The same early dynasty, now, actually since Zhu Xuanqi left the capital without incident, the entire court has shown an extremely relaxed attitude, no matter who it is, of course, especially those people and various palaces. People who have a relationship, now that is really as easy as it can be called.

It's just that Zhang Fan doesn't care how relaxed these people are. Anyway, Zhu Xuanqi's matter has already passed away, and there is no need to worry about it now, but these people have relaxed to such a degree. For several days in a row, This morning, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves happily, which made Zhang Fan feel a little unhappy.

Even if there is nothing wrong, the matter in the Northeast has not yet been resolved. There will be a war in the Northeast this time. Everyone in the court knows this matter well. Now, facing the upcoming During the war, these people were completely peaceful and prosperous, and Zhang Fan was naturally displeased with such things.

Of course, although he was extremely unhappy, Zhang Fan never said anything. As soon as he came to the Northeast, there was indeed nothing that needed to be brought to the court to talk about. I don’t even mention the size, let these people present start to talk about the Northeast. Secondly, these people may not use it even if they talk about it. After a while, it will be that Zhang Fan is going to the Northeast. Even if a fight really broke out, these people wouldn't be able to ask anything. Li Chengliang would definitely meet the enemy. I'm afraid even the generals in the court would not care about it.

Zhang Fan naturally understands all of these, and he knows it very well, but even so, seeing these people look so relaxed now, Zhang Fan can't feel relaxed at all. People feel very uncomfortable.

But now, facing this situation, Zhang Fan had no choice but to think that these were just a manifestation of heartless people.

In fact, Zhang Fan also understood in his heart that these people are not ignorant, they are all smart, how could they not know about this kind of thing, but the problem is that this matter has nothing to do with them. It has nothing to do with it. In fact, whether they care about it or not, whether they say it or not, it has no effect on them. Therefore, instead of worrying about those people, they don’t care about it In any way, it would be better to take it easy.

In other words, it is completely unreasonable for Zhang Fan to blame these people. It can even be said that the relaxed approach of these people is correct, and Zhang Fan's current mood is entirely because of him. I'm just jealous of these people. After all, after waiting for a while, it's not these people who are going to the Northeast, but him.

Besides, Fang Yueling has already set the time to leave the capital. Although the time Fang Yueling set is really considerate, Zhang Fan still can't be happy no matter what. It has become what it is today.

Fortunately, it is precisely because of the relaxed attitude of these people, and besides the fact that there is really nothing to do in the Northeast, so although the early dynasty today must be held as usual, there is indeed nothing special things happen.

These ministers will have nothing to do now, and even if Zhang Juzheng's "One Whip Method" has been completed, I have discussed with Zhang Fan just now how to talk about this matter, but it will definitely not be the present.

Even if Zhang Juzheng hadn't said anything about this matter, Zhang Fan knew very well in his heart that no matter what Zhang Juzheng planned, he would not say it now, and even after a long time, Zhang Juzheng would not say it. The Great War is imminent. Although there is still a period of time, such two months are too short for the implementation of a new law.

And once Zhang Juzheng mentioned this matter at this time, and once he mentioned it, this matter must be passed. As a result, when the time came, it had just begun, and the war in the Northeast was encountered, and the court would inevitably turn its attention to that place. Let's go, if this happens, the new law here will also be suspended by then.

And such a pause will naturally make those in the court who are dissatisfied with the "One Whip Method" think carefully. After all, during that time, no matter how fast Li Chengliang beat, it would take a long time Only then can Wang Gao's rebellion be put down. In this way, it is difficult to guarantee that those people will take advantage of this pause to think carefully, come up with some bad ideas, and do something. If this is the case, Zhang Juzheng will not be worthwhile. So he won't mention it now, and everything will have to wait until the war in the Northeast is over before making any plans.

Therefore, the early dynasties during this period ended very early, just like a peaceful and prosperous age, but the actual reason is that as long as there is no big problem, these ministers will basically not say anything.

This is exactly what Zhang Fan wanted, and now he also feels that it doesn't matter whether he comes or not during this period of time, if it doesn't mean that he must come because of his current status, he really doesn't want to come.

The only thing that was not right today was that it was obvious that Zhu Yijun, who was sitting on the dragon chair in the early court, had no interest and looked drowsy.

Perhaps in the eyes of other ministers, Zhu Yijun might just have no energy because he was playful last night and slept late. For Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Fan, to be honest, seeing a child who has just turned ten years old and two years old would be troubled by this kind of thing, anyone would have a lot of thoughts.

After coming down to the morning court, Zhang Fan greeted a few people he was familiar with in the court, especially those in the cabinet, and then went to the harem and went straight to the Qianqing Palace.

Today is a rare day when there is no sutra feast, and it is a day when Zhu Yijun can relax, but Zhu Yijun does not feel happy about such a rare day, and even now Zhu Yijun is always out of distress.

The reason is naturally what Zhang Juzheng told Zhang Fan before, about the Empress Dowager Li.

For Empress Dowager Li, his biological mother, Zhu Yijun naturally has unusual feelings. When Empress Dowager Li taught him, she was naturally strict. After all, Zhu Yijun was the crown prince at that time, and he was going to inherit the throne. If it is taught, it will naturally be difficult to be a big responsibility in the future, but at the same time as this kind of strict teaching, the Empress Dowager Li is also his biological mother and his own son, who does not love him, so for Zhu Yijun, the Empress Dowager Li is naturally It is very special, even, for Zhu Yijun, Queen Mother Li has many things that even Queen Mother Chen, who regards him as her own, can't give him.

However, all of this has changed now that Zhu Yijun ascended the throne. The previous intimacy between mother and child disappeared in a blink of an eye, and there was only a estrangement.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhu Yijun only complained a little, and didn't take it as a big deal, but as time went by, every time he saw his mother, This kind of feeling, small unhappiness will accumulate.

After such a long time, no matter how small the influence is, it will inevitably accumulate to a terrible level. At that time, only one thing is needed as a guide, and this accumulated influence will explode.

And now, Zhu Yijun also happened to encounter this kind of thing, that is, the repair of the Compassionate Palace has been completed, but the Empress Dowager Li, as his biological mother, actually asked the scholars in the court to write a letter to thank him. At his age, he couldn't understand it, and he couldn't figure it out, and it was precisely because of this incident that Zhu Yijun was extremely depressed today.

Therefore, it is obviously a rare day of rest, Zhu Yijun should be the happiest time, but now he has become extremely distressed because of this matter.

He wanted to find someone to confide in the depression in his chest, but it was a pity that in this palace, even in the imperial court, even if there were people who could talk, it was absolutely impossible for Zhu Yijun to tell them such things.

Therefore, Zhu Yijun today can be said to be very depressed.

Of course, Zhu Yijun also thought of Zhang Fan, and he even felt that Zhang Fan was the only one who could make him say these things and comfort him. However, Zhu Yijun didn't know much about this matter. Should I tell him, or maybe Zhu Yijun is worried that as an emperor, even though he is very young, he still has to take responsibility, and it is not appropriate to ask Zhang Fan for this kind of matter.

It can only be said that Zhu Yijun at this time cared too much about this matter, so that he forgot one thing, he was a child at his age, and not only himself, but even Zhang Fan, in the future He didn't forget this when he treated him like an emperor.

On the contrary, Yu'er, who is serving Zhu Yijun now, is a little at a loss. She is indeed smart, and she also knows many things that only adults can know, but she can't see what Zhu Yijun is worried about now. Yes, it's not a difficult reason, in fact, it's just because Yuer, at such a young age, puts too much emphasis on those fame and fortune, so that she can hardly imagine that Zhu Yijun's troubles as an emperor, It turned out to be just family affection that she didn't care about at all.

Just when Zhu Yijun was worrying about this matter, he heard the eunuch come to report that Zhang Fan had arrived.

Zhu Yijun was naturally very happy when he heard that Zhang Fan was coming, and hurriedly let Zhang Fan in, but when he saw Zhang Fan, his happy expression turned into confusion again. He really didn't know how to talk to Zhang Fan. said,

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