Perhaps Wei Leiyao's life has only been spent for more than 20 years. Perhaps for people in this era, especially women, life has already been passed, but for Wei Leiyao, Before and after the past 20 years, there are two completely different feelings.

From her birth to her marriage, Wei Yaoyao's life was extremely happy. Even the environment in which she was born made her have to abide by many rules, and sometimes she had to put what she really had The thoughts of wanting are hidden, but aside from these, who in this era is not like this, but even so, Wei Yaoyao still feels very happy.

But all of this changed completely in that year, when Wei Leiyao's husband passed away.

This is something that Wei Yaoyao really never thought about, the two of them are getting married, and even if this is not mentioned, her husband is not very old, but he just said that and left.

Perhaps her husband also had some money in his family, which gave her wealth that would allow her to spend the rest of her life in peace, but there was no way to conceal it. The grief and loss that Wei Yaoyao felt because of this incident was not just the loss of her beloved. Husband, more importantly, she has no thoughts at all in the future, and she doesn't even know how to live.

Wei Yaoyao, who had no sustenance, thought that her future would go on like this. Even if she adopted some orphans, she would still die alone in the end.

It wasn't until she met Zhang Fan and had a relationship with Zhang Fan that Wei Maoyao's thoughts changed.

I have made it very clear before that Wei Yaoyao is a very rational woman, but it is precisely because of her rationality that she has suffered such a pain.

It is precisely because of her rationality, coupled with the education she has received, that prevents her from accepting another man after losing her husband, and it is precisely because of this that she has to be so lonely all the time people.

But now, she is pregnant with Zhang Fan's child, and regardless of what happened between her and Zhang Fan, from the beginning or now, it is useless to talk about it now, the most important thing is, Now Wei Yaoyao is indeed pregnant with Zhang Fan's child, only this fact cannot be changed.

And Zhang Fan is here now to discuss with Wei Yaoyao how to solve this problem. However, although Zhang Fan wants to solve this problem, he doesn't know what to do. Of course, it is no wonder Zhang Fan is so confused. Even though he has already had children, this is the first time he has encountered this situation with Wei Yaoyao, so what should he do? To do it, Zhang Fan has no idea at all.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Fan came up with a solution. Maybe the result of Wei Yaoyao's pregnancy cannot be changed, and there are so many people who already know about it, but it is not impossible to remedy it. of.

Now Wei Yaoyao is only two months pregnant, if she can abort the child, then there will be no trouble in the future, and this is only two months, if Wei Leiyao now If you are willing to kill this child, there is absolutely no risk.

Although it's really irresponsible to think so, Zhang Fan really didn't think about himself, all he thought about was Wei Laiyao.

There are indeed quite a few people who know about this matter now, but it is only limited to those in the family. If Wei Yaoyao agrees to kill the child, Zhang Fan believes that Ru Xue and the others will definitely keep their mouths shut and never mention it. In this way, Wei Yaoyao will not have any troubles.

However, this is just what Zhang Fan thinks, and what to do depends on Wei Leiyao. Zhang Fan just made such a proposal, but whether Wei Leiyao agrees or not depends on her.

However, although Wei Weiyao had never mentioned this matter to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan also had a faint feeling in his heart that he would probably not accept this proposal for Glory.

And in the end, sure enough, when Zhang Fan brought up this proposal, Wei Yaoyao refused without even thinking about it, and said with certainty that she would definitely give birth to this child.

Zhang Fan is not ignorant of Wei Maoyao's thoughts. After all, Wei Leiyao lost her husband for many years, and before her husband passed away, the two of them failed to leave a man and a half woman. Wei Leiyao's life after that was very lonely. , can even be said to be a little desperate.

But now, this sudden incident, Wei Weiyao is pregnant, not to mention that the child belongs to Zhang Fan, but the most important thing is that Wei Weiyao's pregnancy has made her regain hope .

Before today, although Wei Weiyao felt sweet because of her relationship with Zhang Fan, and even the relationship between her and Zhang Fan was not shallow, she still understood that she would have no future if she continued like this.

It doesn't matter who I am, but she has no status to follow Zhang Fan like this. What should I do in the future? How will Zhang Fan treat her after he grows old? There is almost no possibility of taking her into his house. .

She had no idea what to do, but at that time she didn't think too much about it. She just felt that the time she was with Zhang Fan made her feel so lonely. The days became a little more rippling, and she obviously didn't think too much about the future at this time.

It wasn't until this afternoon that she knew she was pregnant, and this incident completely changed her previous thoughts, and for this incident, Wei Yaoyao also had her own ideas, and she didn't Speaking of other things, what happened this time gave her another idea, that is, a person who is lonely, and finally has a chance to end her loneliness.

If she could give birth to this child, regardless of other things, she would not be so alone anymore. With a child to accompany her, the result would be completely different. The former Wei Yaoyao, who had given birth to her own Despair turned a way, and taking in those orphans was a good sign.

But when she really has her own child, the situation is completely different. She will take good care of the child's growth. In the future, when the child grows up, she will send him to a private school to read and write, while the girl She will also carefully teach her everything she knows, and in the future, the boys will get married and the girls will get married, and in the future, the endless next generation will make her feel even more beautiful .

Don't have any doubts, even Wei Yaoyao only found out that she was pregnant a few hours ago, but she who was once desperate did not know how many times she fantasized about what to do after she had a child, There is scene what should be done in the future.

All in all, although Wei Yaoyao has never taken it seriously, she doesn't know how many times she has thought about all this, so even today she just found out that she was pregnant, but in In such a short period of time, she has already thought about what plans she will have in the future, and even what to do, etc. She has already thought about everything.

But all of this naturally has a premise, that is, Wei Weiyao must give birth to this child, and Wei Weiyao is very firm about this matter, needless to say, she is This child must be born, so after Zhang Fan raised the possibility, she didn't even think about it, and immediately rejected it.

Hearing that Wei Yaoyao resolutely rejected his proposal, Zhang Fan was not surprised at all, not because he had any idea, but because he had actually thought of this possibility, no, it could even be possible. Saying that this is not possible at all, but that it was originally the case.

Because Zhang Fan is not ignorant of Wei Maoyao's thoughts, and also understands Wei Leiyao's desire for a child, so in fact, on the way here, Zhang Fan has already considered this issue, and Even if he wanted to, it was absolutely impossible for Wei Yaoyao not to want this child.

Of course, Zhang Fan already knew about this possibility, but he still had to ask this question, regardless of whether Wei Weiyao would agree, or he knew that it was impossible for Wei Weiyao to agree. Yes, but he still has to ask this way, after all, this is also a solution, and he is here to solve the problem now, so he has to ask this way.

"You don't have to worry," Zhang Fan didn't get angry when he saw Wei Yaoyao's resolute refusal, and hurriedly said, "I don't intend to force you on this matter, I just ask this to say that there is a way." , Speaking of this matter, I am really ashamed of you, so what to do with this matter depends on you.

"Even...even if you want me to disclose the things between the two of us, even if you want me to take you home, I am willing, as long as you say a word,"

"No, I don't want that either." Wei Yaoyao faced Zhang Fan, which should be an extremely tempting way for her, but she still refused without thinking about it, "I won't agree to this matter either." of,"

After just saying this, Wei Yaoyao stopped talking. Although she didn't finish her sentence, Zhang Fan knew in her heart that the reason why Wei Yaoyao was unwilling was entirely to prevent Zhang Fan from being hurt.

Even if everyone knows that men are more responsible for this matter, but no one will blame Zhang Fan, let alone Zhang Fan's status, but this still affects Zhang Fan of.

Therefore, if Zhang Fan publicly said that the child in Wei Leiyao's womb was him, even if no one said anything, he would definitely treat Zhang Fan differently, and Wei Leiyao didn't want to see this. this kind of thing.

Therefore, the method proposed by Zhang Fan was also rejected by Wei Maoyao.

This time, Zhang Fan didn't know what to do.

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