This assassination ended under such circumstances. Although the time was very short, it can be said to be quite thrilling. Whether it was Liang Chao or Zhang Fan, their hearts were sweating.

Speaking of which, it's not that Zhang Fan has never encountered this kind of death situation before, and it can even be said that it is not the first time Zhang Fan has faced this kind of situation, but even so, there has never been a time like this. This time, Zhang Fan felt so terrified.

No matter how dangerous it was before, no matter how much it faced death, at the very least, it was already expected, and even Zhang Fan was very scared at that time, but after all, he had already prepared for it .

But this time it was completely different. This assassination was not expected at all, and it happened in such a situation that all of them thought it was impossible. In fact, it was inevitable. After all, although it happened before There have been assassination incidents, but they were all aimed at Li Chengliang and his army. Most importantly, neither Li Chengliang nor Zhang Fan had ever considered that Wang Gao would take Zhang Fan as the real target of the assassination. Possibility, therefore, in this unprepared situation, two assassins suddenly came and wanted to assassinate Zhang Fan, which was indeed unexpected.

Although both Zhang Fan and Liang Chao were extremely calm when dealing with this matter, and did not act irrationally at all, this made Zhang Fan experience the closest to death and the The time that scares him the most, of course, is only after the event, after all, when the previous incident happened, Zhang Fan didn't even have time to be afraid.

However, although it was nothing at the time, but now that it is safe, looking back at the situation at that time, it would really make people feel a little scared. If it was said at that time that these two people were better at skills, Liang Chao was not alone. If you can control it completely; at that time, if Zhang Fan did not obey Liang Chao immediately, leave; if at that time...

However, although these situations can cause a big difference in the current situation, after all, they have not happened now, so considering these situations is not something that should be discussed now, and now, everything is safe, although I am a little scared, But it's totally unnecessary

Moreover, compared to the issue of fear, Zhang Fan was more concerned about the immediate issue, the issue of the two people who wanted to assassinate him.

On the way back to Guangning, Zhang Fan met a group of patrolling soldiers, identified himself to them and told what he had encountered. In fact, although these soldiers were a little surprised by Zhang Fan's identity, after all, they came from the capital. The person who came to deliver the decree is now alone in front of them. It is indeed a bit confusing, but compared to this matter, what these people are more concerned about is actually what Zhang Fan said, meeting the assassin things.

How to put it, regardless of Zhang Fan, these soldiers are quite sensitive to the fact that Wang Gao sent assassins here, and now they have heard Zhang Fan say so, so for them, there is no need to think about it Whether these people came to assassinate Zhang Fan or someone else, the fact that there were assassins here was what they were most concerned about, so they followed Zhang Fan without saying a word.

But when they arrived, they discovered that Liang Chao had subdued both of them. These soldiers were a little disappointed that they couldn't take down these two assassins with their own hands, or kill them directly, but now it's their turn. What to say to them.

Zhang Fan didn't put on any airs, but just asked them to help escort these two people back. Of course, Zhang Fan also told them that they could not be untied no matter what, not only to prevent these two people from escaping, because He had heard about the madness of these assassins before, and what Zhang Fan was most afraid of was that these two people would commit suicide. Although it seems that it is unnecessary to catch two more alive now, Zhang Fan has something very serious. care.

Let these soldiers take the two assassins back to the army first, Zhang Fan plans to ask Li Chengliang later.

Now Zhang Fan is most concerned about Li Chengliang. The two assassins said before that Li Chengliang was assassinated again. Too much attention, but obviously, Zhang Fan still couldn't let go of his mind. Maybe the two people just now were talking nonsense, just to distract Zhang Fan's attention and let him be negligent for a while, so as to facilitate the assassination; There is such a thing.

This Zhang Fan is not sure, after all, such a big matter is involved, he is really worried, and once Li Chengliang is in danger, it will really become a big problem, so what Zhang Fan is most concerned about now is In fact, this is the matter. Therefore, even if most of them can be sure that the news was made up by those two assassins, Zhang Fan still has some worries about Li Chengliang's safety, so he and Liang Chao went directly to Went to the barracks to see Li Chengliang.

When he arrived at the barracks, he didn't see a trace of chaos. Zhang Fan was relieved, knowing that nothing had happened here. After he was relieved, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing at himself. It is impossible. Li Chengliang was assassinated before, and it was outside. Although there were guards around Li Chengliang at the time, they did not investigate for a while because of the confusion. This is what made those assassins almost succeed. At that time, they were already the most dangerous It's time.

But now, Li Chengliang is in his own barracks, surrounded by people, not to mention anything else, even if those assassins want to create chaos, it is impossible, although there are so many soldiers in the army, it is natural to want to get in. It is not difficult, but it is actually impossible. In the army, most of the soldiers know each other. Although there are people who do not know each other, they must be disciplined. It is impossible to go back and forth for no reason.

Li Chengliang is currently in the army, this is the morning time, although it is said that the war is imminent, although he will come to the barracks every day, but in fact there is not much to do, the preparations for the battle have already been prepared , and the training of the soldiers, now precisely because of the imminent war, has not actually deepened, but has gradually decreased, in order not to let these soldiers consume too much before the war, but to allow them to maintain Recharge your batteries.

All in all, during this period of time, even though the war was imminent, Li Chengliang, as a general, was actually a little bit more leisurely. Although he said he would come to the army every day, he actually didn't have much to do, which was very simple.

But today is a little different, it's still early, but it's already past time. Just as Li Chengliang was casually flipping through a book in the military tent, he heard a report from his subordinates, saying that it was Zhang Fan. Arrived suddenly.

"Please." Hearing that Zhang Fan was coming, Li Chengliang naturally hurriedly asked someone to invite Zhang Fan in, but Li Chengliang was also a little strange in his heart.

Although it is not an ulterior secret that Zhang Fan came here, the relationship between him and Zhang Fan is quite good now. After all, during this period of time, the two would get together to drink and talk every night, even though they did not meet each other for long. The relationship is also very harmonious.

It's just that, without exception, except that when I went to Sudian to find Li Chengliang, it was during the daytime, but after all, Zhang Fan's first task at that time was to pass the decree, and after that, especially after returning to Guangning, unless he went to drink at night Well, the two really didn't say anything else, let alone Zhang Fan took the initiative to come to him this time, which never happened.

Li Chengliang didn't think that Zhang Fan was too bored, so he came to talk to him. There must be some reason why Zhang Fan came here to look for him, but no matter how Li Chengliang thought about it, he couldn't think of it.

"General Li," after Zhang Fan walked in, he put aside all the effort to exchange pleasantries, walked up to Li Chengliang, looked at him, and said with a relieved look, "General, it's okay. I'm relieved now,"

"It's okay," Zhang Fan's words immediately made Li Chengliang a little confused, "It's okay", what's okay, Li Chengliang couldn't understand what Zhang Fan was talking about at all.

"Master Zhang, what's the matter?" Li Chengliang couldn't help asking Zhang Fan, who couldn't figure it out. In fact, although he still didn't understand what was going on and why Zhang Fan said that, he was not stupid. It was obvious what happened just now to make this happen, and what happened to make Zhang Fan come to see him with such an impatient expression at this time, obviously it would not be a trivial matter.

"I was wandering outside the city just now, but I met two people dressed as soldiers in the army, who said that you were assassinated again, General," Zhang Fan said, "But I also saw through those two people. They are at this moment, just This time, he came to assassinate me."

"What?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Li Chengliang stood up from his seat in surprise, "Assassinate Mr. Zhang," although he was surprised, even though Zhang Fan was standing in front of him unscathed, he also understood Zhang Fan's attack. Fan must be all right, this is the peace of mind.

"Now those two assassins have been captured by my people," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I also asked the general's soldiers to help bring these two back, and I will trouble the general to give you an order later. Let my people take these two assassins back to the Yamen, I have something to ask them, "

"Naturally," Li Chengliang naturally has nothing to say about this matter, but Li Chengliang still has a lot of doubts in his heart now, "but I just can't figure out why the assassin would assassinate Mr. Zhang, even though Mr. Zhang He is the Taifu of the current dynasty and the commander of Jinyiwei, who plays a pivotal role in the court, but this time Mr. Zhang came to Liaodong just to pass on the decree. Wang Gao is not so stupid to think about it. Even if Master Zhang is assassinated, it will not help this battle, why would they assassinate Master Zhang?"

"I can't figure out this question, so I have to ask these two assassins," Zhang Fan said, "I'm also a little strange, why did Wang Gao do this, and why was I..."

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