The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1538 Act of Pure Filial Piety

It was another early morning, and Zhang Fan also rushed to the Meridian Gate early, waiting for the morning court, and a group of people came beside him.

Zhang Fan didn't talk too much with these people, but directly found Zhang Juzheng. When he just arrived, Zhang Fan happened to meet Zhang Siwei, and heard him say that Zhang Juzheng wanted to talk to him.

"Teacher, the students are here," Zhang Fan walked up to Zhang Juzheng and said to him.

"Yuande is here," Zhang Juzheng, who was talking to the people next to him, saw Zhang Fan coming, and stopped the greetings, and the people next to him also understood that the two of them had something to say, and left in a sensible manner.

"How's the situation in Northeast China?" Zhang Juzheng asked this first thing. "You're going to go in less than 20 days. Is there any news recently?" Obviously, Zhang Juzheng is also very concerned Now it is time to ask Zhang Fan about this matter.

"The Northeast side is still the same as before." Speaking of this matter, Zhang Fan felt a little relieved in his helplessness. Bian really didn’t change much. Although Zhang Fan sent more people to investigate the matter there than before, the information he sent back was basically exactly the same as what he had received before, and there was no difference at all. This kind of helplessness is just Zhang Fan's expression of pretending to be relaxed. He really feels very relieved. As long as there is no change, there is no need to change his itinerary. This is for Zhang Fan. Naturally it is a good thing.

Zhang Juzheng naturally understood what Zhang Fan meant, but he could still pretend to be relaxed at this time. Although it can be said that Zhang Fan is not very rigorous, but for Zhang Juzheng, it is not bad that Zhang Fan can maintain this attitude at this time A good thing: "That's good, we don't have to do extra things, as long as everything is fine, that's fine,"

"What the teacher said is," Zhang Fan was not too entangled in this matter at first, but now he is more relaxed after hearing what Zhang Juzheng said, "By the way, the student just asked Mr. Zhang to say that the teacher will find a student, not Just to talk about it."

"Well, there is something else," Zhang Juzheng nodded, and said, "No, it's actually two.

"The first one is about His Majesty, you know what happened yesterday,"

"Yesterday, about Your Majesty," Zhang Fan immediately remembered what Zhang Juzheng said.

Before, when Zhu Yijun had just ascended the throne, he not only made some of his brothers, uncles and nephews kings, made their wives princesses, but also agreed to the marriage of their children. The most solemn moment, naturally He named his aunt Chen the "Empress Dowager Rensheng" and his biological mother Li the "Empress Dowager Merciful".

These two, whether they are his biological mother or not, have had a great influence on him. Of course, Mrs. Chen needless to say, because Mrs. Chen has no children, so she avoided the tit-for-tat confrontation of Queen Mother Li at that time, and did it with peace of mind. Queen, but it is precisely because Mrs. Chen has no children, she treats Zhu Yijun as her own, and Mrs. Li is naturally her own son after all. Zhu Yijun was a little scared, but after all, he was his own mother, so it was natural to care about him, and Zhu Yijun also loved these two mothers very much.

But the point is not this, the point is, because after Zhu Yijun became the emperor, according to royal customs, their mother and child can no longer be as close as before, an invisible wall separates them Come on, from now on, if Zhu Yijun wants to see his mother, he has to ask someone to ask for instructions. Not only that, after the meeting, he can no longer act like a spoiled child to his mother like in the past, and Queen Mother Li treats him as well. Likewise, forever floored faces.

And the problem is not only these.

One thing, after Li Caifeng was named Empress Dowager, she naturally wanted to move to the Palace of Compassion and Peace. Even if the Palace of Compassion and Ning was not dilapidated at that time, it had been relatively long, so Wanli ordered it to be repaired. At that time, because of the lifting of the sea ban and the increase of business tax, the income of both the national treasury and the internal treasury has doubled. In this way, even if Zhu Yijun loves money like his life, he will He didn't think too much about it, so he ordered the overhaul of the Compassion Ning Palace, and because there was enough money, he ordered the overhaul, and no one objected.

However, since Empress Dowager Li has already moved into the Palace of Compassion and Peace, she doesn't want to move any more, so although this is a major repair, in order not to disturb Empress Dowager Li's rest, the progress is very slow. It was not until recently that it was completed.

This matter should be a good thing to say. Isn't it right for the emperor to repair the house for his mother in order to thank his mother for her upbringing? Never mind, it doesn't mean that Zhu Yijun went to Empress Dowager Li after the matter was over, and then Empress Dowager Li thanked him, that's all. Everything about the emperor needs to set an example.

Therefore, Empress Dowager Li did not express her gratitude to Zhu Yijun personally in a cordial tone, but asked the scholars in the court to write an article to praise the emperor's pure filial piety. Someone with a clear voice will read it word for word.

For many times, this article is naturally very important. After all, he is an example and influence to the subjects of the whole country, but for Zhu Yijun, his heart is painful, which is obviously a piece that fell from his mother. Flesh and blood is obviously an intimate mother-child relationship, but this kind of thing has to be separated from so many people, and it has to rise to the political situation, and make a big appearance for others to see.

If it's just that, then forget it. Although Zhu Yijun is young, he is not unreasonable. He knows the necessity of doing this. It's even better for Zhu Yijun to say something that is not so grand, it only belongs to the mother and child.

But Empress Dowager Li didn't. It's not that she didn't want to do it, but she couldn't do it. Therefore, apart from that article, Empress Dowager Li didn't do anything else.

Yesterday was the time when the article was prepared according to Yizhi’s situation, and Zhang Fan was also present at that time. It’s not that Zhang Fan didn’t notice Zhu Yijun’s unhappy expression at that time, it’s just that he didn’t think too much about it, and that’s all. , because there was still a sutra feast in the palace, so Zhang Fan didn't go to see Zhu Yijun in the palace again, but went home directly.

But Zhang Fan didn't go, but Zhang Juzheng did. Zhang Juzheng's concern for Zhu Yijun was no less than that of Zhang Fan. Originally, the role played by Zhang Fan should be played by Zhang Juzheng, but now it's just a different person. , but Zhang Juzheng's concern for Zhu Yijun is not bad at all.

As for Zhu Yijun's thoughts yesterday, it was clearly written on his face, and even though Zhang Juzheng didn't have the ability to read minds, he knew Zhu Yijun's thoughts at a glance because he was familiar with all the events before and after.

It's just that for Zhang Juzheng, even if he saw it, he still couldn't say anything, and it was impossible for him to comfort Zhu Yijun, so Zhang Juzheng said these things to Zhang Fan just now.

However, even though Zhang Juzheng said such things to Zhang Fan, he didn't tell him exactly what he wanted him to do, but even if he didn't say it, Zhang Fan knew it in his heart.

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan said to Zhang Juzheng: "Teacher, don't worry, the students understand this matter. Today is just the day when the students are going to meet His Majesty in the palace. After the students meet His Majesty, they will tell His Majesty."

"Well," Zhang Juzheng also nodded, "But Yuande, you can't talk about this matter too hastily, and you can't talk too clearly. It's fine if His Majesty talks about it yourself, but you can't talk about it first. , and, when you say it, don't say it too bluntly, your majesty is still young after all, if you do this, I am afraid that your majesty will become impulsive and do something difficult to deal with."

"Teacher, don't worry, this student still understands," Zhang Fan replied.

Although Zhang Fan answered very easily, he didn't feel relaxed at all. Zhu Yijun's matter was not so easy to solve, especially at Zhu Yijun's age, coupled with Zhu Yijun's cleverness. As for his temper, it is extremely easy to get into a dead end.

For Zhu Yijun, what happened to Zhu Xuanqi earlier was a big shock to him. Even though he was not familiar with Zhu Xuanqi, Zhu Yijun didn't have the kind of thing that was clearly between relatives but had to kill each other. I got used to it, but now this happened again, if I can't comfort him well and just let it go, maybe it will be fine now, but I don't know in the future.

Therefore, even if Zhang Juzheng didn't worry about Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan also understood the reason that this matter must be handled carefully.

"By the way, teacher," Zhang Fan asked again, "just now the teacher said that there are two things to say to the students. Now that you have talked about His Majesty, what is the other thing?"

"Oh, there is one more thing, of course it is a matter of the new law," Zhang Juzheng said.

When Zhang Fan heard it, he thought "Sure enough", he had guessed that Zhang Juzheng was going to tell him about this matter before, after all, it has been a long time since then, Zhang Fan had the final say, it was Zhang Juzheng who would bring it up It's time for something.

"My side is already ready," Zhang Juzheng said, "I will ask Yuande to take a look at it later, but before that, I want to discuss with you how to raise this matter at that time,"

"Teacher," Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face, "Excuse me for being rude, but the students think that this matter doesn't need to be so troublesome at all."

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