The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1527 Bad Feeling

today.It was Zhu Xuanqi who left the capital.Back to the days of Sichuan.

Speaking up.Zhu Xuanqi went to Zhang's residence yesterday.Indeed, it shocked many people in the capital.The strangest sight of yesterday.That is, Zhu Xuanqi was the only one who brought a few people to Zhang Fan's residence.But behind them was a lot of people.Although these people are all dressed as ordinary passers-by.But walking on the road to Zhang Fan's house.There are not many passers-by at all.So such a bunch of people followed behind them.It is really conspicuous.

I don't know if it's because there weren't too many pedestrians here.It's because they are too conspicuous and don't plan to hide; or it means that these people didn't plan to hide from the beginning.Or in other words, they didn't take Zhu Xuanqi, the vassal king, seriously at all.Even Zhang Fan, the commander of Jinyiwei, was no longer afraid.

In short.Those people have been following Zhu Xuanqi since he appeared yesterday.All the way to the front of Zhang Fan's house.None of these people dispersed.

Although they were not so afraid of Zhang Fan's identity as Jin Yiwei this time.But they have not forgotten this.So these people are basically people who will not go to Zhang's house.Or it may be that people from Jinyiwei went to ask questions.Most of these people would not go to these people for questioning.

But Zhu Xuanqi's side is different.Even if these people don't take Zhu Xuanqi seriously.But I also understand.No matter how.Zhu Xuanqi is a prince.Moreover.Now Empress Dowager Li is clearly not planning to do anything to Zhu Xuanqi anymore.If so.Zhu Xuanqi is the prince.Even in the future how to hide our strength and bide our time.I dare not take any action.But he is still a prince after all.Could it be that people like them can approach at will.But Zhu Xuanqi's subordinates are different.After all, they are the guards of the prince.But there is no official position.And even if there is.These people don't care either.

So those people inquired a lot from Zhu Xuanqi's subordinates yesterday.

Zhu Xuanqi's men.In fact, he knew what Zhu Xuanqi was doing at Zhang Fan's residence yesterday.But of course they won't talk nonsense.And face these people.They also need to have something to say.certainly.Naturally, they wouldn't just make up a reason to tell these people.Never had the same tongue before.Talking nonsense now.It's not sure if there will be any trouble at that time.

So these people are also smart.They didn't say what Zhu Xuanqi was here for.It's just that Zhu Xuanqi came today.It was at Zhang Fan's request.As for what Zhang Fan asked Zhu Xuanqi to do.These people just say they don't know.

In this way.Naturally, these people can be sent away.After all, they were just Zhu Xuanqi's bodyguards.Not knowing these things is normal.It's no use pestering them any longer.

And they got this uncertain news.These people are nothing more than eyeliners sent by others.They are not qualified to guess randomly.So they can only inquire about the news that cannot be called news at all.Go back and tell their master.

And when those people get this kind of news.It must be extremely disappointing to think about it.And after getting these news.They have no way of knowing any more.Or just ask yourself again.Or just guess on your own.

Let them inquire again.Obviously impossible.That is to say, there is only one last thing left for these people to do.That is to guess for yourself.

perhaps.Many things in court.Most of them have cause and effect.You just need to think about it.Even small things are wrong.But in general direction.It can still be grasped.But this time things are not so easy to guess.There are no such conditions.Even when you don't know much about many things.Hard to let these people guess.It is simply impossible.

But behind these people.There is another group of people.that group of people.They don't care what the reality is.They just want to know what's going the persecution of those people.Even if these people have no way.The result is still a matter of guesswork.And there is no basis for speculation.The end result is simply false.But they now know that this is fake.It's their own wild guesses.And used for errands.But there was nothing they could do.That's all I can tell them.

so.It took only half a day yesterday.The people in the capital guessed ten or twenty different results.And after that.These messy things.It was scattered all over the place.Some were sent to various palaces in the capital.Others are sent to other places by people on horseback.

Those princes in the capital.Everyone has received the message.If they have compared it.Just know the news they got.It's just all kinds of things.There are all kinds of strange things.But this kind of stuff.Of course they won't show it to others.This also avoided a lot of trouble.

certainly.Although what those people guessed.It's all a figment of their imagination.There is no basis at all.But at this time.Whether it is someone who knows the inside story or not.I will never tell the above-mentioned bad news.So although the news can be said to be varied.There are all kinds of weird things.But in the end.Get the news from the hands of those princes.The results were mostly good.

Also known as.This time it was considered a mistake by these people.And good luck.That's it.But this kind of thing.These people are still a little nervous.Even many of them are considering it.Let's see if there is a chance to get rid of the control of those princes in the future.

at this point.Neither Zhang Fan nor Empress Dowager Li thought of it.Because Zhu Xuanluo's identity needs to be kept secret this time.But it came out with such a result.And after a while.The eyeliner of those princes in the court.The number is drastically reduced.But when that time comes.Whether it's Queen Mother Li or Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.They couldn't figure out what was going on.

These are things for the future.Now let's not mention it for the time being.And now.Zhu Xuanqi was about to leave.As long as Zhu Xuanqi walked out of their sight.You can rest assured.

so.Zhu Xuanqi left Beijing today.Although it was the people he brought back who returned.But the one who came to send him off.But it was more than the people who came to pick him up before.

But most of these people would not say much to Zhu Xuanqi.At most, he came up to say a few words of farewell politely.They won't say much about the rest.And Zhu Xuanqi.Naturally, he would not have anything to say to them.

certainly.the most important is.Zhang Fan is here.During Zhu Xuanqi's stay in the capital.Zhang Fan was in charge of all of them.But Zhang Fan was very relaxed.After all, Zhu Xuanqi had no interest in going out for a tour.After all, he has a lot of things on his mind that are bothering him.How could there be any interest in going out to play?So there is no need for Zhang Fan to accompany him.It made Zhang Fan feel a lot easier during this time.

Zhu Xuanqi naturally wanted to greet Zhang Fan.After all, Zhang Fan can be said to have helped him a lot this time.Now he is leaving.Of course I would like to thank Zhang Fan.

only.When Zhu Xuanqi saw Zhang Fan and his party.Immediately froze.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to come alone.Naturally, there are people around.But he is today.There is a special person by my side.It was people that none of the court officials present had seen.

Zhu Xuanluo.That's's him.

That's why when Zhu Xuanqi saw Zhang Fan and his party.It's why I was stunned.He never thought of it.After all that was said yesterday.Today Zhu Xuanluo actually came back to see him off.

Speaking up.The reason why Zhu Xuanluo followed today.In fact, it was not what Zhang Fan matter what.It is also impossible for Zhang Fan to let Zhu Xuanluo come to see Zhu Xuanqi off.

And the reason why Zhu Xuanluo came today.It was actually his own request.Speaking of which, before Zhang Fan heard Zhu Xuanluo say that he would come with him to send Zhu Xuanqi off.Zhang Fan was quite surprised.He never thought that Zhu Xuanluo would take the initiative to ask for this matter.

But after being surprised.Zhang Fan can't decide this matter.In the end, the decision can only be made after consulting the Queen Mother Li.

After Queen Mother Li listened to Zhang Fan's words.Also a little surprised.It was the first thing that came to her mind.Zhu Xuanqi really convinced Zhu Xuanluo.Let Zhu Xuanluo forgive him.original.When Empress Dowager Li thought of this.It's rather angry.But in the end.She agreed anyway.

Empress Dowager Li will agree to come down.It was not as Zhang Fan expected.After all, what she said to Zhang Fan before.It also shows that she doesn't care much about Zhu Xuanluo's attitude.For Queen Mother Li.Even Zhu Xuanluo really forgave Zhu Xuanqi.It had no effect on her either.

finally.Empress Dowager Li agreed.So when Zhu Xuanqi left today.Only here can I see Zhu Xuanluo.

only.people present.Most of them don't know Zhu Xuanluo.Didn't know him at all.Don't know who he is either.

And now.When these people saw how excited Zhu Xuanqi looked at Zhu Xuanluo.The fool also knew that there was definitely a story between the two of them.But now.It is impossible for them to ask.One by one can only be anxious there.

It was Zhang Fan.There is nothing surprising about this scene.After all it will be so.It is also a very normal thing.He had expected it.

What he cares more about is.He had always had that inexplicable bad feeling in his heart before.This feeling has always been looming in Zhang Fan's heart.But he never knew why.I can't even figure it out.And now.Zhu Xuanqi was about to leave.Nothing will happen again.But the feeling in Zhang Fan's heart did not disappear.On the contrary, it became more intense.This made Zhang Fan very puzzled.

Just the next moment.Zhang Fan understood.What happened to his feeling.

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