It's not that Zhang Fan is unwilling to help Li Chengliang, but that Zhang Fan doesn't want to accept Li Chengliang's money. Of course, in many cases, not accepting money is actually tantamount to not wanting to help, but Zhang Fan obviously didn't intend to do so. And Li Chengliang didn't feel that Zhang Fan didn't want to help him, but Li Chengliang himself couldn't figure out what Zhang Fan meant for a while.

Of course, the most important point is that Li Chengliang can't figure out why Zhang Fan not only doesn't take his own money, but also wants to help himself. You must know that this kind of thing is absolute in Li Chengliang's cognition, and it is not at all. It can happen, good things do happen, and luck can happen, but whether it is a good thing or going far, obviously it can't be used for such things, Li Chengliang firmly believes in this.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan said that he didn't want Li Chengliang's money, Li Chengliang's first reaction was that Zhang Fan didn't intend to help him, but when Zhang Fan said that he didn't want to help him, Li Chengliang immediately thought of another possibility. That is, although Zhang Fan would help him and didn't need anything, it was definitely not free of charge. Obviously, Li Chengliang thought that Zhang Fan would do something for him if he wanted him.

Of course, although this sounds like an exchange, it is not equivalent. After all, all Zhang Fan has to do is move his mouth, and even if something really happens in the future, Zhang Fan does not need to bear it. responsibility, but Li Chengliang is different. He wants to help Zhang Fan, even if he doesn't even need to think about it, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

However, even so, Li Chengliang felt that it was not uneconomical, or in other words, as long as Zhang Fan could help him, then he could agree to Zhang Fan's conditions.

Therefore, Li Chengliang also became quiet and waited for Zhang Fan to speak. However, Li Chengliang never thought that what Zhang Fan said was completely different from what he thought. According to what Li Chengliang thought, since Zhang Fan He intends to use another condition to replace the money, so at this time Zhang Fan should first mention his condition, but Li Chengliang never imagined that what Zhang Fan said was not his condition, but about himself things.

Speaking of it, this in itself is a very strange thing. You must know that even if Li Chengliang is a general leading troops, especially now that he is facing a battle to fight, but even so, Li Chengliang himself is still an official of the court , there is no way to change this.

As for Zhang Fan, regardless of his title in the imperial court or his current status as the Imperial Tutor, no matter how many official positions he has, the most eye-catching must be his status as the commander of the Jinyiwei. And now Zhang Fan is using this identity to talk to Li Chengliang about how he corrupted the law, which is really extremely weird.

But sometimes, things are so strange, let alone other things, if Zhang Fan doesn't tell Li Chengliang these things, then in Li Chengliang's view, he is either fine or something big is going to happen, but if he says Talking about these things with Zhang Fan in his current capacity may make people feel very dangerous, but in fact, as long as it can be said out of his mouth, it is not so dangerous.

All in all, when Zhang Fan talked about his own affairs, Li Chengliang was indeed a little nervous, but at the same time, Li Chengliang was not afraid after hearing Zhang Fan say these things.

But now is really not the time to think about whether to be afraid or not, but to figure out why Zhang Fan wanted to tell him about it.

But Li Chengliang really couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan wanted to tell him this for a while, it sounded like useless nonsense, after all, Zhang Fan was just talking about something that had happened long ago There is no way to change anything, but obviously, no matter who it is at this time, they will not say some irrelevant nonsense. In this case, why Zhang Fan would say these things makes people a little concerned.

In fact, it was all because of Li Chengliang's too formulaic thinking, so he thought this matter too complicated. In his opinion, the reason why Zhang Fan said this was more like wanting to threaten him, although Li Chengliang couldn't figure out what effect this kind of threat had, but he could only regard Zhang Fan's words as a threat.

And he never thought that what Zhang Fan said was actually just to warn himself, to tell him how excessive what he did before, and to warn him that what he did was too dangerous, not Li Chengliang. Unexpected, but because Li Chengliang had never come into contact with Zhang Fan's idea in the past ten years in this officialdom, so he was unexpected.

And Zhang Fan's thoughts...

"General Li," Zhang Fan looked at Li Chengliang and said, "I've already talked about this part, and even if I don't understand what I said, the general should be able to understand it. If the general continues like this, even now Those people in the court can't move the general, but they have already grasped this handle. One day in the future, the general will still have to pay the price for what he has done now, and when that time comes, even if I have I've said countless good things for the general in front of the Queen Mother and His Majesty, but I'm afraid it's useless, after all, no matter what I say, there is only one person, and those in the court can vent their anger through one nostril, "

"I also understand what Master Zhang said," Li Chengliang said, "but I still don't understand what Master Zhang wants to say."

"I mean, let the general be restrained from now on," Zhang Fan said frankly, "The reason why the general is restrained from now on instead of changing it all at once is that once this kind of thing becomes a habit Afterwards, it is also very difficult to change it all at once, so what I mean is to let the general restrain himself.

"But don't worry, general, I'm not trying to block the general's way of making money. In fact, even if there is a "Testing Method" in the court, but in fact, even now, who are those people in the court? It is true that even a penny of ill-gotten gains will not be taken, but after all, with the regulations, these people have restrained a lot, and are no longer as unscrupulous as before. Compared with their role in the court, they are greedy. The small money is also irrelevant.

"I didn't tell the general that he really didn't want a penny of silver. To be honest, the general has been guarding Liaodong for so many years. He has worked hard and made great achievements. It is also right to enjoy it in daily life. People in the court also understand the role of the general. For What the general is doing now is naturally not saying anything.

"But if the general continues like this, then in the future, the accumulation of this year will not be a small amount, and by that time, once the general's harm here is greater than what the general can do, What will happen at that time, I don’t need to remind the general again if I think about it.”

Zhang Fan's words can be said to be clear and plain, there is no concealment or concealment at all.

And Li Chengliang, who heard Zhang Fan's words, fell silent for a while. Zhang Fan's words, yes, were very straightforward, without the slightest embellishment, but it is undeniable that Zhang Fan's words What he said is all the truth, if he goes on like this without knowing how to restrain himself, I am afraid that in a few years, or in another ten years, he will have a huge amount of property that he is greedy for, and when he waits At that time, even if Li Chengliang had been guarding Liaodong for many years, he had indeed made great contributions, but that contribution could not be worth the mistakes he made.

In the past, it wasn't that Li Chengliang couldn't understand this problem, but because he himself was in it and couldn't see it. But now, Zhang Fan pointed out this problem to him, and Li Chengliang naturally understood it immediately.

But at the same time, Zhang Fan's request is also very clear. He does not want Li Chengliang to change from a person who lives a luxurious life and is greedy for money overnight to a person with unknown sources of money. , I only know that they are honest and honest people who abide by the law and perform garrison tasks.

Zhang Fan's request was very simple, he, Li Chengliang, could continue to live this kind of life, but at the same time, this kind of corruption and perverting the law should not be too extreme.

But to what extent is it not too much? Zhang Fan also made it clear, that is, even if the people in the court know it, but to a certain extent, it cannot cause any harm to Li Chengliang himself. In other words, it is still within the tolerance range. In this way, even if the situation in Liaodong is stable in the future, it is no longer necessary to use Li Chengliang. At this time, other people want to deal with Li Chengliang, but what they can do The things that were brought out were not enough to shake Li Chengliang, this is what Zhang Fan wanted to say.

And after Li Chengliang understood Zhang Fan's words, he didn't feel that Zhang Fan was against him. In fact, Li Chengliang was very grateful to Zhang Fan in his heart. Maybe he had already felt it, but he didn't want to. You have to think about it that way, but now Zhang Fan helped him to say it, so Li Chengliang can naturally understand it.

After understanding it, Li Chengliang was naturally grateful to Zhang Fan in his heart. After all, the proposal Zhang Fan gave him can be said to have relieved the biggest sense of crisis in his heart, as long as he can follow Zhang Fan's actions in the future. In addition, after Zhang Fan returned to the capital, he would say a few good words about him in front of the queen mother and the emperor, even if someone in the court wanted to plot against him in the future, he would not have to be afraid.

However, although Li Chengliang understood this truth, he couldn't figure out one thing. He couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan wanted to help him so much. He didn't do Zhang Fan any favors. There was no friendship, but Zhang Fan gave him this proposal and planned to help him speak well in the court, which was unbelievable to Li Chengliang.

"Master Zhang," Li Chengliang couldn't help asking, "I understand the kindness of your lord, and I will do that, but I don't understand why your lord treats me like this."

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