The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1625 In the Capital

In the capital.Now everyone in the DPRK is focusing on the war in the Northeast.certainly.This is not just limited to North Korea.Even the folks are the same.After all, the battle that is happening in the Northeast today is really too related.And it is the biggest battle that has happened on the territory of Ming Dynasty today.

In fact, this is also a bit different.Just like what happened in Sichuan last year.The conquest of the Bo people.That scale is much larger than it is now.But last year, almost no one mentioned this matter.The reason is actually because of the conquest of the Bo people.The place where it happened is too far away from the capital.

And what happened in Liaodong this time.It is too close to the capital.It took Zhang Fan almost a month to go to Sichuan.But it only took him two or three days to reach, the DPRK and China paid much more attention to this matter.

certainly.In fact, most of them are just concerned about how this war will happen and end.As for how to fight this battle.That is to say, Li Chengliang.For Li Chengliang's attention.But not much.This is entirely because the relationship between Li Chengliang and China is really not very good.

But no matter what.Now most of the people in the court have turned their attention to the northeast.Waiting to see how it ends.

And just two days.A good news from the northeast.It also changed the focus of these people's attention.

Regardless of what the content of this good news is.Just to see who sent it.It was enough to make those people in the DPRK talk about it.

The person who sent it was naturally Li Chengliang.After all, this time the war took place in the Northeast.It was hosted by Li Chengliang.He is a general.Of course, Li Chengliang is the only one who is qualified to send a good news.But it is also because of Li Chengliang's bad relationship in the court.So this good news he sent.That's why so many people are paying attention.

Speaking up.The DPRK and China also have a view on Li Chengliang.Even those who hate Li Chengliang.I also have to admit.March and fight.Li Chengliang is definitely a first-class player.Regardless of how it used to be.Just look at it from now on.People in North Korea and China can compare with Li Chengliang in this respect.Not many actually.There are only so few.Not counting five fingers.

Hate is hate.But it is precisely because I understand that I hate it.And after understanding.This also has to be admitted.

all in all.Li Chengliang was in the eyes of those in the court.It is such a person who makes them feel conflicted.Many of them hated him.So that those who have no enmity with Li Chengliang.It was also because of this that he had to alienate Li Chengliang.But at the same time.Those who hate Li Chengliang also understand that the court cannot do without Li Chengliang.The Northeast is also inseparable from Li Chengliang.Otherwise there will be chaos.

In such a contradictory situation.In fact, people in the court did not know whether they should hope that Li Chengliang would win or lose the battle.certainly.This kind of contradictory mentality is only limited to the present when there is no news.And when Li Chengliang passed the news of the success.The attitude of those people in the court became very clear.

Although I really didn't know how to expect it before.But when the fact has already happened.It's all set.It may have been contradictory before.But after hearing the great victory.Knowing this will benefit Li Chengliang.These people began to think the other way around.I think it would be better if Li Chengliang failed.They don't care what the court thinks about this matter.Or that's what it was anyway.It's no big deal when you think about it the other way around.

people.It has never been so contradictory.Obviously, I didn't know what I needed before.Maybe it feels like it doesn't matter.But once things really happened.They started to regret it again.Think why not another ending.

In short.People in the court are like this.

certainly.Of course, some of them are extremely happy about this matter.Ministers don't say anything.But at least.Empress Dowager Li and little emperor Zhu Yijun were naturally very happy about this matter.What Empress Dowager Li thought.Naturally, it is considered from the aspect of national affairs.Li Chengliang was able to win the battle.She is naturally happy.

And Zhu Yijun's consideration of this matter is not so much related.For Zhu Yijun.He didn't care about the outcome of this battle at all.It's not that he doesn't care at all whether his country is stable or not.It's just that he is still young after all.In terms of paying attention to anything.Each has its own focus.certainly.This is true of anyone.It's just Zhu Yijun's age.Take the initiative to make him unable to grasp the overall situation.What Zhu Yijun is concerned about.It is whether my friend Nurhachi can be safe.

Although it was said before that he asked Zhang Fan to bring Nurhachi back.It's just that he also knows some of Nurhachi's temperament.Although he believed that Zhang Fan would be able to do it.But he also made plans that Nurhachi was unwilling to come back.but now.Because things in Liaodong have changed.Let Wang Gao's attack advance.Although no one wants this kind of thing.But since it happened, there is no way to undo it.

And Zhu Yijun also understood why it was so-called appropriate for Zhang Fan to go there this time.So that's it.Zhu Yijun also understood.Zhang Fan had no way to return to the capital according to the previously set date.In this way.Even Nurhachi was moved by Zhang Fan.I am willing to go back to Beijing with him.But it will take some time to wait.But just for a while.Zhu Yijun was worried.Will Nurhachi have any accidents because of this.

But now.Great victory came.The battle has been won.And it's a big win.No damage at all here.This also reassured Zhu Yijun a lot.After all, as long as this side wins.Then Nurhachi is safe.

Although there was no explanation in the good news sent back.But thinking about it, Zhang Fan left for Beijing around the same time.Not long.Zhu Yijun was also able to see Zhang Fan.Maybe there is also Nurhachi.only.Zhu Yijun will always be disappointed by this.It's just that he doesn't know it yet.

There are quite a few people looking forward to Zhang Fan's return.Not just people in the DPRK.I'm afraid he was the one who expected Zhang Fan to come back the most.That is Zhang Fan's family.

The people in the Zhang residence also heard the news of the great victory.So they are also very happy.Especially Zhao Shi and Ru Xue.Zhao's naturally needless to say.Zhang Fan is his own flesh and blood.Even now as an official in the court.High status.But it was still her son.And the mother who travels thousands of miles is worried.What's more, Zhang Fan went to such a dangerous place.That's all the more so.And the same goes for Ru Xue and the others.And Ru Xue knew it too.Zhang Fan used to go out frequently.There are always accidents like this.Especially worrying about her as a wife.

this time.It made the people in Zhang's mansion feel relieved a lot.It started about ten days ago.almost every day.The Feng Bao and Eunuch Feng in the palace.Every day will come to the door.At the beginning, the people in Zhang's house didn't know why Feng Bao came to the door.It's just that Feng Bao said that he only received news from Zhang Fan.Let him help take care of the house.

certainly.The members of the Zhang family couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan would do this.They simply don't know if something happened at home.After all it seems to them.This is all normal.But since this is what Zhang Fan meant.So that's it.What's more, Feng Bao is in the palace.The news obtained must be much faster than them.So they would also ask Feng Bao about Zhang Fan's situation.

And when Feng Bao came here.It is also long and short.Sometimes they would sit down and chat with Ru Xue or Zhao Shi about Zhang Fan.Sometimes it's like stopping by to have a look.It's not like staying for too long.

Although Feng Bao is a eunuch.But the members of the Zhang family also knew that Zhang Fan had a good relationship with him.So there is no distasteful emotion.

certainly.Feng Bao would come here every day.Yes he didn't lie.It was because he was entrusted by Zhang Fan.Just do me a favor.It's just that he helps.That's not something like family affairs.It was Zhang Fan who asked him to help investigate whether there would be assassins in Jinyiwei.

Since Feng Bao accepted it.Then you have to do your best.So the scope of Feng Bao's investigation.That doesn't just include Jin Yiwei.Even Zhang Fan's family didn't let it go.

Feng Bao didn't know when Zhang Fan was planning the assassination.Who did you tell.So he didn't even spare Zhang Fan's family.In case there is any gap in Zhang Fan's family.I heard it when Zhang Fan said it unintentionally.Finally, the news was passed on to Wang Gao.These are all uncertain things.So Feng Bao will never let go of any possible place.

only.Obviously, there are not many people in Zhang Fan's family that can be checked.What's more, because this is Zhang Fan's home.So it is difficult to investigate.Only Feng Bao came to see it in person.But he didn't hold out too much hope.

People in Zhang Fan's house.Go outside the Zhao family.Almost everyone.Feng Bao had someone check it out.Especially those servants among them.Some are servant girls and servants recruited by the Zhang family.But there are also people who Zhang Fan has placed in secret to protect his family.Feng Bao didn't let go of any of these people.Checked them all.

And the result is obvious.There is no problem at all.

Plus Zhang Fan's status.The guests who can enter and leave Zhang's mansion are also people with status.During Zhang Fan's absence from the capital.There are very few guests who can come and go here.Most of them are female relatives of some officials' families in the court.Although Feng Bao also checked.But nothing came of it either.

It's the only one who comes here often.It's called Hong'er.After Feng Bao asked people to check, he also knew that this person was the wife of Zhang Fan's subordinate Liang Chao.A wife has nothing to doubt about her husband.

Gradually.Feng Bao shifted his focus out of the Zhang residence.I feel that if someone informs, it should not be here.

only.Some things are really unexpected.

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