continued. "I also know. What happened back then was indeed my fault.

"But at that time. Although I was older than you, I was not much older. When I encountered that kind of thing, how could I calm down. At the beginning, I wandered outside for a whole day before arriving at the palace. After returning, I told my father Wang told about this matter. Father Wang also immediately sent someone to look for it. But they couldn't find it. I...

"It's useless to think about telling you these things now. It's just that you and I are brothers in this life. Why do we have to be so deadlocked. Is it true that we can't go back to the way we were before?"

"Back to the past." Zhu Xuanluo seemed to have heard something funny.Looking at Zhu Xuanqi with an expression of looking at an idiot.Said. "You tell me about it. How can we go back to the past. Besides, you and I were both born in the royal family. I was born as a descendant. I have been clothed in luxury since I was a child. I don't know sorrow. And you should understand better than me.

"If that hadn't happened back then, what would happen to the two of us in the future. It's nothing more than me sitting on the throne. And when that happens, what would happen to you. Have you ever thought about this. You and I. Although It's brothers. But it's also because of brothers. So between you and me, it will come to this point sooner or later.

"Things have come to this day. What are you talking about going back to the past. Don't you think this prince is a fool?"

In the face of Zhu Xuanluo's abuse and ridicule.But Zhu Xuanqi was not angry: "Then. How can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you." Zhu Xuanluo asked back.Said. "Let's put it this way. If you abdicate right now. Make my identity known to the world. Give me the throne. I will forgive you.

"But this kind of thing. You can't do it if you think about it. Don't say whether you are willing to do it or not. Things are what they are today. Even if you are willing, I'm afraid you want to abdicate. It also needs the consent of the Queen Mother. Although I want to see it very much, but looking at the current situation, the queen mother will not abolish you easily.

"Since that's the case, then why don't you forgive me or not. This is simply impossible."

Although said before.when he was alone.I still can't figure this out.But it's not so much that I don't understand.It might as well be that he didn't want to think about it that way.Therefore, Zhu Xuanqi had just entered Beijing.But the Queen Mother didn't do anything to him.He was really irritable.

But now.Zhu Xuanqi was right in front of him.In this way.On the contrary, Zhu Xuanluo thought clearly.He also understands the current situation.Knowing that the queen mother will not do it easily.

Of course.Even if these reasons are removed.In fact, it doesn't matter whether the Queen Mother moves her hand or not.It doesn't matter whether he can get back what originally belonged to him.But one thing will never change.That is, he will never be able to forgive Zhu Xuanqi.

And after hearing what Zhu Xuanluo said.Zhu Xuanqi also understood his determination in his heart.this hatred.Immersed in Zhu Xuanluo for 20 years.It has already penetrated into his bone marrow.Now I just want to resolve it with just a few words.This is completely impossible.

Zhu Xuanluo's words.It also made Zhu Xuanqi fully understand this point.When he came here.Although they are not ready how to talk to Zhu Xuanluo.But he still thought in his heart that he could resolve the grievances between the two.

but now.Zhu Xuanluo had already said it to death in front of him.There is already no room for maneuver.In this way.The purpose of Zhu Xuanqi's visit today.It can be said that it was impossible to realize it from the beginning.

Zhu Xuanqi understood this.I couldn't help but feel a deep disappointment in my heart.Plus face this disappointment.There was simply nothing he could do.This sense of powerlessness.It made Zhu Xuanqi feel even more uncomfortable.

"You don't have to be like this." Zhu Xuanluo saw Zhu Xuanqi's expression.Put on a very relaxed look.Said. "Actually. Ever since you abandoned me back then, our brotherhood has been broken. Therefore, you still say that you forgive or not. It is really stupid. As a prince, you have heard and seen it. There are definitely a lot of things. And I have also been in the rivers and lakes. I understand all these things.

"Wanting to turn an enemy into a friend. That's completely delusional. So. Don't think about forgiveness or unforgiveness. Now I can't touch you. But I will wait. If you do something wrong. Then But you can’t blame me for driving you off this throne.”

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