It has been decided that Zhang Fan and his party will stay here for a month when they come to the Northeast this time, and then return to Beijing. Although one month is a bit too long for coming here to preach the imperial decree, But to Zhang Fan, this was nothing. In other words, one month was just right. Anyway, here, it was not only Li Chengliang's business, but also other things that he needed to do.

Of course, it’s not that Zhang Fan doesn’t care about the affairs of the court, nor does he really have nothing to do. It’s because of the current events in the Northeast that Zhang Fan is not used to the people in the court. Now the affairs in the Northeast can be said The people in the court, even those who have no knowledge of the war, are all focused on this side, but after all, there are almost no people who really have any plans for the Northeast today.

This is not Zhang Fan's boasting. At the very least, he played several times for the sake of the Northeast, and also invited a lot of money for Li Chengliang to help him build the Six Forts. This is a fact. It can be said that without Zhang Fan, Li Chengliang Whether it can be repaired before the war starts is really a question.

And other people, such as Feng Bao, gave Li Chengliang some help with Northeast affairs because of him. Those who have done some things, even those in the cabinet headed by Zhang Juzheng, did not speak up, but after all they said a lot of good things about this matter.

But other people showed indifference to this matter, basically did nothing, even if they really did something, they didn't say anything.

Speaking of it, I can't completely blame these people. There are many reasons. In fact, it is because Li Chengliang has offended many people. Li Chengliang's rebellious temperament can be seen from his son. Of course, After all, the son and Laozi are two people, but it is undeniable that Li Chengliang was born like this. Although he is capable, he is also a little arrogant at the same time.

Of course, if you say this, it is because Li Chengliang offended people, and the people in the court just because Li Chengliang once offended them, but they don't care about the Northeast today, and even think that this kind of national affairs has nothing to do with them This is really a bit too much, but this kind of thing has always been like this. After all, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is so large. That being the case, why worry about it.

This is not the result of the sinking of people's hearts, but has become a practice.

However, this cannot be said to be the reason for these people to sit on the sidelines and not ask questions. For Zhang Fan, although he is also inseparable from the party struggle in the court, Zhang Fan can still understand some things.

As for the matter this time, what Zhang Fan couldn't stand the most in the court was actually not these. It was fine if he had a problem with Li Chengliang, but even those who had no problem with Li Chengliang could even be said to have a little relationship. People who don't have any, when faced with this kind of thing, they don't say a word.

Well, even if the matter has nothing to do with you and you don’t bother yourself, it’s fine for those civil servants to come. After all, even if these people want to help, they still have every clue. These people really don’t understand the war, but , What about those generals?

There are many military generals in the court, even those who go to the court all day long and only know that they are in the capital, there are some real skills among them, not just the kind of people who know nothing with an official title, but these people Among them, even if they are digging out those who have had any trouble with Li Chengliang, and only talk about those who have nothing to do with Li Chengliang, even these people still don't care about what is going on in the Northeast today, let alone I just put forward some opinions, and I didn't fart at all.

This is the place that Zhang Fan is most uncomfortable with. There must be a war in the Northeast, but now Li Chengliang is indeed in the Northeast, and Li Chengliang has been stationed in the Northeast for so many years. Li Chengliang is absolutely sure of defeating Wang Gao. This point, even if Li Chengliang doesn't say it, everyone in the court understands it.

However, this is only Li Chengliang. If at such a stall, there is a sudden change of a person, a person who does not know much about the Northeast, then the situation will be completely different. If there is such a situation If something happened, even if Qi Jiguang, who was not far away, was transferred, it might not be enough. Qi Jiguang used soldiers like a god, but at that time he would take over Li Chengliang's army, not his own, and even if it was Li Chengliang's army. He is really well-trained, even if he is replaced by Qi Jiguang, he can still listen to orders strictly, but the problem is that Qi Jiguang doesn't know anything about the Northeast. Even the current Qi Jiguang pays attention to the Northeast, but after all, he is not as thorough as Li Chengliang. , and in a big battle, even a small possibility has the power to change the situation of the battle. If it is a different person, it will not work.

Of course, the mention of Qi Jiguang here is just an example. When it really comes to that time, if something happens to Li Chengliang, it is absolutely impossible to transfer Qi Jiguang there, and Liaodong is not far from the capital. A general was dispatched from the capital to lead the army in battle.

It's just that if this happens, it will be even worse. As I said before, these people in the capital, even now, are all looking at the Northeast, but there are no people who really want to understand. People are just staring at this side, waiting to see what the outcome will be. If these people are allowed to go, I am afraid that even this inevitable game may fail.

In other words, Li Chengliang will never have an accident until the end of the upcoming war in Northeast China. Of course, the possibility of Li Chengliang's accident is basically impossible, but that is also basically impossible, not It's completely impossible, so those military generals in the court didn't pay attention to this matter, and Zhang Fan couldn't see this matter very much.

But for Zhang Fan, even if he can't see the past now, there is nothing he can do about it. For those people, Zhang Fan can't and has no right to say anything about them. Since they have made such a decision, other people can't influence it. them.

Faced with this situation, even though he knew that there was nothing he could do about it, Zhang Fan still had a feeling that he couldn't get used to it. Since he couldn't get used to it, he should go back later and worry less. Besides, Fang Yueling is now He has already left. During the few days when he arrived in Guangning from the capital, although Zhang Fan was distracted a lot, he still misses him a little.

That being the case, it is better to stay here for a while longer, and it is better to worry about it after going back.

Wang Degui came here two days earlier, although he still didn't understand what happened to Tang Wu's death, and he hadn't even been caught yet, but it was not fruitless. After all, things have come to this point, although there is very little evidence , but it is almost certain that there must be someone behind this incident.

This situation is what Zhang Fan doesn't want the most, but at the same time, Zhang Fan has no way to prevent this from happening, and since he can't stop it, he can find out earlier and start investigating immediately, it's better than finding out later , it's much better to wait until the situation is close to start looking for someone.

Although there is still no way to be sure now, Zhang Fan has already told Wang Degui to ask him to quickly find out those people and ask them clearly. Just arrange it, let people investigate those assassins, if no one can be found, then there is really a problem, and Zhang Fan will also let people investigate quickly.

However, in such a split second, Zhang Fan thought of a possibility. Before thinking about the current situation in the capital, and then thinking about the current situation in the Northeast, not only these, but also Li Chengliang, and those generals in the capital. Zhang Fan suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis regarding his attitude towards the Northeast affairs.

It's just that this sense of crisis came and went quickly. Although Zhang Fan thought of that possibility and knew the great danger it would bring, Zhang Fan didn't think that such a thing would be so serious. Reasonable, either it is too much a coincidence, or some people in the capital really want to lose their heads, but from this point of view, Zhang Fan has only one thought: "Then it is impossible for Wang Gao to know these things. things,"

Giving up that dangerous thought made Zhang Fan feel a little more relaxed, but once he thought about it once, he couldn't let it go. Today's Zhang Fan knows it's impossible, but still Thinking of possibilities, this feeling, made him feel very uncomfortable.

After much deliberation, Zhang Fan found himself thinking here alone, no, even if he asked a few people to think about it together, he couldn't come up with anything after discussing it together. Zhang Fan resolutely gave up. This matter is a threat no matter what. , but this is for Zhang Fan, now that others have arrived, no matter what you say about this danger, you have already started to investigate. Waiting so long really found out the reason, and it would be better to make another plan, and make yourself tired like this for no reason, which is not at all in line with Zhang Fan's temperament that wants to be idle.

After thinking about these things, Zhang Fan didn't think too much, and just took a rest.

Tomorrow morning, he will set off for Su Dian to meet Li Chengliang. When it comes to Li Chengliang, Zhang Fan has a lot of thoughts. Now, let's wait until he meets Li Chengliang to make plans.

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