Originally, Zhang Fan didn't want to take care of Zhu Xuanqi's affairs, but now Zhu Xuanqi has given up, and he has even decided to go back with such a disappointed expression. At this time, Zhang Fan actually has nothing to do with him. You don't need to do anything, you just need to stay silent, and after Zhu Xuanqi leaves, he will have nothing to do.

Compassion will always be there, but the problem is, it depends on where your soft heart is, and for Zhang Fan today, it is absolutely unwise to think about it now. Not only was it unwise, but more importantly, it brought him a lot of trouble this time.

But now, Zhang Fan was looking at Zhu Xuanqi who was about to leave, but he still couldn't hold back, and finally said something like this, the sentence of asking Zhu Xuanqi to wait, in fact, Zhang Fan had just said it. Regret, but that sentence is good, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and since Zhang Fan has already said these words, that is to say, he has no room for maneuver.

In fact, the same is true for Zhu Xuanqi. Since Zhang Fan has already asked him to wait, even if Zhang Fan hasn't said it yet, Zhu Xuanqi doesn't need to think about it at all to know what Zhang Fan wants. What did you say, I didn't see Zhu Xuanqi now, his face is completely excited, this is enough to explain the problem.

And at this time, it is obviously impossible for Zhang Fan to go back on his word. Even if he hasn't said anything yet, the reason for calling Zhu Xuanqi to stop is just because of some other unimportant things. This is also impossible. In this atmosphere, you can still say these words, and you don't have to think twice except for the matter about Zhu Xuanluo.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang?" After hearing Zhang Fan telling him to wait, Zhu Xuanqi hurried back to Zhang Fan's side at a speed several times faster than the one he left just now, and looked at Zhang Fan with an excited expression on his face. Looking around, he asked, "Are you talking about Xuan Luo's matter? There is still a turning point now," Zhu Xuanqi asked without any pretension, without any intention of embellishment, it was just such straightforward words.

And in this way, Zhang Fan has no way to avoid it. Of course, for Zhang Fan, this is actually nothing to do. He has already said it, and now he wants to change it. possible.

However, even now Zhang Fan can only tell him about Zhu Xuanluo, but Zhang Fan will still keep in mind one thing, that is, he must not let go now, and he must not let the two of them meet right now. This matter is beneficial, and it can be regarded as saving Zhang Fan himself a lot of trouble in the future, so he must not let go.

But now, now that I understand it, we must keep this point in mind, then the rest of the questions that need to be said become more interesting. In other words, Zhang Fan should be more cautious when talking about these words with Zhu Xuanqi Now, be careful not to reveal anything in the words that will make Zhu Xuanqi aware that he can actually help him now, as long as Zhu Xuanqi will not be aware of this, then Zhang Fan's troubles will not be too much. There is.

"It is indeed about Zhu Xuanluo." Zhang Fan did not deny this, "Let me tell the prince honestly, this matter has indeed become a little troublesome before, and there is no need to say the reason now, honestly Said, Wei Chen somewhat understands the prince's desire to see his younger brother, but just because this matter has really offended the Queen Mother, it is difficult for Wei Chen to talk to the Queen Mother about it again. , and the prince himself, even if he wants to, he can't go to the queen mother, please ask the queen mother to agree to this matter."

"That's true." Although Zhu Xuanqi knew that Zhang Fan asked him to wait, there must be some way to solve this problem, but after hearing what Zhang Fan said just now, Zhu Xuanqi still felt a little lost, "The Queen Mother I understand what you are thinking, but... Master Zhang, you know, now, according to Master Zhang, is there any turning point for this matter?"

"It's not a turnaround," Zhang Fan waved his hand, and said, "But don't get me wrong, my lord, the turnaround I mentioned, the lord understands that there really isn't a turnaround in this matter."

Zhang Fan's words once again made Zhu Xuanqi's face ugly.

"But this so-called turning point does not refer to the current situation that the prince is in." Zhang Fan continued to speak before Zhu Xuanqi was completely lost. "What I mean is that the prince wants to see his brother Zhu Xuanluo. Things, if it is this matter, there is still a turning point, "

Seriously, what Zhang Fan said made Zhu Xuanqi gasp a lot. To be honest, Zhu Xuanqi really wanted to punch Zhang Fan at this time. No matter who came to think about this matter, it should be said that Zhu Xuanqi was referring to the fact that he wanted to see Zhu Xuanluo again, and it was absolutely impossible to refer to the present matter.

But now, that's not the time for Zhu Xuanqi to pursue Zhang Fan's responsibility. After all, what Zhu Xuanqi wanted, Zhang Fan has already said that there is a turning point. Even if Zhang Fan teased him just now, this is for Zhu Xuanqi That said, it's not something that can't be tolerated anymore.

To make a digression, in fact, because of the things that Zhu Xuanqi has encountered now, he no longer cares about his status as a prince, and the ministers in the court have to be respectful to him. Of course, if it was a joke, I am afraid Zhu Xuanqi would still mind it. Of course, this teasing also depends on the target, such as the current Zhang Fan, he thinks he can bear it, after all, Zhang Fan is his hope now.

Of course, since it is a digression, it will stop here.

"But..." Although what Zhang Fan said was indeed what Zhu Xuanqi wanted to hear, and he was very excited when he heard it just now, but after being excited, he also thought of the meaning behind it. The problem is, or he thought of the contradiction in it, "Master Zhang before, no, Master Zhang told me in the past few days that there is no hope for this matter now, but now Master Zhang said With a turning point, what is going on,"

That's right, Zhu Xuanqi is thinking about this matter now, which makes him feel strange.

Thinking about it, it is indeed the case. It was obvious that it was difficult to do, and it was impossible to do it before, but now it has turned around in such a short period of time. It will indeed make Zhu Xuanqi feel strange, and even...doubt .

Today's Zhu Xuanqi has begun to wonder whether what Zhang Fan is going to say to him next is actually what Zhang Fan has already thought about. Originally, Zhang Fan didn't plan to help him, or he didn't plan to help him now. He, but it will take a while, but just now because of his extremely disappointed appearance, Zhang Fan's heart softened, so Zhang Fan changed his mind and told him that things have turned for the better.

It has to be said that Zhu Xuanqi's guess is absolutely correct. Although the content of his guess is completely inconsistent with the facts, the result of Zhu Xuanqi's guess is exactly the same. There is nothing wrong with it. Zhang Fan lost his mind.

And in this way, Zhu Xuanqi couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. He even felt that Zhang Fan was deliberately playing tricks on him before. He obviously had a way, but he refused to tell him after so long. He had to wait until he showed such a disappointed expression before he would speak, it was as if Zhang Fan was watching his joke.

But on this point, Zhu Xuanqi guessed wrong. Zhang Fan didn't want to see his jokes at all. After all, that kind of thing would not bring any substantive benefits other than making people feel satisfied for a while. Well, the reason why Zhang Fan did this was because he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Of course, at that moment just now, Zhang Fan did play tricks on Zhu Xuanqi with one sentence, but it was just that one sentence.

"My minister can tell what the lord is thinking," Zhang Fan said, "But please rest assured, what I said to the lord a few days ago, even until just now, is true. I don't mean to deceive the lord at all, this matter is really difficult, besides, this is what the lord can think of, even if the humble minister is deceiving the lord, the lord can see it, "

"This..." Zhang Fan's words once again made Zhu Xuanqi ponder. What Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all. This matter is not entirely up to Zhang Fan, and Zhu Xuanqi himself has his own. Judging is obviously a difficult thing to do, and Zhang Fan just told him the facts before, without the slightest intention of deceiving. In this case, Zhang Fan is not deceiving him.

But since this is the case, Zhang Fan changed his words in an instant, saying that there was a turning point, which still made Zhu Xuanqi very concerned.

But now Zhu Xuanqi does not intend to pursue this matter any further. What he wants to know is what is the turning point that Zhang Fan mentioned, and when will he be able to see Zhu Xuanluo again? Zhu Xuanqi's main purpose, as to why Zhang Fan suddenly changed his mind, was just a curiosity to him, and it was not a question worth exploring.

"Master Zhang, please speak more quickly." Obviously, since Zhang Fan said that there was a turning point, Zhu Xuanqi did not intend to pursue other issues, and asked, "What is the turning point in this matter? How shall I do it,'

"It's a turning point, but in fact the turning point of this matter is because of the Empress Dowager's mood," Zhang Fan said, "It must be very difficult to say anything to the Empress Dowager Li now, but it's not possible now, It doesn't mean that it won't work in the future, in fact, I think the prince just needs to wait for a while."

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