Just the day before Nurhachi returned to Sumian, he was in Guangningwei.

Although the war is imminent, and Guangningwei can be said to be the most important thing in this battle, there is not much atmosphere that the war is about to start here. After all, although this is the place where Li Chengliang sits, no matter what In other words, this place can be regarded as the rear, and there is only a very small possibility that the war disaster will affect here, so even here, there is no need to be afraid at all.

Come to think of it, this is why Li Chengliang dared to entrust this place to his son Li Rusong to be in charge temporarily, not because Li Rusong was competent at a young age, and of course, it was not because he was Li Chengliang's son, but, although not These two reasons, but they are also somewhat related. Li Chengliang probably wanted to exercise his son by doing this. In this case, this job is basically impossible to make mistakes, and it only takes a few days. Li Chengliang was still relieved.

On the contrary, Li Chengliang's subordinates have no objection to Li Chengliang's decision. Some of his subordinates are only one rank lower than Li Chengliang, but even so, these people don't feel too much about Li Rusong's leadership. The big problem, anyway, it's only a few days, even if something happens, what can be the big deal.

Of course, on the surface, it seems that there is indeed no major event. Even if a war is about to start, if there is no fight, there is no fight. There is no need to worry so much.

But in the dark, it's not as calm as it seems on the surface. Of course, the people in Guangningwei, like Li Rusong, or the people in the general yamen, don't know what's going on behind the scenes, so for these people , they do not know what danger is approaching.

But for the Jinyiwei people, it's completely different.

But now, in the entire Guangning Guard, there are more than 60 people from Jinyi Guard trying their best to search for those assassins who have been confirmed to exist. The assassins sent by Wang Gao have only been searching for so many days, but they are not found. What was discovered, and this also made Wang Degui very anxious.

Speaking of which, this was Wang Degui's first mission with Zhang Fan after he entered Jinyiwei. For Wang Degui, this was the first time he wanted to leave a good impression on Zhang Fan, and the so-called good impression, Naturally, he was able to complete what Zhang Fan had given him, so he was particularly concerned about this matter.

However, he spared no effort, and the people below were not lazy, but they couldn't find any clues.

The captured people who were driven crazy after being used by others, although one of them woke up and said some things, but these were of no use to Wang Degui, while the others were still Crazy, but Wang Degui didn't have any hope about it. He always felt that even if these people were all sober, he might not be able to explain why.

What we now know is that Wang Gao did indeed send assassins, and those assassins are unknown to others, but two of them have obvious appearance characteristics, and they can be recognized as Jurchens at a glance.

That is to say, the words of the person who accidentally woke up narrowed the target that Wang Degui and the others needed to search from aimlessly to only need to search the Jurchens.

However, this is basically equivalent to being useless. Although it is said that the Ming army and the Jurchens are about to go to war, even so, there are still many Jurchens that can be seen in the Guangning Guard. Not to mention that there is not enough time and manpower, the most important problem is that if this is the case, is it equivalent to telling the assassins the news that is being searched here? Just lurking here, and waiting until the time of the battle to make a sudden move, then there is no way to guard against it at all.

Therefore, in this way, Wang Degui became helpless and didn't know what to do.

However, Wang Degui also has an advantage. Although he has not read any books, although he looks like a rough man, he is actually a rough man, but his mentality is much better than ordinary people. The difficulties seemed insurmountable, but Wang Degui did not complain about others, nor would he be too impatient to follow the law. On the contrary, he was as calm as usual.

This is a good thing. If you are too impatient in the face of difficulties, you may neglect some important things. But if you can maintain a good attitude at any time, you may notice some details. It is not certain that there will be a breakthrough. In short, it is indeed very good for Wang Degui to be able to do this.

However, there is still a problem, and no matter how Wang Degui looks at this matter, at the very least, he has done everything he can, and now, he has to wait for the other party to make a mistake and show his feet, so that They have caught their tails, but what should they do if the other party does not make mistakes.

Zhang Fan and the others have considered this issue even in Su Dian, and Wang Degui tried his best to search for these people here in Guangning, so it is impossible for him not to consider this matter. But there is no way to take the initiative to attack things, which is really uncomfortable.

Wang Degui even considered whether to ask someone from Dongchang to help him. Although he has not been in Jinyiwei for a long time, during the time when Zhang Fan went to Sichuan, he also came into contact with many things in Jinyiwei in the capital. Wang Degui also knew that Zhang Fan had a good friendship with Feng Bao, the chief eunuch of Dongchang, and the friendship between Jin Yiwei and Dongchang was also very good.

Although Zhang Fan didn't say why people from Dongchang didn't ask for help in this matter, but Wang Degui, who thought Zhang Fan had a reason for doing so, finally didn't send a message to people from Dongchang to ask them to help.

In fact, it's not that Zhang Fan doesn't want to ask people from Dongchang to help. After all, this matter is very important. It would be great if more people can help. They really have no scruples, they are not like Jin Yiwei, who know how to hide their identities, and are finally exerting their strength, but the people in Dongchang are rampant and brutal when they do it, they don't care about these things at all.

Therefore, if the people from Dongchang were really asked to help, I am afraid that the shadow of the assassin has not been seen yet, and the other party already knows that they are looking for them here.

In short, this matter can only be done by Jin Yiwei himself.

Wang Degui is still trying his best to search these days, but he still can't find any clues.

But that day, something happened again, which made Wang Degui realize that this situation was unusual.

That morning, Wang Degui got up very early, and he lived in the yamen. Although he had told his subordinates to notify him immediately if there was any news, no matter what he was doing, even so, he woke up every morning. After that, you have to ask if there is anything wrong.

But early in the morning, Wang Degui had just woken up when a major event happened. He just opened the door and saw many people running in the courtyard, and one of them ran directly towards him.

"My lord, something has happened," the visitor said with an anxious look.

"Slow down, what's going on, talk carefully," Wang Degui scolded him when he saw that he was out of breath.

Being reprimanded by Wang Degui, the man was also shocked, but he calmed down and said, "My lord, another one has died now."

"Another one died." When Wang Degui heard him say that, his first reaction was not to understand what happened, but immediately, he understood, and Wang Degui who understood immediately also His face turned pale with shock, "What did you say, another one died, did they do it again?"

"I can't make a mistake this time," the visitor hurriedly said, "just now, before half a stick of incense, a thousand households in the army died, named Xu Yi, and Xu Yi's home is in Guangning , Yesterday he went home for the night, and this morning he went out to meet the barracks, but he was killed at the Caishikou in front of his house. Our people were there at the time, and we happened to see it. It was a Jurchen who did it. They used a knife, and after killing Xu Yi, that person ran away, and now our people have gone after him, "

"Hurry up and lead the way," Wang Degui actually pulled him away without waiting for him to finish speaking. The second half of the sentence was said by the man who was dragged by Wang Degui while walking.

Indeed, after hearing this kind of news, it is naturally impossible for Wang Degui to calm down, and it is impossible for anyone to be calm again. After all, he has been investigating this matter for so many days, but there is no news , now that there is a clue suddenly, and it is so blatantly done, Wang Degui naturally wants to seize this opportunity, of course, it is best to be able to catch a living person, and then ask the whereabouts of the other assassins, that would be the best .

So now, after hearing the news, Wang Degui naturally has to hurry up and rush there. If he misses it because he is a little late, he will be really angry.

Therefore, there is no delay at all now, not only Wang Degui, because someone has already come to inform him, and other people in the yamen, even if they have not received Wang Degui's order, they understand what to do in the current situation, so when Wang Degui When they arrived at the gate of the yamen, some people had already set off, while others were waiting here. Even the horses had been prepared for Wang Degui.

Naturally, there is no need to talk nonsense anymore. He got on his horse and rode straight in the direction of his predecessors. This time, Wang Degui absolutely had to do it.

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