The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1550 Direct Target

Last year, Zhang Fan asked Wang Degui to take a group of desperadoes to the Northeast to assassinate Wang Gao's generals. Afterwards, Zhang Fan was also worried that Wang Gao would use this trick against Li Chengliang, so he let people Pay attention to it.

At that time, it was true that two officials from the Northeast died. Although these two people were not members of the army, they were officials ordered by the court, and the cause of death was that one died of an accident and the other died of illness. They were dead, and they couldn't see any clues of being harmed at all, but even so, Zhang Fan still had some doubts in his heart, so he asked people to check it carefully. Of course, they didn't find any problems in the end.

But no problems were found, and it didn't take long for Zhang Fan to really think that Wang Gao didn't do that, and even the two deaths could not find any traces of being harmed, but this timing is really too coincidental , This happened just when Wang Gao started to practice the gang of Tumote and Taining. Even if the death of these two people could not cause any harm to Li Chengliang, it would not be harmful to Wang Gao in the future. The attack produced any help, but Zhang Fan was still skeptical.

After that, Zhang Fan asked people to observe carefully to see if there was such a thing, but such a long time has passed, although the people under him are still doing their best, and there are reports coming in all the time , but the news without exception was normal, and in the face of this situation, even though Zhang Fan still had doubts in his heart, he still had no way of judging whether this was the case.

But now, tomorrow is the day when Zhang Fan will go to the Northeast, and at such a juncture, Liang Chao told him such news, which made Zhang Fan a little restless. Of course, Zhang Fan didn't think that even if The death of the deputy Qianhu was done by the people sent by Wang Gao, and it was aimed at him. Although Zhang Fan was going to the Northeast, there was no intention of concealing it. Everyone in the world knew it, but Wang Gao But he didn't know about Zhang Fan's connection with Dongbei, nor did he know that it was Zhang Fan's people who killed so many of his subordinates.

Of course, even Wang Gao didn't know that Zhang Fan owed him so many lives, but at the very least, Zhang Fan's trip to the Northeast this time must have something to do with him. He still knows very well, so it is possible In fact, the person who died this time was actually caused by Wang Gao after he heard the news that Zhang Fan was going to go.

It's just that it's easy to say this, but it's groundless, and, in fact, even Zhang Fan isn't sure if this is the case.

After all, the Tang Wu who died was Li Chengliang's deputy Qianhu. If a war really started, although officers at this level could not affect the overall situation of the war, they were actually leading the soldiers to fight the enemy. People who fight with swords and guns, so once they open their business, the influence of these people cannot be ignored, but Zhang Fan can't see how this matter has anything to do with himself.

In other words, Wang Gao really ordered people to get rid of this person, but it has nothing to do with Zhang Fan. He just wanted to consume Li Chengliang's people in this unobtrusive way.

It's not right to just think so. You know, Li Chengliang is the general soldier of Liaodong, and the people under the command of the general soldier are [-] people. What's more, the situation in the northeast is too unstable now. The war is imminent, and Li Chengliang has been stationed in the Northeast for many years. Although the imperial court has not given much support, they also understand the importance of it. Therefore, Li Chengliang now has fifty or sixty thousand people who are really in command, and so many people , The number of officials at the level of thousands of households and hundreds of households is really quite a lot.

In this way, even if Wang Gao wants to follow Zhang Fan's method, there will be problems.

If you want to reduce Li Chengliang's strength according to Zhang Fan's method, it is not only a matter of killing people, but more importantly, time. The Ming Dynasty is not like the Jurchen. The Ming Dynasty has a large population. There are too many candidates for Baihu and Qianhu, and if you want to reduce Li Chengliang's strength, you have to kill a lot of people.

But in this way, if it is done too early, once Li Chengliang finds out, he will soon ask the court to mobilize manpower for him from other places. In this case, it is useless to do so.

Therefore, if you want to really reduce Li Chengliang's strength, you have to wait until Wang Gao enters the palace before doing it, but at that time it is not true, even if you don't know, but just think about it, Wang Gao wants to do so. If you do, there will definitely not be many people sent out, and with so many people under Li Chengliang, if they want to quickly reduce his strength, then there is no way to hide their actions, and they will be caught by Li Chengliang soon. , still unsuccessful.

But just killing one or two people in such a secret way, even Li Chengliang's subordinates who are too good, but that's all a very small number of people. In this way, for Li Chengliang, it is still painless. Can't do any harm.

It can be said that if Wang Gao really took this move, it would be a foolish move, and he would not be able to do anything at all. Of course, there is no evidence to prove whether this is Wang Gao's hand, but At the very least, people are indeed dead now, and they are still dead at such a pass, it really has to be noticed.

And even Zhang Fan was quite shocked after hearing Liang Chao's news, but even so, he still wasn't sure that Wang Gao really did that.

However, since this matter has already happened, it cannot be ignored like this, and Zhang Fan must also make good preparations. Zhang Fan has already issued an order to let people investigate in the Northeast first. Let's see if Wang Gao sent someone to do this kind of thing, but up to now, almost two months have passed, and there is still no clue.

Originally, even Zhang Fan himself felt that he was too worried. Wang Gao should not be that smart, or even if he did this, his subordinates should not be so shrewd, and they were able to avoid Jin Yiwei. Nearly two months of searching did not reveal any clues.

But now that another one died, even though Zhang Fan couldn't tell for sure, the matter became complicated, so over there, he had to continue to pay attention.

"Let people continue to investigate," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and could only order this way, "The people we put there before, let them not relax, maybe Wang Gao really sent people, maybe those people are really shrewd Very well, we might be able to escape our investigation. In short, don’t slack off. If there is really no such thing, and the three people who died from the beginning to now are all accidents, then it’s okay to say, but if not But if we didn't find out by then, or if we didn't do anything... I'm afraid that even if we win this battle, many more people will die, "

"I understand," Liang Chao also nodded, and said, "I'll let someone spread the news to the Northeast, so that our people can continue to investigate."

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Fan continued to ask.

"There is another small thing," Liang Chao said, "Originally, General Li was stationed in the northeast, but he was in Guangning, and our original itinerary was to go directly to Guangning Guard, but now General Li is not in Guangning. rather,"

"Then where is he?"

"Before General Li built Kuandian and other six forts, because of your lord's sake, he was not short of money, so the speed was much faster. Now, Kuandian Fort, Changdian Fort, Yongdian Fort, Xindian Fort, etc. The four forts have all been built. Although the Dadian Fort has not been completed, it will be completed in less than half a month. There is only one Su Dian Fort, which was started by General Li after he received the money supported by the imperial court. The construction started, although at that time, there were rich people and people, and the construction speed was quite fast, but after all, it was a fort, and it was really difficult to build it in a short time, and now there are still many people living nearby.

"General Li is now at Su Mobao. He is supervising the work. It is not to let them finish the repair quickly. It is impossible. It is just to make some plans. At the very least, it can hide the people there." Damn, anyway, Su Dianbao is also in the back position, if Wang Gao really hits somewhere, I guess our chances of winning are not high."

"In other words, Li Chengliang is now in Su Dianbao..."

"My lord, what should I say, should we go directly to Su Mobao to meet General Li, or should we wait for him in Guangningwei?"

"Let's go directly to Su Diaobao to meet Li Chengliang. After all, our trip is nominally going to the Northeast to preach the imperial decree. What's the matter if we don't go to see Li Chengliang first and go to Guangning to wait?"

"But, my lord..." Although Zhang Fan said so, Liang Chao hesitated again, "The Su Dianbao area is really too remote. Compared with the Han people, there are more people from other ethnic groups. Quite a few, the humble job is because I am afraid that the adults will encounter some troubles when they go there." Clearly, Liang Chao was worried about Zhang Fan's safety.

"You don't have to worry about that," Zhang Fan was not afraid at all, "We will definitely be by Li Chengliang's side, and Li Chengliang's side will be the army. If we stay there, even if there is any danger, we don't have to worry about it at all. What's more, don't forget what we are doing this time, but if we want to persuade Li Chengliang to take in the people earlier, I'm afraid it may not be so easy if we don't talk to him about his temper. It is His Majesty's will to let Nurhachi come back, and I guess Nurhachi should be by Li Chengliang's side at this time, so we can't take it easy on this trip, just go to Li Chengliang to explain clearly."

"So, I understand," Liang Chao nodded, and said, "In that case, let's go directly to Su Diaobao tomorrow."

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