After all, Joanna came from aristocratic family. Although her family was in the middle of nowhere when she was born, her family was also aristocratic after all. No matter how poor the nobles were, they still had some stubborn habits.

During the most difficult period of time, Joanna didn't think much about it, but now, after she has settled down completely by Zhang Fan's side, some old habits have returned, such as this preference for red wine. .

In order to satisfy her, Zhang Fan spent a lot of effort. He specially asked people who forget to sail in Europe every year to bring back a lot of red wine. Zhang Fan really doesn't understand red wine, and Joanna can't. Go along with him, so he just let those businessmen figure it out, but you know, this is what Zhang Fan entrusted them to do, how could those businessmen not care about it, and now they are doing it here The goods are really easy to sell, so they don't spend much over there.

Now Zhang Fan has specially asked someone to build a wine cellar at home for Joanna, in which there is really a lot of red wine.

Zhang Fan still has some experience in pouring white wine, but red wine is really powerless, even if Joanna likes it so much, but when Zhang Fan drinks it, it seems that all red wines are the same, which also caused Joanna to express this many times Dissatisfaction with him.

But now it’s not about talking about red wine. Joanna pulled Zhang Fan into her room in a weird way this evening. Drinking with her, well, compared to white wine, red wine is really weak, so Zhang Fan also thinks there is no problem.

But the problem is that Joanna's smiling expression now always makes Zhang Fan feel uncomfortable. Zhang Fan can't say what it is, but Zhang Fan can feel it. There must be something. Something is wrong.

Between the glasses, one-third of the glass of red wine was drunk. He really didn't feel anything, but Zhang Fan felt that the drinking was just the beginning, and after that, it was obviously when Joanna planned to do something. But Zhang Fan still didn't know what to do, but Zhang Fan's feeling told himself that it shouldn't be something that made him feel at ease.

However, after Joanna drank the glass of wine, she didn't say anything to Zhang Fan immediately. Instead, she poured the wine again and drank slowly with Zhang Fan, talking while drinking. , It’s just chatting, of course, Joanna is basically talking, and Zhang Fan is listening, maybe Zhang Fan will express his own views, or reveal some interjections.

This kind of conversation has been going on for a long time, and although the two have been drinking non-stop, they have not actually drunk much. In fact, until now, the two of them have not been drunk at all.

It was Joanna, who looked more and more excited when she talked, but Zhang Fan, the more Joanna was like this, the more Zhang Fan felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know what Joanna was up to, but in Zhang Fan From Fan's point of view, the more she was like this, the more worried Zhang Fan felt.

Joanna has been talking about things from her past, no, it shouldn’t be her past, it should be things from her hometown, those things really opened Zhang Fan’s horizons, after all he has never been to Europe, and Even in her previous life, she only learned about it on TV, but the things Joanna said were very small and trivial things, which really opened Zhang Fan's eyes.

But Zhang Fan didn't want to hear these things, or at this time, under such circumstances, he didn't want to hear them. When Joanna talked about these things, she definitely didn't want Zhang Fan to accompany her just because she was homesick. To relieve boredom, there must be some other reason, but Zhang Fan didn't understand what it was.

"Master, do you know," Joanna said to Zhang Fan holding a glass of wine, "If you talk about the lives of common people, it's really boring. After coming here, I've seen a lot, although They are all civilians, but I always feel that the people in my hometown are not as happy as the people here.

"But when it comes to the life of the nobles, it's different. Maybe the nobles or officials in my hometown don't control as much land as here, and even get more money than the people here, but I always feel that they Live a happier life than the people here.

"Speaking of which, if people just wear the same pair of clothes and walk on the street, you really can't tell whether he is a nobleman, but there is one rule that can distinguish these people. If you don't know his identity, and It's not easy to ask, you only need to follow him for three hours to find out, if this person meets two or more women who are very close to him within three hours, then this person is considered a nobleman.

"Those people are always like this. Even if they have married wives, they still have a lot of pursuits for women. No nobleman does not keep mistresses outside, even our majesty the king is no exception. ,"

"So that's the case," Zhang Fan nodded, but after hearing Joanna talk about it, he suddenly felt a little worried. He always felt that Joanna would talk about it. Occasionally, it seemed that she was implying something.

But Zhang Fan thought about it, and felt that this should not be the case. He always felt that Joanna should not know about this matter.

Just when Zhang Fan was planning to skip this matter because Joanna just talked about it casually, what Zhang Fan did not expect was that when he looked at Joanna, he found that Joanna was using a She looked at him with a more profound expression.

By this time, Zhang Fan had fully understood, and Joanna had already known about the matter between him and Wei Yuyao.

How did Joanna know about it? Zhang Fan didn't want to pursue or discuss it any more. The main problem was that Zhang Fan knew that Joanna already knew about it.

Immediately, Zhang Fan became a little nervous, and after getting nervous, Zhang Fan suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind. Originally, Zhang Fan planned to tell them about this matter, but he I really don't know how to speak.

But now I didn't expect that Joanna took the initiative to say that she already knew about it. Although it was indeed an embarrassing matter for Zhang Fan, at the very least, this matter saved Zhang Fan a lot of trouble.

Moreover, after Joanna knew about this matter, it became more convenient for Zhang Fan's future actions. For example, Zhang Fan was still thinking about how to tell Yingyue and Zhaoxue about this matter, but now Joanna It would be convenient for Anna to know.

First explain this matter to Joanna clearly, and also explain all the reasons for it, and then let Joanna tell them about it. First, this saves Zhang Fan's embarrassment. Secondly, it is much more convenient for Joanna to talk to them.

In short, it is convenient for Zhang Fan that Joanna knows about this matter.

But now, he had to explain the matter to Joanna first.

"You already know," Zhang Fan said. Although it was a question, Zhang Fan said it in an affirmative tone.

"Well," Joanna nodded slightly in response.

"When did it happen?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Do you still remember when I came to settle here?" Joanna didn't answer Zhang Fan's question, but just asked.

"What?" Hearing Joanna's words, Zhang Fan was really surprised. Zhang Fan's memory is very good, so he can remember many things, no matter how small. He naturally remembers when Joanna came back from India Yes, he officially planned to live by his side, and at that time, the relationship between him and Wei Yaoyao had just happened not long ago.

Joanna actually knew it at that time. Zhang Fan really couldn't believe it. If it was a woman's sixth sense, then why didn't Ru Xue and the others, who are also women, feel it, let alone Ru Xue and the others no matter what? The time and depth of knowing Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao are better than Joanna, but they didn't realize it. On the contrary, Joanna, who just arrived, discovered it.

"Don't doubt anything." Seeing Zhang Fan's surprised expression, Joanna smiled and said, "I didn't hear anything from somewhere, and I didn't see anything. Sister Ruxue and the others couldn't tell. It's because they haven't seen this kind of thing, or it's too rare, but this kind of thing is too common for me, just like I said just now, none of the nobles over there don't care The mistress, and the husband is much higher than those people in terms of status and wealth, so it is not a big deal to have such a woman.

"But I really confirmed this matter after I first met Sister Wei. At that time, everyone was there, and I could see Sister Wei's expression when she occasionally saw Mrs. The person in my life is different, and I knew it at that time, so don’t take offense, Mr. Xiang, if you want to blame, blame Mr. himself, I really don’t know how to keep secrets.”

"So that's the case," I heard that it was not because of any other reason, but because Joanna has too much experience in this area, "Then, what are your plans for telling me about this tonight, "

"No, I don't want to say anything to my husband, but to ask my husband," Joanna said with a smile, "What will my husband plan to do when this happens?"

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