The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1610 what to do

Now there is really no time to take care of Zhang Fan's affairs anymore. After Li Chengliang said the last words to Zhang Fan, he also went to the army to arrange, and did not ask Zhang Fan's affairs again, and Zhang Fan was naturally very conscious He didn't bother Li Chengliang anymore, he knew that Li Chengliang had to do a lot of things next, let alone interrupting indiscriminately, even if he was beside him, he might cause trouble.

In fact, after Zhang Fan walked out of Li Chengliang's military tent, he had clearly seen a different scene from before. When he came just now, the entire military camp was still quiet, no different from before, but Now when he looked again, all the people were moving. There were already a lot of people gathered in front of the door. There were more than 3000 people. Obviously, these people were what Li Chengliang had said before, and we must hurry up to get those who were still there. There are no people in the capital who have taken refuge in the city.

Although Li Chengliang's reaction to this was extremely quick, and what he told him later was also extremely confident, but after seeing this scene, Zhang Fan still couldn't help but feel a little worried. There are at least 10 people outside, and this is still known. Those who know don't know how many more, and the number of 10 people, only relying on these 3000 people, it is really impossible to evacuate within ten days.

However, Zhang Fan is not complaining about Li Chengliang. Although Li Chengliang has a lot of soldiers, it is not easy to send 3000 soldiers under the sudden change. How many people have been brought back, to be honest, now I have to resign myself to fate, although this feeling is very bad and no one wants it, but now it can only be like this.

Faced with this kind of thing, it is different from the previous situation. Before, no matter what dangerous situation Zhang Fan encountered, there were always some things he could do. I can't do it, I can only watch like this. After all, although this war is related to him, it is not directly related. Even if something is wrong, there is no way to prove it.

Of course, although it is true that this kind of thing will make people feel very aggrieved, but fortunately, Li Chengliang, who is in charge of this matter now, and Li Chengliang, perhaps personally, does have a lot of problems, but as a The general soldier, as a general soldier who has guarded Liaodong for ten years, has no problems at all. Any decision made by Li Chengliang at this time is very appropriate, which also shows Li Chengliang's understanding of the situation here At the same time, it also made Zhang Fan firm, and no matter how many problems Li Chengliang had, the advantages of letting him sit in Liaodong definitely outweighed the disadvantages.

Since there is nothing that can help here, and Zhang Fan has to wait until the war starts before going back, so he has more time now. Like leaving Beijing several times, this kind of thing still happened, but this time Zhang Fan didn't have to face the danger.

Therefore, now Zhang Fan intends to focus on his own affairs first. First, he must pry the mouths of the two assassins open. No matter how much these two people know, if they are not allowed to speak, then nothing will be done. No more, so this is necessary. Secondly, it is to figure out what is going on with this matter.

These two things are not the same thing. Opening the mouths of those two people may not be able to let Zhang Fan get more information. They may not know much, so Zhang Fan still needs to know what is going on. to investigate.

Moreover, Zhang Fan was really worried about this matter, why did Wang Gao focus on him.

Wang Gao will stare at him. There is nothing to say about this matter itself. After all, although the matter of sending people to assassinate Wang Gao was very strict before, it is not too worried after that. Therefore, if Wang Gao If you really want to check, it is not difficult to find out.

But the most critical problem is that Wang Gao's time control is too accurate. There was no movement before, but now after Zhang Fan came to Liaodong, he encountered an assassination in a short time. It will be postponed for a period of time, even when Zhang Fan returns to Beijing and the assassination happens, not to mention that Zhang Fanxi doesn't want it to happen, but in this way, all of this can be justified.

But now, the assassination happened not too early or too late, and it happened at this juncture, which had to make Zhang Fan a little vigilant. The timing was too coincidental, and Zhang Fan didn't believe in the existence of coincidences. , especially since he has been in charge of Jinyiwei for so long, not only did he do it himself, but he also read the previous files, which made him understand one thing.

There are not so many coincidences in the world. It is a coincidence that you go to a grocery store that you don’t usually go to and meet an old friend you haven’t seen for many years. There must be very definite reasons, and this is absolutely not wrong.

Therefore, the assassination incident this time seems to be a coincidence, but there must be some inevitable reason behind it. Regarding this point, Zhang Fan can be said to be convinced.

But what is the reason, how can we find out, Zhang Fan has no clue now, but even if he has no clue, there is one thing that Zhang Fan is very concerned about, but it happened at such a time Although the matter was just a clueless analysis, Zhang Fan always felt that there might be some serious problem in it.

To be more specific, Zhang Fan suspected that there was something wrong with him. Yes, if Wang Gao sent people to investigate, it would indeed be found out that Zhang Fan sent people to do it. There is nothing to say about this. But the time couldn't be so short, or it couldn't be such a coincidence, and when it happened at this time, Zhang Fan could only think that someone on his side who knew the news told Wang Gao the news.

This is very frightening. There is a traitor under his command, and he is still in Jinyiwei. This is not the kind of spy war-themed film and television works he watched in later generations, but something that actually happened around him. something that threatened his life.

However, Zhang Fan thought about it, but he didn't have a clue. After all, his subordinates, who could know about this matter, Zhang Fan was confident that they would not betray him, and even those desperadoes might not keep their promises. , but I'm afraid not necessarily, after all those people also participated in that assassination operation, if they inform, wouldn't they betray themselves.

Besides, for those people, Zhang Fan has always sent his subordinates to watch them in case there is any change in them, but those people have been honest up to now, either they obey the law at home, or they are also honest among Jinyiwei , once these people have any changes, Zhang Fan will definitely receive the news immediately, but Zhang Fan has never received such news.

This time, Zhang Fan felt that the matter was even more difficult. Not to mention anything else, this kind of person clearly knew that there was a traitor among his subordinates, but he didn't know who it was. Some of these people leaked the news, this feeling is really bad to the extreme.

But for Zhang Fan today, no matter how unwilling he is, no matter how bad he feels, this incident has already happened, and there is no way to change the past. Therefore, reason tells Zhang Fan that in comparison Lamenting why this kind of thing happened, it is better to quickly find out who it is and what happened.

However, despite what he said, Zhang Fan was a little helpless. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he was really powerless. There were not many people who knew about it, but there were not many. Of course, Zhang Fan remembered it. But if the person who knows is telling others, then it is not necessarily true. Of course, Zhang Fan will not know about this kind of thing.

Now, among the people who came to Liaodong with me, only three people know about this matter, Wang Meng, Liang Chao, and Wang Degui, and these three people, Zhang Fan is basically sure that they are not, Wang Meng and Liang Chao He has been by his side for the longest time, and he is the clearest about their tempers. It is absolutely impossible for Wang Meng to say anything about it. Even though Liang Chao's style is a little loose on weekdays, after he got married, It's also changed too much, not to mention, Liang Chao may look a little slack on weekdays, but when he faces this kind of thing, he will definitely not have any problems.

As for Wang Degui, although Zhang Fan didn't have much contact with Wang Degui, he was someone Zhang Fan met when he first came here. But he can see it clearly, and it is obviously impossible for Wang Degui to have problems in this regard.

That is to say, now Zhang Fan can rule out the suspicion of these three people who are following him now.

It's just that this made Zhang Fan unable to move. If it was not done by one of the three people beside him, then it meant that it was done by the people who stayed in the capital. A certain informant.

Thinking about it, after all, so many of Wang Gao's subordinates were assassinated, he wouldn't be so foolish as to think that some heroic man in the green forest was doing justice, and he must have believed that it was done by the court, so even if Wang Gao was investigating, he should send someone to investigate in the capital. .

In this case, that is to say, the news leaked in the capital.

If this is the case, Zhang Fan is now in Liaodong, and there is no way to investigate the affairs of the capital. Of course, he can give the capital a message and let them investigate by themselves, but now he does not know who it is, and even the news It is possible for that person to find out. Once that person finds out, what will happen is uncertain, so Zhang Fan dare not take this risk.

However, making Zhang Fan wait until he returned to the capital to investigate this matter, Zhang Fan felt a little uneasy.

What should be done about this matter, Zhang Fan was at a loss for a while,

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