Zhu Yijun turned around and left.I went back to my room to rest.It's getting late.Zhang Fan was also very sleepy.But it doesn't matter whether Zhu Yijun can sleep well or not.Zhang Fan definitely couldn't fall asleep.

The conversation with Zhu Yijun just now.It kept echoing in Zhang Fan's mind.Even Zhang Fan's imagination, which is not lacking, has begun to imagine.Continue to develop according to the current situation.What will become of the future.Maybe it was just a small fire.Or a minor earthquake.Although it will scare some people.But there was no real disaster; or a raging fire.Burn everything.Or a landslide.cause irreversible consequences.

do not know how.Zhang Fan kept thinking about these things in his mind.Can't stop.Although he is also a vigorous person.But this kind of thing is coupled with the current time.Could have waited until the next morning to ask someone to find out.But Zhang Fan really couldn't fall asleep.

Ever since.He came to a door.Going to ask someone inside.But it wasn't Zhu Yijun.He had already developed resistance to Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan didn't want to provoke him anymore at this time.He wants to find an insider to ask him.

The knocking sound of "dong dong dong" woke up the person who was sleeping behind the door.Zhang Fan didn't wait long.The door was opened from the inside.Nurhachi rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at Zhang Fan standing outside the door.He asked very puzzled: "My lord. It's already such an hour. My lord is not going to rest. What's the matter with calling me?" He was talking.Nurhachi invited Zhang Fan into his room and sat down.He also lost a lot of pajamas.

right.That's right.This person is Nurhachi.As Zhu Yijun's best friend of the same age.Zhu Yijun admired him very much.No matter what.His martial arts is still self-reliant at a young age.Zhu Yijun likes to be with this friend very much.Even including going to the theater this time.Zhu Yijun pushed away other people who were protecting him.But only let Nurhachi follow him.certainly.That's why Zhang Fan came to him.on this matter.No one knows what happened better than Zhu Yijun.

"How did you sleep? Your home is in the north. You probably won't get used to living in the south." Zhang Fan didn't want to mention that matter at the beginning.I had to start by saying something else.

"There are indeed some. It's hot here. Although it's close to the sea, this makes me a little curious, who has never seen the sea. But besides the heat, it makes people feel that there is a humidity in the breath. "Nurhachi still inherited the Jurchen blood he inherited.Speaking very boldly.No beating around the bush. "My lord should know. My home is in Liaodong. I was born there. It's very cold there. Every October, heavy snow falls from the sky. Then it doesn't stop until March next year. It's too cold there. It’s only warmer in summer. But there aren’t many days.”

Nurhachi said it very straightforwardly.But Zhang Fan didn't hate it at all.He loves this kind of conversation.his life.No matter in the past life or now.Except for my own family.Talk to other people.Everyone wears a mask.It's tiring, and it's gradually becoming numb.As if life is supposed to be like this.But suddenly the mask was peeled off.The whole person will suddenly become very relaxed.

"We Jurchens live there. Farming and grazing. Because it's too cold there. When the year is good, it's okay. When the year is bad, we have to climb up Mount Paektu to dig some ginseng and go to the market. Change something. Only sometimes. Some people go and come back. Some people never come back. Left orphans and widows." Nurhachi continued.There is some sadness between the words.Although his father and grandfather had a high status in the Jianzhou Jurchen tribe.But they never thought about seeking any benefits by relying on their status in the clan.To them.Your own rights are given to you by your tribe.It's an act of trusting them.And for them.It is even more impossible to take advantage of others by thinking that others believe in themselves.

"You know what. I admire you very much." Zhang Fan said. "Although you are a foreign race. It can even be said that you are a foreign race that is somewhat opposed to my Ming Dynasty. But I still admire you. The kind of thing you mentioned happened in this land of China. It happened to our ancestors. But now. All of this has disappeared. People have learned to oppress others, be lazy, and intrigue." Zhang Fan said with a sigh.He didn't know why he was talking about this.Especially with Nurhachi in front of him.This person who might usurp the whole world from the Zhu family in the future spoke these words.But Zhang Fan just said it on his own.And when he realizes it.He didn't show any regrets at all.

"My lord, I understand what you mean. But my lord. It's not that these things have never happened in our clan." Nurhachi said here.paused.I wanted to continue but didn't know if I should.He looked at Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan nodded. "My lord. Just as I said. The things your lord said have also started to happen in our clan. Maybe your lord will say. This is normal. You may even say that what happened in Daming is much worse than what happened in my clan. But I Still have to say. We are no match for you. In other words, no one in this world can match you.

"After I followed His Highness, I learned the characters of the Han people. I also read some history books. I know a lot of things. The reason why so many of you can do the things that the adults said is the same in the end. The people on this land were qualified to do this a long time ago. They are more knowledgeable and armed than those aliens at that time. Some people are enslaving them. At the same time, they are also leading them. So these thousands of years In the past. This piece of land has always been ruled by the Han people. And the only short-lived "Yuan" was overthrown in less than a hundred years after its establishment. In these thousands of years, it is just a blink of an eye. .

"And we. Although we live there, our force is superb. We are not afraid of death. We even have this ambition. But adults will know it after thinking about it. We may be able to fight two with one. Or even five with one. But All of us Jurchen are just a drop in the ocean of the Ming Dynasty. No outsider in this world can conquer this land. The only difference it has is the replacement of dynasties one by one."

Nurhachi's words will be left to future generations.Maybe it's just a little maverick.This speech is different from those angry youths or those who are pro-U.S. and Japan.But it will not cause much impact in later generations.But Zhang Fan is now in ancient times.In such a feudal society.Heard such remarks.It's really shocking.

only.What Zhang Fan was horrified by was not why Nurhachi dared to speak out.It was Nurhachi who was young.Still a foreigner.It's just that I haven't known the man for a few days.It doesn't take long to read history books.But came to such a statement.And he came up with it himself.Zhang Fan can be sure.No one around Nurhachi would say such a thing to him.

Maybe.It's not that no one among the Han people would think of these things.But no one dared to think so; perhaps it was precisely because Nurhachi was a foreigner who knew the history of the Han people.Only then will there be such an idea.

But Zhang Fan was horrified.I was also thinking about Nurhachi's words in my heart.What he said was not childish nonsense.But very logical.is also correct.Just as Nurhachi said.The reason why the Han people like infighting.I like intrigue and have so much power.In addition to being driven by personal interests.That kind of arrogance that no matter how strong a foreign race is, it will not pose any threat.Or self-confidence played a big role.

Although Han Chinese.For this kind of self-confidence or arrogance, I paid a lot of price.But every time it took a short time to get it back.Even in later generations.All the powerful countries in the world have plundered such a weak country for nearly a hundred years.But in the end.The people of this land are still victorious.regained sovereignty.Manage your own affairs.

This may also be the original time and space.The reason why the Qing Dynasty that will be born in a few decades can rule this land as a foreign race for nearly 300 years.They recognize this.Realized that once the people on this land are really threatened.will rise up.That kind of power no nation would want to see.Think back then.Under the iron hoof and tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang launched an uprising.It is the best proof that this land can be taken even when one side is not confronted with other insurgents.

The Qing people realized this.No longer oppress the power of the Han people.Instead, they saw their bottom line.Rule over that.Thought of this.While Zhang Fan had to admit it.I also attribute this credit to Nurha Chi in my heart.This kid is truly extraordinary.No matter what you do to him.As long as he is alive.There will definitely be a breakthrough in the future.

But while Zhang Fan was appreciating.Also secretly happy in my heart.Fortunately, I have planned ahead.Get Nurhachi over.Today's Nurhachi.He didn't hold any resentment towards Daming because his relatives died under the Ming army; he didn't hold grudges against Daming either because he came to Beijing for the first time.After seeing the prosperity of Ming Dynasty, he tried to seize the whole world.he.Has been assimilated by Han Chinese culture.

Thought of these.Zhang Fan suddenly found out.He came to Nurhachi because of Zhu Yijun's affairs.Now I am here to lament history and life.He stopped quickly.Started asking.

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