Things that obviously should not have happened happened again. Zhang Fan was assassinated, but nothing happened. However, the assassination itself is not a big deal, but the key question is, what is the situation behind the assassination? , This is what Zhang Fan cares about the most, but no matter how much he cares, there are many questions that he can't think of the answer to.

But before Zhang Fan could get a clue about this matter, another thing happened over there. The army of Wang Gao's side changed again. There was nothing wrong with the side before, even if there was a report, it was just saying that they were in daily training, but now, the army has assembled, and the people from Taining have already rushed over there Yes, it is obvious that there is going to be some big move.

This matter should not have happened now. Before, no matter how estimated, Wang Gao wanted to attack with troops. From now on, it will take at least a month, maybe even longer than a month Maybe, but obviously, there has been movement there now, so things are not so simple.

After Zhang Fan received the news, he rushed to the barracks to meet Li Chengliang. There was no panic in the barracks. It was the same as when Zhang Fan left in the morning. Apparently, the news didn't get out, and Zhang Fan saw Li Chengliang. When Li Chengliang was watching, he saw that Li Chengliang was looking at something, and the expression on his face was not very good. Zhang Fan immediately understood that Li Chengliang obviously already knew the news.

Seeing Zhang Fan coming, Li Chengliang didn't seem surprised, but he wasn't in a good mood either, thinking about it. After all, even though he had already prepared for it, the fight was really going to happen now, and it was even worse than what he had estimated before. The time has come a lot earlier, no matter what, no matter who it is, no one will be in a good mood when encountering such a thing.

Now there are no other generals in this military tent. After Li Chengliang issued the order to pass the order and sent him away, only Zhang Fan and Li Chengliang were left here.

"What does Mr. Zhang think?" Li Chengliang spoke first, but he actually asked Zhang Fan, "This happened too suddenly. Mr. Zhang feels that what Wang Gao is doing now is immediately. I'm about to call, or is it just a bluff to scare people?"

"What does General Li think?" Zhang Fan didn't answer right away, but kicked the question back.

"I'm not sure either," Li Chengliang didn't care if Zhang Fan was shirking, after all, this was his business, and it was indeed as he said, he was indeed a little uncertain, "If you just say For Wang Gao, I'm afraid it's not a bluff. Wang Gao would never do such a thing. If he wanted to fight, he would definitely do so right away.

"But you can't ignore the previous news. After all, no matter how you look at it, there were a lot of troubles between the people in Taining and Wang Gao. It is still very difficult for Wang Gao to persuade him. Now call me. It really makes people doubt, Mr. Zhang thinks which of these two is more likely, "

"As the general said, this matter is really uncertain." Zhang Fan shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I think the same as the general. From the overall situation, we should not call now, but if Just talking about Wang Gao's words, then all of this is not certain.

"But if you really want me to say it, I'm afraid this time Wang Gao really wants to call right away,"

"Oh," Zhang Fan said the result he didn't want to hear, but Li Chengliang didn't feel disappointed, on the contrary, he was a little curious, "Why did Mr. Zhang say that?" No matter what the situation is, he always wants to Analysis is enough, but blindly losing is obviously not enough, especially for Li Chengliang, he is the general of this battle, and this kind of thing must be understood.

"Indeed, what is going on now, just judging from the news, it is really uncertain," Zhang Fan said, "But I will say this, not because Wang Gao did it, but because of other reasons. This time, the Jurchen Ministry and Tumet's army assembled this time are already ready to go, but just looking at this is not enough. The most important thing is that the news General Li received is very clear. It wasn't just the Jurchen and Tumed's armies that made a change, but also the Taining tribes.

"Obviously, although the news we received said that it will take some time for Wang Gao to negotiate with the people in Taining, but now it seems that they have obviously negotiated ahead of time, and it is estimated that Wang Gao should also know about us. The people here are being taken in non-stop, Wang Gao is also a little anxious about this, if you look at it this way, it is not surprising that Wang Gao will call now, "

"Master Zhang is right, but..." Li Chengliang obviously admitted Zhang Fan's words, but at the same time, even though he had already prepared for this battle, he still didn't want to fight now. Start a war, "Is it possible... Is it possible that Wang Gao and the people in Taining can't talk together, and then the people in Taining will raise their troops to attack Wang Gao?"

Obviously, Li Chengliang also thought of this extremely beneficial possibility for them, and what Li Chengliang thought was the same as Zhang Fan, but obviously, this was nothing more than a good wish in the end, and it did not match the facts.

Zhang Fan looked at Li Chengliang and shook his head, and said: "I don't think this is possible, if so, then Wang Gao is dead now, you must know that Wang Gao only brought more than [-] people with him in order to win over the various tribes in Taining So I went to talk to them. If there is really something wrong on the way and the two sides break up, even to the point of sending troops, I am afraid that the people in Taining will be the first to attack Wang Gao.

"But now the news I got, although there is no mention of Wang Gao, but if there is something wrong with Wang Gao, I will not fail to mention it. It can be seen that Wang Gao is still alive and well. If this is the case, this is impossible. " Along the way, Zhang Fan has already figured this out.

When Li Chengliang heard what Zhang Fan said, although he didn't want it, he still had to admit it.

"In other words, a war is about to start here," Li Chengliang said with a sigh.

However, Zhang Fan didn't say anything about it. The matter was already like this, and there was obviously no room for maneuver. Just like what Li Chengliang said, war was about to start here, and it was inevitable.

"General," Zhang Fan came here this time not to sigh with Li Chengliang, but because he has important things to do. I told you, but now the top priority is not to lament these things. There are still many people in the vicinity who have not taken refuge in the city. If Wang Gao calls now, I am afraid that there will be nearly 10 people outside by then. Gao's progress in the past, I am afraid that even if these people cannot be killed, a large number of them will suffer.

"If this is the case, then it will be a disaster. In this way, Liaodong will be devastated after this battle. After the war, even if we win a big victory, the situation in Liaodong will not be optimistic in the future."

"Master Zhang is right," Li Chengliang nodded, and said, "I can't wait any longer. I will order the people who are patrolling outside to forcibly bring over those people who have not yet taken refuge in the city. If you are procrastinating like this now, then it will be true as Mr. Zhang said, and this situation will definitely be out of control."

While Li Chengliang was talking, he asked the guards outside the tent to send orders to the generals under his command.

But Zhang Fan sat there quietly and waited. This was Li Chengliang's own military affairs, and he had no right to intervene, but Zhang Fan was still thinking about it.

Although it is said that the war is about to start now, and the people have not been accommodated yet, of course, even if there is plenty of time to accommodate the people earlier, and Wang Gao does not come to intervene, I am afraid that in the end, there will always be some people who did not enter the city to seek refuge. , there are always some extremely stubborn people, of course, there is no way around this.

But now that the containment is stepped up, it can indeed be brought forward, but the problem is, what should those people who are unwilling to seek refuge in the city do? , Li Chengliang ordered to go down and let his soldiers forcibly drive the people into the city to seek refuge. Although it was said that this was for the benefit of the people, the people would treat it like this. Now that they do this, they will still have the kind of intentional avoidance. People who deliberately don't want to enter the city, I'm afraid that at that time, more people will stay outside than they thought before.

It's just that now this has become something that can't be helped. After all, Wang Gao's attack was too sudden. There was no news in the morning, but news came in the afternoon suddenly. Now facing this situation This is the only way to deal with the situation.

It's not that I don't want to be more perfect, and it's not that I'm really helpless for those people who will stay outside and refuse to go to the city to seek refuge.

Faced with this kind of thing, no one wants to see it, but at the same time, they are all helpless.

Now on Wang Gao's side, the army has begun to gather, and judging from this speed, if they fight over immediately after they gather, I'm afraid there will be less than ten days before the day when the two armies confront each other.

To accommodate 10 people within ten days does not seem to be difficult, after all, there is not only one town, but in reality, it is very difficult, after all, those people outside are scattered all over the place.

Although Li Chengliang has a lot of troops, under the current situation, it is impossible for Li Chengliang to send all of them out to take in the people. That is only a small part, and most of them have to step up their preparations. Made this even more difficult.

However, facing this situation, Zhang Fan was helpless, or in other words, no one here could do anything but watch like this.

And Zhang Fan can only pray now that those people can be more rational and don't get too excited, which will make things more troublesome.

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