"My lord, do you want to know about Fang Yueling?" Li Yang asked with some doubts. After all, it was because Fang Yueling photographed him to contact Li Yingyue to do things for those people who were planning to rebel in Southwest China. It still doesn't go well, he has now joined Jinyiwei, maybe he would have the chance to leave as he wants in the Five Poison Sect before, but now, he has no way out.

Just now, Liang Chao told him that Zhang Fan asked him to ask him something. At that moment, he thought it was to ask him something about the Southwest, or about the method of using poison, but what Zhang Fan said just now was obviously different. He didn't ask Southwest, he didn't ask about the Five Poison Sect, he only asked about Fang Yueling. Li Yang was not a fool, so he naturally knew that Zhang Fan's question was aimed at Fang Yueling alone, but he really didn't know Zhang Fan's question. Why is Fan interested in Fang Yueling?

For the sake of beauty, stop joking, not to mention that Li Yang heard his current colleagues in Jinyiwei tell him that there was a pair of Ruhua sisters in Zhang Fan's family who were raised there. The older sister was already married to Zhang Fan. Waiting to be picked, even during the few days when Li Yang entered Jinyiwei, he also discovered that people of Zhang Fan's status are not shallow. I know some rumors about Yingyue, but it doesn't matter that Zhang Fan's owning Yingyue brought him some secret jealousy. After all, Li Yang and some people were very coveted for Yingyue's beauty in the teaching, but They were all stopped by Fang Yueling, and I don't know if she sympathized with Yingyue because she is a woman like her, or if she really did what Fang Yueling said, keeping Yingyue's virginity will be of great use in the future, Therefore, after Li Yang knew that Yingyue was now following Zhang Fan with all his heart, he would naturally feel a little envious and jealous. The image of not being able to, Li Yang was gradually assimilated by this feeling, and slowly let go of this jealous mentality, and instead felt that it was a perfectly normal thing for Zhang Fan to have Yingyue.

What surprised Li Yang even more was that Luo Ling'er, who was not with Zhang Fan now, was willing to risk her life for Zhang Fan's verbal promises. Her beauty really surprised Li Yang, although he knew This Luo Ling'er was just someone sent to Zhang Fan's side as a tip-off, but in Li Yang's mind, Zhang Fan's status, rights, and wealth were enough to have a woman like Luo Ling'er.

Now if you tell him that Zhang Fan is going to fight because of Fang Yueling, whom he has never met, it is really impossible. Zhang Fan is not a hungry ghost, and even if he is, Li Yang will not think that Zhang Fan is doing it for the sake of beauty. Selai asked him what to ask, and most importantly, Li Yang didn't want Zhang Fan to ask him these questions at all, because he didn't know what Fang Yueling looked like at all. There are only two protectors on the left and right, but, except for Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling's father, no one has seen Fang Yueling's true face. Since Fang Zhenqian ascended the position of leader, all the members of the Wudu Sect know that Fang Zhenqian has a daughter , but in the past 18 years, no one has ever seen what she looks like. After Fang Zhenqian disappeared, Fang Yueling seemed to appear out of thin air suddenly, and wanted to replace his father as the leader. It was shouting dissatisfaction. At that time, more people were also clamoring that a woman who did not want to show her true colors could not be worthy of the position of leader, but at that time, Fang Yueling had already walked out with "Five Immortal Honey Dew" and its antidote. , in the end, this group of ferocious gangsters who usually show their prestige in the arena immediately settled down. Although they became more dissatisfied because of this incident, the fact is that although she is a weak girl, she I hold your handle in my hand, and this handle can kill you, so you can't accept it.

"That's right," Zhang Fan could see Li Yang's doubts, and said, "I just want to ask about Fang Yueling alone, and I don't care about other things."

Hearing this, Li Yang let go of the anxiety just now, but immediately, another anxiety rose in his heart. Although he knew that Zhang Fan just wanted to ask him something about Fang Yueling himself, he didn't know what it was. , or, whether these things will endanger him, Li Yang.

"Please, my lord," Li Yang swallowed secretly to calm down some worries in his heart, and said with a very straightforward face, "I must know everything I can say, and I can say everything."

"You don't have to be so nervous," Zhang Fan could see what he was worried about, and said, "I just want to ask some questions, and it has nothing to do with you, Li Yang."

"My lord, you don't need to be like this. These are what a humble job should do," although Li Yang said so, but Zhang Fan's words just now made him feel reassured, but he was still a little worried, and added, "It doesn't matter What the adults want to ask is related to the humble job, and the humble job should report the truth to the adult. After all, the humble job is now under the command of the adult, so it can be said that he has turned his back on the dark. Although the humble job has done some wrong things in the past, but the lord is magnanimous, and he will be able to forgive the humble job. "

Hearing Li Yang's words, Zhang Fan and the three of them found it interesting. This Li Yang was really cunning, and he put his relationship aside before asking him anything. However, both Wang Meng and Liang Chao despised Li Yang psychologically. However, Zhang Fan has a different approach. He still remembers that Li Yang used to be considered an indomitable hero. When he was arrested, he was still very indomitable. He still wanted to take care of his brothers and follow his subordinates. Let's go to Huangquan together, but look at the present, how long has Li Yang joined Jinyiwei, less than a month, the once indomitable hero has now become a cunning and cunning standard factory guard, Zhang Fan can't help it Not to sigh, but as to whether he laments the power of Jin Yiwei assimilating people, or laments that everyone in the world is like this, that's unknown.

"I still remember that day when I asked you to send a news report to Fang Yueling and tell Yingyue that Yingyue had not rebelled. She has now gained my full trust and is going to inquire about those people." Zhang Fan no longer entangled in human nature, He opened his mouth to get to the point, "I asked you to attach it to the message sent back, saying that I have news about Fang Yueling's father, Fang Zhenqian, do you remember?"

"I remember the humble job, I remember very clearly," Li Yang replied immediately, he did remember this incident very clearly, and it left a deep impression on him, at the beginning, he had guessed Zhang Fan's plan, he must have planned to spy on Fang Yueling , Zhang Fan can now be sure that Fang Zhenqian was captured by those people from the Southwest to threaten Fang Yueling. If Fang Yueling does this, she can explore the relationship between Fang Yueling and those people. If Fang Yueling really cooperates with those people wholeheartedly for the sake of her father, then she will know that it is fake after receiving the news from Zhang Fan. , then Fang Yueling may let the next step start earlier; secondly, if those people in the Southwest know about this, they will no longer believe in Fang Yueling and fall out with the Five Poison Sect. It can be regarded as a good thing, or, if those people in the southwest know about this matter, no matter how arrogant and confident they are, they will definitely come to investigate, so that their lies can be exposed sooner. It is also a good thing for Zhang Fan who is still in a passive situation.

"It's been almost a month since then," Zhang Fan continued to ask, "So Fang Yueling hasn't replied to you so far?"

"No," Li Yang replied firmly, "Fang Yueling sent a message to Beizhi once, saying that Beizhi has done a good job in this matter, and I have to judge by myself. Lu's antidote was given to her first, and then I had to ask Miss Yue to inquire about some useful news for Southwest, but the news that came that time did not mention anything about Fang Zhenqian at all, and Fang Yueling didn't even ask for investigation at all. After checking whether the news was true or not, there was no more news after that.”

Zhang Fan frowned deeply when he heard what he said. This matter sounds normal, but it is actually a bit weird. If Fang Yueling doesn't care about her father's life or death, Zhang Fan will never believe it. After all, he also knows Fang Yueling. In the days when he first became the leader, he was very urgent to find his father, but after revealing such news to her, the other party did not respond at all. This is really weird. If Fang Yueling already knew this If it was a trick to lure her into being deceived, she would naturally avoid contact with Li Yang and show her flaws, but she shouldn't have stopped contacting Li Yang for such a long time. There will always be two contacts, but now it has been more than half a month, almost a month, and no news has come through, how can this not make people feel weird.

Wang Meng and Liang Chao also felt that this matter sounded inappropriate. The person they wanted to find the most suddenly became indifferent, and they didn't take it seriously when they heard possible news.

"However, my lord, I feel that there is something suspicious," Li Yang looked at the three puzzled people and said,

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