The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1594 Still Waiting

"My lord." Seeing Zhang Fan coming out of Li Chengliang's residence, Liang Chao rushed up to greet him, "What's the matter? What did General Li tell you?"

Although, as a subordinate, it is really inappropriate to inquire about such things as Shangguan, but this is naturally different with Zhang Fan. After all, before Zhang Fan came here, they already knew what Li Chengliang meant. They understood Zhang Fan's plan, but they were also a little curious about what Li Chengliang would do. Speaking of which, this was something Zhang Fan had considered before.

Seeing Liang Chao's curious appearance, Zhang Fan didn't want to disappoint him, but the facts were obviously cruel. Li Chengliang's plan before would definitely disappoint them all. Zhang Fan always felt unbearable for being hit after hearing the truth he said, but now they couldn't help it.

Zhang Fan had no choice but to sigh, and said: "This Li Chengliang is really different. If it were someone else, even if he had already reached this point, he might still hide it and feel embarrassed to speak, but Li Chengliang can No, although he has also been on the battlefield and is a leader in battle, it is natural for him to be straightforward, but his straightforwardness is much more refreshing than other people who are similar to him," Zhang Fan said. Speaking of this, I paused.

And obviously, his meal like this really whetted Liang Chao's appetite completely. Only Wang Meng on the side was relatively sober. Although he was more or less interested in this matter, but After all, he was not as interested as Liang Chao, not to mention that Zhang Fan's sigh just now made Wang Meng roughly understand what was going on.

"This Li Chengliang really doesn't mean to hide anything at all," Zhang Fan made an airy look, "He just pushed a stack of bank notes in front of me in such a clear way, without even saying a pretentious word, it's really a shame." Disgusting,"

"Ah," Liang Chao, who was full of anticipation, turned out to hear Zhang Fan say such a thing. The expression on Liang Chao's face now is quite strange, looking full of expectation, but it seems to be Hearing some news that shouldn't be heard, just standing there in a daze, just stopping like this, it's really funny.

When he got here, how could Liang Chao not understand that Zhang Fan was deliberately playing tricks on him, but although he was very unwilling, Zhang Fan was his superior after all, so what could he do, so at this moment, Even though he didn't say it, Liang Chao blamed Li Chengliang for being teased.

"Just kidding," Zhang Fan said with a smile when he saw Liang Chao's unwilling face, "but to be honest, I was also taken aback when Li Chengliang did this, even though I was thinking about it before. What Li Chengliang will do, but in fact, it has already been decided, there is no need to think about anything else, the most affordable way must be to give money directly, but I don't know how he will give me.

"But he just made it so clear, and pushed the bank note in front of me without blushing or anger. To be honest, I was also shocked. Anyone who does such a thing in our court, no matter how blatant it is, then There has to be a reason, a concealment, but this is the first time I've seen it so straightforward, and speaking of it, Li Chengliang's doing this really surprised me, "

"It seems not only because of General Li, but it has always been like this in Liaodong," Wang Meng said. He is quite familiar with Liaodong, so he can come to such a conclusion that is not a conclusion, "But having said that, my lord, how things are going,"

"You all understand what happened to Li Chengliang." Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Although he has done so many things he shouldn't have done, he still understands in his heart that this is not going to work. That's why he came to me. He wanted to give me a sum of money. In the final analysis, he just wanted to find some connections in the court. What he asked me to do was to return to Beijing when the time came, and asked me to speak well for him in front of the Queen Mother.

"I confiscated his money, but I also agreed to come down, but I also let him think about it for himself. If he continues to spend so much money, something will happen sooner or later. I am afraid that when the time comes, even if there is someone in the court to help, even if it is the Queen Mother and Your Majesty knows that Liaodong cannot do without him, and I'm afraid he has to leave, too."

"Your Excellency is thoughtful," Wang Meng and Liang Chao naturally had no objection to Zhang Fan's decision.

"How's the situation in the barracks?" Zhang Fan asked.

Although he only ordered Wang Degui to do that thing early this morning, there must be some news by now. What's more, this kind of thing doesn't mean that you should spread the news as soon as you receive it. What method should be used to spread the news is the best way; secondly, it is necessary to find out the current situation in the barracks first.

"Just as your lord guessed," Wang Meng replied, "General Li is indeed planning to pass on the news that Wang Gao sent an assassin, and he is not slow. He just came back today. Most of the people in the book know all about it, and not only what happened last time, but the news that has come out now has obviously been embellished. Some of the things are extremely exaggerated, but now there is no evidence to prove it, even if it is an exaggeration Some, no one can tell the truth from the fake, but the people in the army are very angry with Wang Gao."

"However, there is no news about the assassination of General Li before," Liang Chao on the side took up the conversation and said, "Wang Degui went to inquire about this matter, but it turned out that there was no news at all, even Those guards who followed General Li to Su Dian before, but now they came back with a few fewer people, and it was only said that they stayed with Su Dian. Even the guards who came back insisted on this. It seems that Li The general had already planned to make them shut up."

"Well," upon hearing the news, Zhang Fan nodded to show that he knew it. The news was the same as what he had thought before. He had guessed that Li Chengliang probably would not release the news of his assassination. In his mansion just now, Li Chengliang also said so clearly to Zhang Fan, it seems that he really does not intend to do this.

In this way, Zhang Fan was quite satisfied with the decision he made Wang Degui to do in the morning.

Of course, Li Chengliang's consideration of this matter is naturally correct, and appropriate stimulation is naturally a good thing. After all, on the battlefield, although morale is an invisible and intangible thing, it plays a vital role in controlling the battle situation , And using this method, or to put it more clearly, using fear to stimulate soldiers can indeed improve morale.

But this kind of stimulation must be just right. If it is too little, it will not have any effect on the overall situation. On the contrary, it may cause some people to fear, which will have the opposite effect. But if the stimulation is too much , is not a good thing. At that time, under the excitement of the crowd, many unexpected things will happen. The possibility of not listening to orders, not being able to discipline oneself, and even killing innocent people indiscriminately to relieve one's tension will all exist. In this case, On the contrary, there will be problems, and it is very likely that there will be big problems.

Naturally, Zhang Fan understood this truth, but Zhang Fan also decided to do this after thinking about it.

Firstly, Zhang Fan felt that it was not enough just that kind of stimulation, and secondly, in fact, this was the part that Zhang Fan considered the most about the excessive stimulation, and the result of Zhang Fan's consideration was that this kind of factor does not exist.

The most important point is that these soldiers under Li Chengliang are not the kind of rookies who have just joined the army, or have only been on the battlefield a few times. You must know that although not all of these soldiers under Li Chengliang are , but more than [-]% of the people are experienced in battle.

This kind of person will definitely not be unable to bear just this kind of stimulation, and thus do something out of the ordinary, and it is absolutely impossible to do something that should not be done suddenly on the battlefield.

As for this point, Zhang Fan actually did not observe it with his own eyes, let alone ask the soldiers under Li Chengliang's command to find out. Liaodong is in constant chaos, so no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for these people to be overwhelmed just because of these small stimuli.

And in this way, these stimuli will only make them feel that Wang Gao and the Jurchens are worthy of anger. In this way, after they go to the battlefield, they will turn this anger into strength and fight the enemy more bravely. It's a good thing, and Zhang Fan did it in consideration of these good things.

As for exactly what Wang Degui's plans are at that time, Zhang Fan didn't ask, and he didn't mean to intervene. He just let Wang Degui think about it and handle it by himself, that is, let him handle all the matters. .

This is not Zhang Fan's trial of Wang Degui, nor does it mean that he is really relieved. The trial does not need to be at this time, but it is not completely relieved. Zhang Fan still has to be from the sidelines Supervisor, if something goes wrong, he will naturally take action.

Of course, the reason for this is also based on Wang Degui. Wang Degui is not the kind of person who desperately wants to save face. Once he does something wrong, he is not the kind who will hang on and wait until there is nothing to do. People who only open their mouths when they are redeemed, so Zhang Fan can leave this matter to Wang Degui with half confidence, while he himself supervises from the sidelines.

Anyway, Zhang Fan is still waiting for this matter,

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