The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1508 Such conditions

Perhaps it was because Zhu Xuanqi had already expected it.Or rather.It is not surprising that Queen Mother Li agreed to his request with conditions.all in all.When Zhu Xuanqi heard Zhang Fan say that this matter was conditional.It was indeed a little quiet.But the expression on his face was very natural.It wasn't like he heard something incredible.Actually think about it.What conditions did Empress Dowager Li put forward on this matter.It is also a very normal thing.

therefore.After Zhu Xuanqi heard what Zhang Fan said.He is very calm.But even this incident calmed him down.But Zhu Xuanqi was very concerned about being able to see Zhu Xuanluo again.Still very happy.Although it is indeed diluted a lot.But for Zhu Xuanqi today.It doesn't matter anymore.

"My lord doesn't seem too surprised." Zhang Fan naturally saw Zhu Xuanqi's asked. "What does the queen mother want the prince to do. I haven't said anything yet. But no matter how I think about it, it's not an easy thing. Don't you worry about it?"

"This king has already considered it." Zhu Xuanqi said about this matter.He didn't hesitate at all.Obviously not lying.He did think about it. "This matter. Since it is the king's request, it is normal for the queen mother to ask for any conditions. And this king has thought of it. Since the king voluntarily does this, the queen mother will put forward the conditions. That's not surprising. Yes. And. I think the conditions put forward by the queen mother will not be simple. After all, this one is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure. In this case, the queen mother's request. Wanting is the last thing I want. But even so, the queen mother Thinking about it, I already understand. As long as it is not too much, this king will agree. Therefore, this king has already made preparations. Please tell Master Zhang. What kind of conditions did the Queen Mother put forward. "

"It seems that the prince is indeed already prepared." Hearing Zhu Xuanqi say this.Zhang Fan also nodded to express his understanding.Indeed.Zhu Xuanqi is a smart man.It is inevitable to think of these.And think of these to admit it.But it’s not that I’m deluding myself into thinking it’s impossible.It can be said that what Zhu Xuanqi did was already well thought out.

only.Although Zhu Xuanqi was already fully prepared.But Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.Although it was said by Queen Mother Li.In fact, Zhang Fan was just helping Empress Dowager Li spread the word.But even so.Zhang Fan still didn't know what to say.after all.Queen Mother Li's request is really a bit...

"Master Zhang, please tell me." Zhu Xuanqi naturally saw Zhang Fan's hesitation.smiled.Open your mouth and say. "What this king said just now is not a beautiful word. This is what this king thinks in his heart. No matter what conditions the Queen Mother puts forward, please just say it outright, Mr. Zhang."

Zhu Xuanqi's words.Zhang Fan laughed at himself in his heart.Indeed.Even Zhu Xuanqi is not afraid.Zhang Fan was just a person who came to spread the word.There is nothing to be afraid of.not to mention.This is only what Zhu Xuanqi has to pay.It has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.

"In that case..." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "The queen mother agreed to let the prince see Zhu Xuanluo before leaving. But the conditions of the queen mother... the queen mother said. Some palaces in the palace have been in disrepair for a long time. But now the court...the court is somewhat difficult. But the royal dignity I have to keep it. Therefore, I want the prince to take out some silver taels. It can be regarded as doing something for my family."

It's no wonder that Zhang Fan was embarrassed to say that before.these words.It really took Zhang Fan a lot of effort to say it.

There are palaces in the palace that have been in disrepair for a long time.That's true.After all, from the completion of the Forbidden City to the present.It also has a history of more than 100 years.And among them.A lot has happened.Such a large-scale complex.It is natural to have several palace keys even if you repair them.North Korea and China have always had plans.It's just that it turned out that the DPRK and China were more difficult.That's why I didn't bring it up.

And now.It is because things are too busy.Can't handle these things at all.But when it comes to the DPRK and China, it is difficult.That's absolute bullshit.If it was placed a few years ago.Zhang Fan said these words.Nature is not ambiguous.but now.Because the sea ban was lifted.Plus business tax.North Korea's annual income.But it is more than doubled than the original.In this way.There is no difficulty at all in the DPRK.Unable to repair the problem.

so.this condition.It is clear that Queen Mother Li is making things difficult for Zhu Xuanqi.And even Zhu Xuanqi didn't know what the situation was in the court.But as soon as Zhang Fan mentioned this matter.He also understood.But to understand is to understand.Even if he understands that Empress Dowager Li is deliberately making things difficult for herself.Zhu Xuanqi had no choice but to take the move.otherwise.I'm afraid it's not just that he can't see Zhu Xuanluo.I'm afraid there will be other troubles.

"Master Zhang doesn't have to be like this." Zhang Fan could see his embarrassment.Zhu Xuanqi said with a smile. "The king understands this matter in his heart. Since the queen mother said so, it is not difficult. Those yellow and white things are things outside the body. Although there are not many. But as the king of Shu, I still have some family background. But not Know how much the Queen Mother wants."

"This..." Zhu Xuanqi had already agreed to this matter.But now he asked for the exact number.Zhang Fan didn't even know how to answer.Because... "The queen mother asked the palace to make an estimate. If all the repairs are completed, it will cost about 82 taels. But the queen mother said. 82 taels. One million taels is enough. That’s fine.”

"..." Facing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanqi became silent.

Seeing Zhu Xuanqi's silent look.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while.I always feel that I should say something comforting at this time.It's just that Zhang Fan felt that it was inappropriate to speak at this time.

indeed.Queen Mother Li's condition.To be honest, it does make people feel a little too much.Even if he wanted to make Zhu Xuanqi bankrupt.Nor should it be. 82 taels.There is nothing in the palace.Let Zhu Xuanqi come out.This is a bit too much.But that's all.That's okay to say.Take it as punishment for Zhu Xuanqi.only. 82 taels was not a small sum.Now it is said openly.Some trouble.Let Zhu Xuanqi collect enough 100 million taels of silver.Send it to the palace.

That's good.Such a "make up".That is an extra 18 taels of silver.That's 18 taels of silver.That is something that many people will never see in their lifetime.And now.It's just what Queen Mother Li said.That's a lot of extra money.It is indeed somewhat unacceptable.

And Zhu Xuanqi didn't yell at him now.Of course he can't do that either.But after Zhu Xuanqi heard what Zhang Fan said.Not too excited.It just fell silent.It can be said that Zhu Xuanqi is already quite calm.certainly.It may also be because Zhu Xuanqi can actually afford the money.So it wasn't too frustrating.But think about it, no matter how rich the owner is.Take out 100 million at once.It is also impossible not to feel pain.

Zhu Xuanqi was silent for a while.Facing Zhang Fan, he showed a wry smile: "It seems that the queen mother really checked everything out."

"The investigation is very clear." I heard Zhu Xuanqi say this.Zhang Fan was a little confused. "What does your lord mean by that?"

"This matter. It's impossible for Mr. Zhang's Jin Yiwei to know about it. But Mr. Zhang doesn't know. I think it's because he didn't pay much attention to it." Zhu Xuanqi said. "Indeed. The King of Shu is the biggest vassal under my Ming Dynasty. Not only the power, but also the largest fiefdom. And this king is the King of Shu. Even if you don't care much about the accounts of the King of Shu, it is clear. Just During the Chinese New Year this year. In the palace. The money that the king can get out. There is a total of 120 taels of silver. If it is not before the Chinese New Year, the king will not be able to take it out. It is the time of the Chinese New Year this year. The new collection in the Wangfu 33 taels. If it weren’t for the 33 taels, I wouldn’t be able to get the 100 million. It seems that the queen mother has already made plans.”

Zhu Xuanqi's words.Zhang Fan also fell silent.It is indeed as Zhu Xuanqi said.Empress Dowager Li definitely checked.and.Empress Dowager Li must have had this idea long ago.

If it is according to Zhu Xuanqi's statement.Of course, it is impossible for Zhu Xuanqi to lie about this matter.After all, this kind of thing will be found out as soon as it is checked.There is no need to lie Xuanqi said that he had 120 taels of silver in his palace.I can get it out.It's not a surprise either.

And if he gave 100 million to the palace.I only left 22 taels of silver.This money is enough for the expenses of the palace.Not to mention waiting until next year.There is money in the account again.It can also be turned around.But.The amount of silver is so accurate.Obviously, Empress Dowager Li had already been checked by someone.

Of course.Speaking of things like silver.It is indeed very important.But for people like Zhu Xuanqi and Zhang Fan.Silver is not necessary.But it can't be completely absent.

And now.Queen Mother Li is like this.It also shows the punishment of Queen Mother Li.It was indeed stuck on the cheek.

but.Although Zhu Xuanqi did seem very heartbroken.But this is not an unacceptable result for him. One million taels of silver is indeed a lot.But he can afford it.And for what he wants to do.This one million taels of silver is for him.Maybe it's nothing.


"If the prince can get it out, then it will be fine." Zhang Fan said. "Just don't worry, my lord. Apart from this condition, Empress Dowager Li has another condition."

"Master Zhang, please explain." This time.Zhu Xuanqi didn't look the same as before.Think about it too.After all, he has accepted even the matter of 100 million taels of silver.I don't care about other things.

only.Obviously, it is impossible for Queen Mother Li to let him go so easily.

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