In the Liaodong capital, halfway through Mao's time, although Li Chengliang did not come to the front to command the battle in person, and did not see what was going on with his own eyes, he believed that his subordinates could still carry out the orders he issued. Therefore, this battle It's been an hour now.

Although battle reports kept coming in, telling Li Chengliang what was going on at the scene, and these news were almost all good news, but even so, as long as you didn't see it with your own eyes , Li Chengliang was always worried, and always felt a little uneasy. Therefore, even if he was full of confidence, worry was still inevitable.

Looking at Li Chengliang like this, he was obviously calm before, no matter how uneasy he was, but at least he looked very calm, but Li Chengliang is not like this now, the uneasiness in his heart is completely expressed in his face.

Perhaps Li Chengliang shouldn't be like this as a general. You must know that on the way to lead the army to fight, if the person as a general looks uneasy at first glance, the uneasiness will soon spread to everyone. On the people around him, and after that, the people around him will also be shaken. In this way, even if they might be able to win, they may also fail; It may also suffer a lot.

This kind of situation is the most undesirable, but fortunately, Li Chengliang has led the army for so many years, and this kind of thing can naturally be understood. Naturally, it can't be like this on the front line, and you can't show your insecurity in your heart, but it doesn't matter here. No matter how it behaves, the soldiers fighting on the front line cannot see it.

Thinking about it this way, there are not many opportunities for Li Chengliang to have such an opportunity to express what he feels in his heart. Maybe he is just taking the opportunity to vent.

Of course, Zhang Fan is much better than Li Chengliang. Before that, Zhang Fan naturally had a lot of uneasiness in his heart, and he also considered many contingencies. It's still there, but it hasn't become more serious. Zhang Fanna still looks the same all the time, and there won't be too many changes because of it.

However, this does not mean that Zhang Fan does not care about this matter. Compared with Li Chengliang, Zhang Fan's concern about this matter is not much different. This matter is not only extremely important to Li Chengliang Yes, the same is true for Zhang Fan.

The two of them were like this, Zhang Fan sat there motionless, while Li Chengliang walked back and forth in the room, and from time to time someone would come to send news to tell them how the current battle situation was.

As the news kept coming, Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan could hear it clearly. Every time the news came back, it was obvious to Zhang Fan and the others that it was better than the previous one, that is to say, This time the battle went smoothly, and the battle situation was gradually changing in the direction they wanted.

This is of course the best thing.

In this way, time continued to advance, almost at the end of Maoshi, and when it was almost Chenshi, the last news came that the enemy's 120 forwards had been wiped out, and our own 350 people died in battle. More than [-] people were seriously injured, not counting minor injuries.

That is to say, at the cost of the lives of more than 120 people, Li Chengliang completely wiped out the local forward army. Since it was a war, how could there be any reason why people would not die? The key question was to see how many people would die. Obviously, the number of people who died was still within the supportable range, and Li Chengliang's order was fulfilled.

In this way, there was no reason for Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan to be unhappy. Zhang Fan was fine. To him, it was just that it was easier for him to talk in front of Queen Mother Li after returning to the capital.

But for Li Chengliang, the meaning of this success is not just that. Zhang Fan is easy to talk about when he goes back, which means that when Zhang Fan mentions him, the Queen Mother Li will not be disgusted, and if the Queen Mother Li If you don't feel disgusted, you will naturally have a good impression of him. In this way, Li Chengliang has the first guarantee. This is what Li Chengliang is happy about.

In short, this matter has been completed. Wang Gao is just like he used to be. Every time he invades, he will send out vanguards to harass the enemy. Every time he did this in the past, the results he gained were huge. Yes, it was precisely because of this that Wang Gao became paralyzed, thinking that if he continued to do this this time, he would definitely be able to do no harm.

But this time for Wang Gao, his wishful thinking was in vain, not because of anything else, but this time the opponent Wang Gao was going to face was that he had not had too much contact with him in the past, but Li Chengliang, who knew him very well, in Wang Gao's eyes, perhaps most of the Ming generals were similar to the people he had met before. Even though Li Chengliang had achieved outstanding results during his ten years in Liaodong, Wang Gao always felt that even if he was So what can Li Chengliang do, as long as he is in front of him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But obviously, Wang Gao's kind of thinking, how should I put it, is empiricism in the words of later generations. In short, his thinking hurt him this time.

The [-] pioneers sent out are now completely wiped out. Of course, Wang Gao can't know about this matter right away. After all, it happened here.

But Wang Gao couldn't know it right away, but Li Chengliang did get the news right away, and after getting the news, not only Li Chengliang would be happy, but even Zhang Fan would be happy too. Of course, maybe the two of them are different Happiness is very important, but from the overall situation, the victory of this battle is really important.

Without even thinking about it, Li Chengliang, who got the news, would definitely pass on the news of victory immediately, and tell all the soldiers under his command that this would greatly help boost morale, not to mention, because of the assassin This incident has caused almost everyone to harbor resentment towards Wang Gao and the Jurchens, but this time, only paying such a small price to annihilate the opponent's [-] pioneers. For these soldiers, that should be It is a very important encouragement.

Moreover, this victory may have a difficult battle in the future, but at the very least, it has given them a feeling that women are not worth mentioning, and there is no need to be too afraid. In this way, the people who came here originally The trembling common people who took refuge would probably become very happy after hearing such good news.

On the other hand, Wang Gao's side, he can't hear the news now, but he will always hear it. After all, he still needs to rely on what [-] people can do to improve the morale of his army.

But think about it, it is obviously a matter of full confidence, but the result is completely opposite to what I want. No, maybe there is one point that Wang Gao has thought about a long time ago. These 3000 people may not be able to go back alive. But what Wang Gao imagined was that even if these [-] people could not come back, they would still cause enough damage. Only in this way was what Wang Gao expected.

But when Wang Gao waited for the news, what he heard was that the 3000 forwards he had sent were all wiped out, but at the same time, these [-] people did not make any achievements at all. A little bit of damage, even the Ming army who came to attack them, just paid a little price, and defeated them.

For Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan, it was enough for them to just think about what Wang Gao's expression would be when he heard the news, but this alone would not help the situation of the battle.

The harm this incident brought to Wang Gao was very serious. First of all, Wang Gao's plan to boost his momentum also failed completely with the failure of this incident, and it was not just a failure. Think about it. 3000 people were wiped out by the people sent by Li Chengliang so easily, and there was no gain.

This is definitely a huge blow to the Jurchen soldiers, not only to Wang Gao, but also to them. Even compared to the blow to Wang Gao, the blow to these Jurchen soldiers is even bigger. Big, because in the past they did this, even if they sacrificed, they also gained something at the same time, and it was always beneficial.

But now, it happened at this time, when the situation was the biggest, that they lost. This was the first time for these Jurchen soldiers. Although it was only once, it was the first time. , the first time, there will be a deep impression, not to mention that they will soon go to the battlefield, this kind of influence is definitely not trivial to them.

Of course, the subsequent impact is not just these, there are more.

This time, it was Wang Gao who gathered people from Tumed and Taining to attack together, so among the people this time, there were also three parties mixed together.

As I said before, even the 1000 forward troops that were sent out before were actually [-] people from each of the three forces.

However, this is the result.

This result doesn't matter, after all, no matter which side they are, they have all suffered from Daming's losses, but this time they joined forces and acted against each other. For Wang Gao's tribe, it was a heavy blow.

The specific situation may not be predictable, but I am afraid that by then, the two parties' distrust of Wang Gao will also deepen.

And these are all good things for Li Chengliang, and they are all powerful conditions that will allow him to win this battle more easily.

In short, there is no need to mention the previous preparations now, and now that the war has already started, Li Chengliang can be regarded as the leader. Not to mention the victory, it also made Wang Gao's side fall from the initiative to the passive. a good start,

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