After three days, under Wang Degui's "efforts", the news about Li Chengliang's assassination spread in the army, and the number of people became more and more.

Perhaps, Li Chengliang is very greedy for money on weekdays, and the way of collecting money is quite fierce, even Li Chengliang dares to use public funds, and Li Chengliang's soldiers know more or less about these things, but some Li Chengliang has never done one thing. He may lie about the military salary, but he will never withhold a penny from the payment. In addition, he has guarded Liaodong for so many years, and Li Chengliang has never been defeated. All in all, Li Chengliang's prestige in the army It is still very strong, of course, most of it comes from Li Chengliang being able to lead them to victory, and most of the people in the army actually live in the local area, and Li Chengliang led them to victory, and they will be able to keep their hometown .

All in all, Li Chengliang may have many problems, but at the very least, Li Chengliang can give his soldiers what they want, so even if Li Chengliang himself has some problems, they don't care too much, let alone Well, Li Chengliang's status is already much higher than theirs, even if there are some problems, it's nothing.

Therefore, when it was rumored in the army that Wang Gao sent people to assassinate Li Chengliang, the level of indignation was indeed much higher than before. Of course, the reason for this was entirely because these people understood that once Li Chengliang was killed If it is over, even if you win this battle, you will have to pay a huge price, and even if you can win and keep your family, these people who will go to the battlefield to charge at that time will definitely increase. Therefore, for Wang Gao's plan to send someone to assassinate Li Chengliang, the reaction of the army was also great.

Of course, Zhang Fan would not consider whether this is based on their personal interests. After all, no matter how they are done, as long as it can be done, it will be fine.

And what Wang Degui did was really good, at least, the degree of common hatred in the army is stronger than before.

As for the problem that Li Chengliang was worried about before, whether this kind of incentive will be too much and make people become irrational, this has not happened at all, and Zhang Fan has actually expected this a long time ago. That's why we did it.

As for why Zhang Fan, an outsider who has just arrived here not long ago, can understand this, but Li Chengliang, a general who has commanded these people for such a long time, does not understand. This is not because Zhang Fan has any special skills, but He just did a very ordinary analysis.

Li Chengliang has indeed brought these people with him for a long time. If he just said that he understands, it is true. Li Chengliang naturally understands the soldiers under him, but Li Chengliang seems to have made a mistake. The soldiers under his command They really trust him very much. This is not only reflected in the fact that these people can obey orders, but also respect Li Chengliang. In fact, it is only because Li Chengliang is their general, and Li Chengliang can lead them. Just victory.

In Li Chengliang's eyes, the soldiers under his command love him very much, but in fact, this is not the case. Li Chengliang is not so loved by the soldiers, and Li Chengliang's usual money-greedy style, And these things are actually an open secret. For such a superior officer, a general, no matter how you think about it, the soldiers below will not like it. Bring them their own benefits, help them keep their homes, and improve their chances of surviving on the battlefield. is fully complied with.

And the reason why Li Chengliang didn't intend to spread the news about his assassination before, his worry actually came from his arrogance. What position is it in the army, and Li Chengliang completely regards the respect and respect in the weekdays as the cohesion of the army.

It can be said that Li Chengliang's thinking is very dangerous. For thousands of years, there have been countless generals like him, and many of them have been overwhelmed by their arrogance. Lost, even paid the price of life.

Fortunately, Li Chengliang's situation is a little different. After all, the situation in Liaodong, where Li Chengliang is guarding, is too unstable. A small battle in three days may lead to a major conflict in ten days and a half months. In other words, there are constant conflicts and wars here, and in this case, under the leadership of Li Chengliang, there is naturally no problem. After all, there are often battles, and the soldiers still have to rely on Li Chengliang. Nothing will go wrong.

However, for some things, since the seeds have been planted, they will inevitably bear fruit one day, but the environment in which the seeds grow delays the fruiting time, but in the end, this will still come.

It is impossible for Li Chengliang not to know that such a big thing happened in the army. Originally, according to what Zhang Fan thought, I am afraid that after Li Chengliang knew that this thing happened in the army, he would immediately think that it was done by himself, and even Li Chengliang Maybe he will come to him right away to ask for clarification, and Zhang Fan is also prepared for this situation.

But the result was that Zhang Fan was ready, but after waiting, Li Chengliang didn't mean to talk to him about it. Even during this time, Li Chengliang would still invite Zhang Fan to the house every night to drink and talk. He even called his son Li Rusong to join him, but Li Chengliang never mentioned this matter whether there were only two of them or his son was present.

Moreover, because Zhang Fan cared about this matter, he even observed it specifically. The result was that Li Chengliang didn't seem to be deliberately concealing this matter at all, on the contrary, it seemed like he didn't know about this matter at all, and he meant to mention it at all nothing.

This also made Zhang Fan a little curious at first, but since Li Chengliang didn't say anything about it, Zhang Fan had no way to ask him about it, so he could only leave it like this.

However, the more Li Chengliang kept silent, the more curious Zhang Fan became, but no matter how curious Zhang Fan was, there was no way to ask. In the end, Zhang Fan gave himself an acceptable explanation, that is, Li Chengliang himself understood What's going on here, or his self-knowledge made him understand what his status in the army should be, and after he figured out these things, it was naturally impossible to bring them up again, otherwise wouldn't it be Self-defeating.

But Zhang Fan is not worried at all, whether Li Chengliang will turn against him because of this matter, although Zhang Fan also needs Li Chengliang to continue guarding the Northeast in the future, but Li Chengliang does not know this, so Li Chengliang does this to Zhang Fan Naturally, I dare not disagree a little bit. After all, Zhang Fan is now considered his greatest strength in the court. After losing Zhang Fan's support, he even got into an argument with Zhang Fan and turned against him. If so Li Chengliang couldn't even imagine what would happen if he said that.

Although this was just Zhang Fan's own phenomenon, even Zhang Fan thought it was a bit arrogant, but in fact, Zhang Fan was right, and Li Chengliang had indeed thought of this.

Now there is no need to think about those official affairs that are really difficult to figure out. Li Chengliang saw that Zhang Fan had done this, and the morale of the army had indeed improved, so he naturally stopped taking care of it and let Zhang Fan do it. Do.

Zhang Fan had frequent contacts with Li Chengliang during this period, and what Zhang Fan felt most rewarding was not because he understood Li Chengliang, but because Zhang Fan really liked his son Li Rusong.

Li Rusong is the son of Li Chengliang. Although he is still young and has never led so many soldiers in any large-scale battles, Zhang Fan can understand a little from his conversation. Li Rusong knows a lot about the use of soldiers. In detail, and from what he said, it can be known that this is definitely not just talking on paper.

It seems that Li Chengliang has been training him intentionally or unintentionally, perhaps in order to allow Li Rusong to take his place in the future.

Of course, if this happens, Li Chengliang will not dare to make trouble with Zhang Fan, and can only accept Zhang Fan's actions. As long as he does this, he will be able to serve as the general soldier of Liaodong. Said that he will also start training Li Rusong.

In the future, when Li Chengliang is old, he should abdicate and give way to the virtuous. Li Rusong, who is familiar with Liaodong affairs, is also extremely skilled in warfare, and has also led troops in battle, and has made great contributions, can easily end his father's death. In this way, his Li family can continue to prosper like this.

And Zhang Fan has no objection to this, not to say anything else. Zhang Fan, who is not familiar with history, doesn't know how capable Li Rusong was in history, but even if he doesn't know what will happen in the future, what he sees in front of him What I saw was real, Li Rusong did have it, or he really seemed to have that kind of ability.

Moreover, Li Rusong is much more decent than Li Chengliang, and he stays in the army all day long, and he doesn't have Li Chengliang's money-greedy personality. Although he is Li Chengliang's biological son, he grew up in a different environment from Li Chengliang. Well, presumably it was because of this that the difference between Li Rusong and Li Chengliang was so big.

But it doesn't matter, Zhang Fan will still find a way to deal with Li Chengliang's affairs, and as long as Li Rusong can inherit Li Chengliang's official position in the future, then everything will be fine.

Of course, this matter is really early, and now there is no need to think about it so much, just want to understand the matter in front of you.

Now, the day when Zhang Fan goes back to the capital is getting closer and closer, but one thing happened, which made Zhang Fan feel that he was really unlucky.

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