The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1512 The So-Called Fun

Of course.Since it is a woman.And all live under the same roof.Then there will naturally be many things between each other.and.There are good and bad in this.But for Zhang Fan.He is quite fortunate.Among several women of his own.can understand each other.Will not do anything to hurt the other party.Even if it is like the relationship between Zhaoxue and Yingyue.We quarrel and quarrel several times a day.But practically speaking.The relationship between the two is not generally good.

certainly.Since they are all women.And all live under the same life will seem a little boring.And how to kill boredom.It has become a topic for these women.certainly.the best choice.Naturally go out.But for them.It's almost time to go shopping in the capital.Can't go too far away.Even now there is a new Fang Yueling.But this time has already been done.And Fang Yueling is not the kind of person who likes to go out and hang out.

Except for the one about going out.Of course there are other ways.For example.Get together with the female relatives of Zhang Fan's colleagues.this kind of thing.Obviously, the female relatives in the ministers' homes all had the same idea.But this one.For these women in Zhang Fan's family, it was a little different.It can't be said that Zhang Fan's women are all different.It's really because they are not too cold about this kind of thing.certainly.It's not that they don't like it at all.sometimes.Still get together with those or something.It can also be regarded as a way to kill boredom.But they are not addicted to this kind of thing.

But apart from these two items.In this way, they have no extra activities.But that's not the case.Anyway.They are also family.Maybe I'm tired of shopping outside.Or maybe it's not interesting to talk to those people.But let them get together by themselves.It's normal to say something.

Speaking up.Zhang Fan went home with ease.But no one can be found anywhere.And when walking to Fang Yueling's place.But they heard their voices.obviously.They all gathered at Fang Yueling's place.talking about something.

This is for Zhang Fan.It's a very normal thing.After all, they get together to talk like this.It's not a strange thing either.And as far as Zhang Fan is concerned.He wished they had talked like that, too.And even if they gather here with Fang Yueling, it's not surprising.After all, Fang Yueling hadn't been here for long.In addition, Fang Yueling would get up early every morning to practice martial arts.No one in the Zhang residence knew about it.Out of curiosity.Gather here with her.say something.Or ask her something.It is also very normal.

It's just that Zhang Fan has some doubts.After all, he had just heard the voice.All looked surprised.Perhaps Fang Yueling or Yu'er talked about what he had seen and heard in the world.It will indeed surprise them a few times.But just now Zhang Fan even heard Yingyue's surprise.

Hearing that Yingyue was also so surprised.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.After all, Yingyue has walked the rivers and lakes.And if it is really compared.What Yingyue had to go through was much more dangerous than Fang Yueling's.After all, Fang Yueling is the leader of the Five Poison Sect no matter the leader.No matter what you do, someone will follow you.Not to mention Fang Yueling if she travels.That will definitely bring people along.

therefore.Even if Fang Yueling encountered some problems.It's not a dangerous situation either.And now.Something that can surprise even Yingyue.Even Zhang Fan became a little curious.

Think here.Zhang Fan also wanted to hear what they were talking about.If you just talk about topics that women are interested in.Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't listen.Even if it is his own woman.Say something but also something that you don't want men to know.It's just that now that they are all gathered here at Fang Yueling's place.Obviously that's not the case.

"So you are all here." Zhang Fan did not knock on the door.He pushed open the door and walked in. "I walked all the way. But I didn't see anyone. I thought you were all going out together. I didn't expect you to talk here. Say something. It's convenient for me to listen to it."

"Master is back." Ru Xue was the first to speak. "Sister Jiji didn't have much to do today. She wanted to go out. Later, Zhaoxue came to ask sister Yueling about things in the Jianghu by herself. As a result, we were fascinated by listening to it."

"My husband wants to hear it too." Zhaoxue couldn't think of so many things.She was naturally very happy to see Zhang Fan back.He even wanted to stand up and meet Zhang Fan.

Seeing that Zhaoxue was about to stand up.Zhang Fan quickly walked up to her.Don't let her get up.Now she is pregnant.It's been half a year.Zhang Fan didn't dare to let her move around like before.

Zhaoxue naturally understood what Zhang Fan was thinking.See Zhang Fan doing this.The smile on her face was even more cheerful.It's next to it.Fang Yueling and Yingyue looked at Zhang Fan with incomprehensible eyes.There was some longing in Yingyue's eyes.And what was revealed in Fang Yueling's eyes.But something is confusing.

At this time, Zhang Fan's thoughts were all on Zhaoxue.He didn't pay attention to other people's expressions.But Ru Xue's thoughts are so meticulous.Of course she noticed.

If it is about Yingyue's thoughts.Ru Xue can understand without even thinking about it.It must be because Zhaoxue was pregnant with Zhang Fan's child before her.I have some taste in my heart.But because of Fang Yueling's arrival.The reason why Yingyue was unable to conceive for a long time was already known.No matter how delicious she is now.It would not give birth to any jealousy.

But Fang Yueling's eyes.Ru Xue also saw it.But even if she saw it.Even if she is very smart.But she still didn't understand.What did Fang Yueling's eyes mean?It's not that Fang Yueling's mind is so difficult to guess.It was really because Ru Xue knew too little about Fang Yueling.What's more, Fang Yueling usually lives.It was only for Zhang Fan that he would smile.Even if it is to say something to her on weekdays.Her expression was extremely polite.But rarely laugh.For Fang Yueling like this, Ruxue really didn't understand.

But Ru Xue won't go to the bottom of it.All she needs to know is that Fang Yueling loves Zhang Fan.It is enough not to hurt Zhang Fan.As for those small thoughts.Everyone has some small thoughts in their hearts.Even she has it herself.She would be curious about it though.But I will never ask what happened.

"Oh." Zhang Fan heard Zhaoxue's words.It's a little curious.She turned her head and looked at Fang Yueling.With doubts in his eyes.

It's not that there are so many anecdotes about Fang Yueling who are wondering where she came from.In any case, she is also the leader of the Five Poison Sect.Even if you don't go out much.Heard a lot too.Even if it is an empty paraphrase.But for these women who have never stepped into the rivers and lakes.It is also very attractive.

Zhang Fan wasn't wondering about this.He was genuinely puzzled.In fact, it was why Fang Yueling said these things.It's not that there's anything wrong with what Fang Yueling said.But with Fang Yueling's temper that he knew.Even if it is said.It is impossible to say so many words.If it is said that Fang Yueling is only because she wants to have a good relationship with them.So I forced myself to say these words.Ru Xue could tell at a glance.And Ru Xue is definitely not the kind who knows that the other party doesn't like it.But he still wanted to force her to say something.

It's just that the words say so.But it was hard for Zhang Fan to believe that Fang Yueling would suddenly become so talkative.This was why Zhang Fan felt puzzled.

really.The so-called heart-to-heart union.There is nothing wrong with these four words.Although it is about Fang Yueling.Ru Xue still doesn't know much about it.But something obvious.Ru Xue could still see clearly.therefore.After she saw Zhang Fan showing such an expression.She immediately understood what Zhang Fan was thinking.

smiled.Ru Xue said: "Sister Yu'er was mostly talking about it just now. However, Sister Yueling explained some things to us. I heard about those strange poisons and their effects before. It really shocked us. But carefully Come to think of it. It's pretty interesting."

It turned out that Yu'er was talking.If so.Zhang Fan didn't think it was strange anymore.Although until now.Zhang Fan is still not sure why Yu'er insisted on living here.But she didn't make trouble.That's the best thing.

And Yu'er is indeed very talkative.I also like to join in the fun.This point has changed since Zhang Fan met Yu'er in the past.She has been hurting herself all the time and you can see it clearly.

It's just Ru Xue's words.It also made Zhang Fan a little ashamed.It turned out that the surprised voice was because of the poison.Not to say otherwise.Practically speaking.Even Zhang Fan already knew some things.But remember the first time I heard it.When it comes to these strange poisons and what they do.Zhang Fan also couldn't help being startled.

But the problem today is not that they are surprised.But obviously they were surprised at the same time.On the contrary, I am not afraid at all.Instead, I was more interested in listening to Fang Yueling and Yu'er's introduction.

This feeling is almost like reading an encyclopedia of poisons.certainly.There is an audio version.

If so.It was not surprising that he heard Yingyue's surprised sound just now.Come to think of it, there are many things in it.Perhaps even Yingyue has never heard of it.It's normal for her to be surprised.

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "If it comes to these things, I'm also very interested. If it doesn't hinder you, I will stay and listen. How about it."

"Of course it's okay to come and listen." Zhaoxue was the first to speak.She was clearly in high spirits now. "But my husband has to sit next to me."

I heard what Zhaoxue said.All the people present laughed.

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