The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1520 Overwhelmed

"My lord," Zhang Fan took Zhu Xuanqi to the same place where he was brought last time, and said, "It's still the same place. The lord has already been here once before, and I think the lord should know about this time. If so, then The minister just resigned," Zhang Fan didn't intend to send Zhu Xuanqi to Wukong, but just said so when he came to the gate of the courtyard.

"Master Zhang," Zhu Xuanqi didn't wait for Zhang Fan to turn around and stopped him, "I would like to thank Master Zhang for your concern about this matter. Although this king has agreed to many conditions from the queen mother, I can see Xuan Luo again. , I feel better in my heart, thank you Master Zhang, "

"My lord, you don't need to talk like that." Zhang Fan was not ungrateful, but at this time, there was really no need to say those scenes. I also have my own plan in my heart, if it can be done, it will save a lot of trouble for the court, whether it is for the minister or the court. The prince does not need to thank the minister. The reason why the minister did this is because This matter has something to do with Weichen."

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he stopped looking at Zhu Xuanqi and turned to leave.

And Zhu Xuanqi stood in the same place, watching Zhang Fan's leaving back, with an indescribable expression on his face, thankful, but also with many indescribable appearances, which even he himself may not be able to explain , but he really thanked Zhang Fan, which is absolutely true.

After Zhang Fan left, Zhu Xuanqi turned his head and looked at the house he had been to before, his expression changed again, becoming very deep, but this time, he walked over without hesitation, and knocked on the door. door.

Ever since Zhu Xuanluo met Zhu Xuanqi at Zhang Fan's home that day, he has been in a depressed mood. Although no one told him about the meeting that day, as far as Zhu Xuanluo was concerned, he already knew about Zhu Xuanqi's situation. One trip to the capital, nothing will happen.

And that day, although he said a lot of cruel words to Zhu Xuanqi, it would be better to pass it on. The reason why he said that was entirely because of his desperation for the situation he knew. It can be said that Zhu Xuanluo already understood It is the last thing he wants to see.

And after that day, Zhu Xuanluo became depressed, although after that day, I don't know if it was the Queen Mother Li who ordered it, or Zhang Fan's intention, although there are still many people in the place where Zhu Xuanqi lives Guarding, but the strength is obviously not as good as before, but it doesn't matter to Zhu Xuanluo, or they know that Zhu Xuanluo will be like this, so they relax the surveillance.

And the fact is indeed the case, that meeting made Zhu Xuanluo extremely depressed, so even though it was obvious that the guards outside had relaxed their vigilance, it was already irrelevant to Zhu Xuanluo. For Zhu Xuanluo now, although everything has not yet reached the point of despair, he has already predicted what will happen in the future.

And even if he said harsh words to Zhu Xuanqi, telling Zhu Xuanqi what will happen in the future, how could Zhu Xuanqi let Zhu Xuanluo catch such an opportunity? Whatever you do, you will be very careful. In this way, it is almost impossible to catch Zhu Xuanqi's handle again. That is to say, from this moment on, it is already certain that Zhu Xuanluo is no longer How to change anything.

However, just when Zhu Xuanluo was planning to sleep deeply in this dark future, he heard the news again. It was Zhang Fan who sent someone to tell him that he was asked to come to Zhang Fan's house again today. Zhu Xuanqi wanted to see him again, but this time Zhang Fan didn't lie to him again, and didn't make him know that he wanted to meet Zhu Xuanqi until later.

Of course, Zhang Fan did this because it was at this time, and if Zhu Xuanluo came, even if he didn’t say the reason, I’m afraid Zhu Xuanluo would be able to guess what it was, so Zhang Fan stopped playing riddles with him, and just told him what was going on. I told him about meeting Zhu Xuanqi.

Naturally, when Zhu Xuanluo heard about it, his first reaction was that he didn't want to go, he really didn't want to go. He even wondered if Zhang Fan did it because he wanted to see his own joke on purpose. After all, last time, even Zhu Xuanqi wasn't there. What kind of benefits did he get there, but for Zhu Xuanluo, the last incident had already made him feel very humiliated, but now, if he was asked to see Zhu Xuanqi again, he would naturally refuse to agree.

But later, he heard that it was Queen Mother Li who made this decision. You must know that even if Zhu Xuanluo does nothing now, his fate is still in the hands of Queen Mother Li. Even Zhu Xuanluo's life is in the hands of Queen Mother Li.

His greatest capital is his identity, he is the son of the previous king of Shu, regardless of the past between him and Zhu Xuanqi, but the things that can prove Zhu Xuanluo's identity, whether it is the genealogy or the clothes he wears The pendant that I bought is now all in the hands of Queen Mother Li. That is to say, in fact, it doesn’t matter whether Zhu Xuanluo exists or not to Queen Mother Li. Even if he disappears, Queen Mother Li just needs to find someone. As long as she has the two things in her hands, she can still threaten Zhu Xuanqi.

This is no longer a question of whether Zhu Xuanluo wants revenge. This matter is already related to his life. No matter how gloomy he feels about the future, he still does not want to die after all. Therefore, since this matter It was agreed by Queen Mother Li, so he couldn't refuse it, even if it was something he didn't want to do, he couldn't refuse it.

Therefore, Zhu Xuanluo will sit here now, but even if he is here now, it is because there is no other way, but for Zhu Xuanluo, it is something he is extremely unwilling to do. You can see it, you can see it if you don't see it.

It's just that, after the last meeting with Zhu Xuanqi, although Zhu Xuanluo did speak harshly to Zhu Xuanqi last time, but at that time, Zhu Xuanluo knew that he had no way to take the initiative to seek revenge on Zhu Xuanqi, and also Because he also felt at the time that after the last conversation between the two of them, Zhu Xuanqi should not meet him again.

However, Zhu Xuanluo obviously never expected that this kind of thing that he originally thought was impossible to happen again, and it finally happened. Faced with this kind of method, Zhu Xuanluo has no way to refuse at all, even if it is again If you don't want to, you can only accept it.

Early this morning, Zhang Fan sent someone to pick him up. When he entered Zhang Fan's house, Zhang Fan was also waiting for him.

Zhu Xuanluo didn't know that this time he would meet Zhu Xuanqi again, and the big reason was because of Zhang Fan. In his opinion, this matter was most likely the result of Zhu Xuanqi's request to Queen Mother Li. Of course, after He also asked about many of the situations, and knew that Zhu Xuanqi had paid a lot to be able to see him again.

Speaking of which, I heard that Zhu Xuanqi paid such a high price to see him again, not to mention 100 million taels of silver, and he had to reduce his soldiers to only 500. The price is too high. To be honest, after hearing this matter, Zhu Xuanluo did have some thoughts in his heart, and he had a good impression of Zhu Xuanqi. After all, Zhu Xuanluo also understood in his heart that the reason why Zhu Xuanqi insisted on seeing him was that Naturally, he wanted to ask for his forgiveness.

It's just that in the end, the slight affection for Zhu Xuanqi was really not worth the hatred he had for him in the past 20 years, so this kind of affection only existed in his heart for a while and then disappeared. Instead, apart from the hatred for Zhu Xuanqi, there is actually only a kind of confusion left.

It's really confusing, because no matter what, Zhu Xuanluo can't figure out why Zhu Xuanqi has to do this.

Originally, in Zhu Xuanluo's view, Zhu Xuanqi's doing this was just to make a scene, or even a little bit, to shake his heart a little bit. In this way, if there is really Queen Mother Li On the day when he will fight against him, Zhu Xuanluo may hesitate in his heart, and then he may have a glimmer of life.

Or, Zhu Xuanqi had other intentions, the original Zhu Xuanluo thought so.

It's just that when Zhu Xuanqi paid so much just to see him, Zhu Xuanluo really couldn't figure it out.

Of course, it was obvious that Zhu Xuanqi wanted his forgiveness, but Zhu Xuanluo himself didn't know this, or he knew it clearly, but he just didn't want to admit it.

But now, it is irrelevant to think about these issues again, because he is already sitting in Zhang Fan's mansion, in the same room and seat, and now, he is waiting for Zhu Xuanqi to come over.

It's just that the closer it is to that time, the more Zhu Xuanluo's heart can't calm down. Think about it, it's the same. The second meeting, what will Zhu Xuanqi say, how will he answer him, and what will become of him? Zhu Xuanluo didn't know what it looked like at all, but in the face of this unknown, in fact, there was not much uneasiness, more of a kind of helplessness, Zhu Xuanluo suddenly didn't know how to deal with it.

And when Zhu Xuanluo was still thinking about these questions, there was a knock on the door, and Zhu Xuanqi's voice came: "Xuanluo, it's me, I'm here,"

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