Zhang Fan came to Wei Yaoyao to find a solution to this matter.Not a very good idea though.It's just a temporary solution.But Zhang Fan thought of two ways temporarily.They were all rejected by Wei Yaoyao.

The first way.Zhang Fan wanted Wei Yaoyao to abort the child in her stomach.Of course.In fact, even Zhang Fan himself did not want this idea.But he only used this as a method.Just say it to Wei Yaoyao.

And the final result is inevitable.in this case.No matter how Zhang Fan thought about it, he didn't think Wei Maoyao would agree.Wei Yaoyao also resolutely rejected this method.And it is also very clear.Anyway.She is going to have this baby.

But the second way.This was a bit beyond Zhang Fan's expectation.Zhang Fan wants to disclose his relationship with Wei Maoyao.It is stated that the child in her womb is her own.In this way.You can take Wei Yaoyao into the house.And also give her a name.If so.It is not a problem for Wei Yaoyao to give birth to this child.Even if she is planning to have a child.It won't be any trouble.

But in Zhang Fan's opinion, this should be the most attractive method for Wei Maoyao.But it was still rejected by Wei Yaoyao.

Why would Wei Yaoyao reject this proposal.She naturally has her own considerations.However, Wei Yaoyao's consideration did not explain anything to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan originally wanted to ask the truth.But when he saw Wei Yaoyao, his expression was still so determined.All of a sudden Zhang Fan also understood that Wei Yaoyao obviously wouldn't explain it to him.Maybe Wei Yaoyao herself has some difficulties.In short.Zhang Fan didn't ask.

If Zhang Fan knew what Wei Maoyao was thinking.Zhang Fan might feel quite helpless.Wei Yaoyao would have this idea.It was absolutely beyond his expectation.For Zhang Fan.These are not problems at all.Even if we take Wei Yaoyao into the house.The people in the family will definitely not make any trouble because of this.After all, Zhang Fan's family.He himself knows best.

It can be said.Although Zhang Fan's method was his temporary idea.But he is not like the first one.He said it without any hesitation.He also thought about it for a while.

but.Now Wei Yaoyao has rejected this method.And Wei Yaoyao rejected Zhang Fan's way.as before.It is so resolutely sure.There is no room left at all.This is also the reason why Zhang Fan did not continue to ask Wei Yaoyao.But even Wei Yaoyao's attitude is so firm.But for Zhang Fan.Once he had this idea in his mind.Even if it was rejected by Wei Yaoyao.But it's also hard to get rid of.

therefore.Although Wei Yaoyao sternly rejected Zhang Fan's approach now.But in Zhang Fan's heart.He is still considering this possibility.And also trying to find a way.certainly.This is just a possibility.Zhang Fan used it as a reservation.If you think of a better way than this later.That is the best.

"But. In this way, what are you going to do?" Zhang Fan asked.Although he already had some ideas in his heart.But we still have to ask Wei Yaoyao about this matter. "If neither of these methods work. What can you do?"

"I can't find a way..." Wei Yaoyao said helplessly. "But maybe there is no way. But I know. I must give birth to this child."

"Then what should I do after giving birth?" Zhang Fan asked rhetorically. "Is it hard to go on like this. And the future. You should know if I don't tell you. There will be a lot of trouble in the future. Whether it is for you or for the children. This is not a good thing. If you really want it This child. Then you shouldn’t just look at what’s in front of you.”

"But..." I heard Zhang Fan say that.Wei Yaoyao was indeed moved.After all, what Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.Even if she doesn't think about her own problems.I don't even think about how much trouble I will have in the future.How hard it will be.But children's problems are always to be considered.It's not that you can ignore it after giving birth to your child.If you really want this baby.Then we have to think about a good way out in the future. "I also know. These things should be considered for children. But I really have no choice." When it came to this.Wei Yaoyao's eyes moistened slightly.

Seeing Wei Yaoyao like this.Zhang Fan hurried up.Hold her in your arms.Said softly: "I'm sorry. I was not too serious just now. But I am also for the future of you and your child. This matter is not just yours. I am also responsible. I can't just watch You suffer alone. Besides. Just as I said just now. Even if you don’t look at other things. Just for the sake of the children. You can’t just suffer like this.

"I can't think of any better way now. But I think it will be better to tell the things between you and me. I will find a way then."

"But if you do that. Then other people will know it's you..." Wei Yaoyao finally expressed her worries now. "I don't care about the gossip outside. But you have to care. And your family. Sister Zhaoxue and the others. Is it possible that you will accept it so readily."

Hearing Wei Yaoyao's words.Zhang Fan finally fully understood what she was worried about just now.It's been a long time.The reason why Wei Yaoyao was unwilling to agree to Zhang Fan's proposal.But it was because she was thinking about Zhang Fan.

to be honest.Just at the moment of hearing Wei Yaoyao's words.Zhang Fan's heart was touched at the same time.Also somewhat helplessly funny.

What moved me was that Wei Yaoyao would think of this for him.Even if you are willing to suffer by yourself.I don't want to bother myself either.And the helpless is.Obviously.Zhang Fan didn't know why Wei Yaoyao thought so.But in his opinion.It's superfluous for Wei Yaoyao to think so.

good.This incident will indeed have some impact on Zhang Fan.It was indeed as Wei Yaoyao thought.Let people have some strange views on Zhang Fan.But obviously.If this matter has any impact on Zhang Fan.That would be a big joke.

This incident will definitely not have any impact on Zhang Fan.first.Zhang Fan's identity is there.And Zhang Fan's identity.It's not the image of those in the DPRK who put their words into words.Zhang Fan's status in court.More like an executor with power in his hands.He doesn't need an image.

certainly.Maybe that's not true either.For Zhang Fan.He also wanted to save face.But the identity of the commander of Jin Yiwei.It is also very difficult to develop in this area.

Zhang Fan has been in charge of Jinyiwei for such a long time.And he has been trying to change the people in the court's understanding of Jin Yiwei.However, Jin Yiwei has been doing that for too long.Almost 200 years.In fact, Zhang Fan, who has been working for a few years, can change.

Perhaps people in the court now have a slightly different view of Jin Yiwei.But in general, there is no change.And for Zhang Fan himself.The views of the DPRK and China are also relatively unified.Maybe Zhang Fan is just like them.All are scholars.But once you sit in that seat.Then things are considered differently.

all in all.The impression that Zhang Fan gives people in the court is that.If some excessive things are not done.That was Zhang Fan's own problem.But once you do something excessive.Then it's no big deal.This is what Zhang Fan must do.

Of course.This kind of thing refers to some big things.But now about Wei Yaoyao.To Zhang Fan, it was really nothing.Even today.After Zhang Fan knew that Wei Yaoyao was pregnant with his child.Become really shocked without being too vocal.That was also because Ru Xue and the others were all there at the time.And they were all angrily denouncing "that man".That's why Zhang Fan didn't dare to speak.

But if you really want to solve this matter, you can.Zhang Fan didn't think he would encounter any trouble.

It's not a good thing to say.Don't talk about being a widow.Even a married man.It's not that those people in the court have done more excessive things than this.But which imperial court official has caused any serious trouble because of this kind of thing.

Even without considering these.Just start from the things that Wei Leiyao is worried about.Then there is no need to worry at all.Zhang Fan's own family affairs.He himself knows best.It is simply impossible for the situation that Wei Yaoyao is worried about to happen.

After thinking about these things.Zhang Fan caressed the green hair of the beautiful woman in his arms.He lightly comforted him and said: "Don't worry about this matter. They will definitely not do what you think. If you still think it's wrong, then leave this matter to me. When the time comes After the confirmed news. I'm telling you. Do you think it's okay?"

"Really?" Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Wei Yaoyao started from Zhang Fan's arms.His eyes looked at Zhang Fan.As if to confirm something.

"Of course it's true." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "I know how much you care about this matter. So I will never make fun of this matter. Don't worry. I will definitely take care of this matter. I will never make you feel wronged. There will be absolutely no trouble."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Wei Yaoyao felt relieved.Although there is still a little worry in my heart.But after Wei Yaoyao heard what Zhang Fan said.It is also a lot of peace of mind.

"I'll think of a way after I go back," Zhang Fan said. "Trust me. It won't be long."

"En." Listening to Zhang Fan's words.Wei Yaoyao buried her face in Zhang Fan's arms again.Gently agreed.

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