Wang Meng's bravery is really invincible, not only his skill and courage, but also his foresight and awareness of danger, that kind of awareness is absolutely second-to-none. Before that, Zhu Yijun named him "No. Of course, at that time, although Wang Meng did show his real skills, but more, Zhu Yijun actually looked at Zhang Fan's face.

It's just that Zhu Yijun didn't know that he only conferred this title because of Zhang Fan's face, but it was really worthy of the name, but in fact, let alone in the court, even in the entire Jianghu, Wang Meng It can be called a first-class master. It is really wrong to have people who can surpass him in martial arts. At most, they can reach a tie with him, and most of these people are much older than Wang Meng. Really meeting such a person, under the fierce battle, the final victor must still be Wang Meng.

And this time, Wang Meng once again proved that he lived up to this title.

In the blink of an eye, when the others hadn't reacted, and even if they had reacted, they couldn't respond in time, Wang Meng, who was farther away than those people, came first, not only Only a few moves to subdue the enemy prevented them from harming Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan. More importantly, even though he had only one person and the other party had three, Wang Meng's few moves to subdue them not only prevented them from assassinating again, but more importantly The most important thing was to injure them, and they all survived. This skill can be seen from this.

But after Wang Meng subdued these assassins and resolved the crisis, Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan's other subordinates who came back to their senses hurried forward to hold them down.

"Shut up their mouths," Zhang Fan's reaction was not slow at all. Wang Degui's news told him before that these people are really desperadoes. If they fail to do something, they will commit suicide. Now these people have been restrained, but Zhang Fan was afraid that they would bite their tongues and kill themselves, so they had their mouths gagged just in case.

And here, such a big thing happened, not only Li Chengliang was attacked, but more importantly, the only bridge across the Liaohe River from here was blown up. There were a lot of people, so it made the scene even more chaotic.

But now, although Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan felt relieved, the people below couldn't relax. When the bridge was blown up, there were Li Chengliang's people on it, so the whole bridge collapsed. People also fell into the river, and the river here is extremely fast. Once they fall, there is no possibility of surviving, but fortunately, the bridge is too narrow, and although the people brought by Li Chengliang are not Many, but all of them are riding horses, so they can only lead one horse across the bridge when they are side by side. In addition, there are too many people who dare not walk at the same time, so Li Chengliang's people on the bridge at that time were only four. Individual and four horses.

But even so, Li Chengliang lost four of his men in such an instant, and more importantly, the scene is so chaotic now, who knows if there are any assassins among them, including the one who dared to commit suicide before lighting the explosives , Now there are four in total, one died, and the other three were also subdued.

But even so, I still can't feel at ease. After all, no one knows how many people Wang Gao sent to assassinate Li Chengliang. If these three are not all, if you relax your vigilance now, you will suffer a big loss So now no one dares to relax.

"It seems that what Mr. Zhang said just now is not wrong at all," Li Chengliang said again, without a look of shock at all, "Then Wang Gao really wanted to assassinate me as Mr. Zhang said, and he actually used it to kill me. With such tricks, the lives of several of my soldiers were also killed,"

After saying these words, Li Chengliang walked towards those people. Although the three people have been subdued now, there is no danger anymore, but after all, the assassination happened just now, so these people I was a little worried, but Li Chengliang was not afraid at all, but Li Chengliang's calm appearance did calm down all the people present.

Walking up to one of them, the one who was stabbed in the thigh with a broken knife, but could be said to have the lightest hand among them, Li Chengliang said, "Let go of his mouth."

The soldier who restrained him thought that Li Chengliang was going to ask questions, so he tore off the cloth strip that tied his mouth. Who knew that Li Chengliang just waited for the man to make a sound, so he grabbed the cloth and still tied it to him. The handle of the broken knife on his leg was pulled out at once.

"Ah," this kind of pain, even if you haven't felt it, or even seen it, it hurts just thinking about it.

But in the face of this person screaming in pain, none of the people present felt pity. They all looked at him with extremely cold eyes.

However, this sound also attracted those people who were still in chaos beside them and couldn't help but turn their heads to look over, but fortunately, they are all dressed in terracotta warriors, so even though these people are curious, they dare not come up to see clearly , and this also reassured Li Chengliang's men who were on guard. After all, the number of people is limited now, and even if there are some assassins among these people, as long as they don't surround them, there is no danger.

Pulling the knife out of the wound just now will obviously be extremely painful, but obviously, since this person was sent to perform this kind of mortal assassination mission, he is obviously not afraid of death, this pain, let alone venting in such a way Under the circumstances, he soon held back.

"Why, Wang Gao sent people like you to assassinate me," Li Chengliang showed disdain for these assassins, "I think Wang Gao is only so capable, even for such things as assassination I can't do it well, but I wouldn't blame him for being despicable, after all, the war is coming, and you can use any means, as long as you can win, but now it seems that Wang Gao will definitely lose, "

It's not because Li Chengliang will be like this now that the danger is lifted, but in fact, no matter whether the danger is lifted or not, Li Chengliang will always have such an attitude, just like what a great man in the future said, "We must despise the enemy strategically, and pay attention to the enemy tactically." Even Li Chengliang didn't know this sentence, but he had a deep meaning in it. Li Chengliang never let go of Wang Gao's attack. In the eyes, but he was not sloppy in preparing for the battle.

"Old thief Li, what kind of a thing are you?" The assassin was obviously also a ruthless master, "Speaking of despicableness, this is not as good as you. Years ago, most of our leaders were assassinated by others. You Dare to say that this is not a good thing you did, "

Zhang Fan, who heard what the assassin said next to him, felt a little complicated. Apparently, the assassination that Zhang Fan sent Wang Degui with a group of desperadoes years ago had already been accounted for by Wang Gao. Of course, there is nothing wrong with Wang Gao having such thoughts when he has no clue. No matter how you look at the situation at that time, if there is no clue, Wang Gao can only go to Li Chengliang. Think about it.

It's just that Wang Gao's revenge was a little different. Although he also sent assassins, he didn't let the assassins assassinate Li Chengliang's generals.

This is actually Wang Gao's cleverness, because he can see that, just from the perspective of revenge, since the assassin is sent, it is already revenge, but at the same time, this cannot be just revenge, after all, before The assassination of Wang Gao caused him to lose many of his subordinates, and since Wang Gao wanted to take revenge, of course he had to let this side suffer.

But at the same time, Wang Gao also understood that it would be useless to just assassinate Li Chengliang's generals. After all, although Li Chengliang was fighting with him at that time, the entire Ming court was behind Li Chengliang, even if Li Chengliang was not very strong in the court. It is popular, but it is obviously impossible for the court to see Li Chengliang in a predicament, so it is just to assassinate Li Chengliang's generals, which has no effect on Wang Gao.

So Wang Gao aimed his idea at Li Chengliang himself, and this move was really subtle. Once it succeeded, Li Chengliang would die. In this way, perhaps in terms of position, there are not many people who can succeed Li Chengliang, but those People don't know the affairs of Liaodong, Li Chengliang's deployment, and how he plans to meet the enemy next, but those who know, such as Li Chengliang's subordinates, are obviously not qualified to replace Li Chengliang's position.

If that was the case, Wang Gao would not win even in the end, but once the battle was fought, the final outcome, even if Daming won, would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Of course, Wang Gao didn't think so. In his opinion, as long as Li Chengliang was killed, he would surely win this battle.

"Oh," Li Chengliang laughed at the question at this moment, "I, Li Chengliang, am not an aboveboard person, let alone this is a war, as long as I can win, I will do it, but if I haven't done it, I haven't done it , I don’t need to explain this to you. If I want to tell you, I can only say that Wang Gao will kill himself if he does many injustices. If you know who did it, I really want to thank him, "

Standing behind Li Chengliang, Zhang Fan and Wang Meng, after hearing what Li Chengliang said, they looked at each other. They did that thing, that is, according to what Li Chengliang said, he should be grateful They were good at it, but Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell the matter. I'm afraid that after telling it, there will only be troubles.

Facing Li Chengliang's words, the assassin could only sneer, but he had no way to refute.

But Li Chengliang obviously didn't care, he just turned around and said: "Kill them, let's go north to find a place to cross the river and return to Guangning."

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