The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1676 Not the Same

When Zhang Fan learned that Joanna already knew about the matter between him and Wei Yuyao.And she already knew that the child in Wei Yaoyao's womb was Zhang Fan's queen.Zhang Fan was surprised from the beginning.But it became reassuring.Since Joanna already knew about this before.Then this matter is easier to talk about with Zhang Fan.

And after that.Zhang Fan also immediately thought of a possibility.That is to ask Joanna to see if she can help her.After all, what Zhang Fan is thinking about now is how to handle this matter well.Or believe it a little more.It is how to open up and talk about this matter with the family.And how to start this is Zhang Fan's main problem.Now Joanna already knew.So if there is Joanna's help in this matter.It also becomes simpler.

certainly.Simple here.It's just that this matter will become easier at the beginning.But what should we do after we start.Zhang Fan knew it.Even with such a good start.But there will still be troubles at that time.Maybe it's up to Joanna to say it.It was easier for Ru Xue and the others to accept it.But his mother Zhao's side.Zhang Fan had already expected it.It will definitely not be that simple.

But even so.This is what Zhang Fan has decided to do.You can't stop doing it just because you think it's troublesome.Otherwise, what would Wei Yaoyao do?Besides, even if Zhang Fan didn't ask himself.But he also promised Wei Yaoyao about this matter.Even if Wei Yaoyao refused at the beginning.But what was Wei Yaoyao thinking in her heart?How could Zhang Fan not know.He understood that Wei Yaoyao must also want the same.

Not just simple.It has been promised that the things of others will be moved.What's more important is that this matter is for Wei Yaoyao.It really means a lot.It is definitely not the kind of thing that can be given up at will.And for hundreds of years, he knew that he would face huge troubles in front of him.But Zhang Fan had to do this matter.

As for what to do.There is no exact way yet.But this kind of thing comes down to it.It doesn't mean that you can do well if you plan well.We still have to see what kind of situation we will actually encounter.certainly.It is not impossible to consider now.But if you think about it now.I'm afraid I really can't think of too many ways.

"So what does Xianggong plan to do?" Joanna asked.Even though she said it just now.I want to help Zhang Fan with this matter.Not just out of trust in Zhang Fan.It's not just because Joanna and Wei Yuyao also know each other.the most important is.What Zhang Fan said before.It really gave Joanna a different feeling.She really wanted to help Zhang Fan.

only.Although I want to help.But how exactly should help.But she doesn't know anymore.After all, she had seen many such things before.But I haven't seen such a development.It was her first experience.So what should be done at this time.Joanna herself didn't know.

Now.Joanna looked at Zhang Fan.I always feel that since Zhang Fan has already thought so.At the very least, there should be some plans.That's why Joanna asked Zhang Fan what to do.But what she doesn't know is.In fact, Zhang Fan only had this plan and determination.But what exactly should be done.Zhang Fan also had no clue at all.She was asking for nothing.

And after hearing Joanna's question.Just now Zhang Fan was happy because he finally found a stable breakthrough.But it fell silent again.indeed.What Joanna asked was also something that he didn't know what to do.

think about it.With the help of Joanna.It is indeed much easier than before.After all, it came from Joanna.There are many ways to pass this off as an accident.But it's not the same thing from Zhang Fan's mouth.

But this matter is really easy to handle.But what to do after doing this.To be honest, Zhang Fan really had no idea about this.And now Joanna asked.Zhang Fan also didn't know how to answer.

It's not that Zhang Fan deliberately concealed Joanna's own plan.It's just because he really didn't think about what to do with this matter.

"We have to think of a way first. We need to talk about this matter," Zhang Fan said. "Originally I wanted to say it myself. Although it is very simple to say it. But how they looked at this matter this afternoon. You can understand it very well if you think about it. It's not that I'm afraid. It's just that I let myself do this Say it. It's really embarrassing."

What Zhang Fan said.It might come as a surprise.After all, since it is between husband and wife.Or it was something between Zhang Fan and his woman.Even if it's a little embarrassing.It should be nothing.

But this thing is different.After all, this matter is a matter between men and women.And the protagonists are Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao.And the relationship between the two of them and Ru Xue and the others is unusual.So to speak.There is indeed a different kind of embarrassment.

Plus what Zhang Fan said just now.this afternoon.Zhaoxue and the others spoke so angrily to the man who didn't know it was Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan did not listen to everything they said.But even just what he heard.It also made Zhang Fan feel that it was too embarrassing.

These two situations add up.It's no wonder that Zhang Fan felt that it was difficult to speak up about this matter.

"Leave this matter to me." It's just that.From Zhang Fan's point of view, it was very difficult.It's also embarrassing.And things that are hard to talk about.When it came to Joanna, it became easier. "It's more convenient for me to talk to Ru Xue and the others about it. As for how I found out, don't worry too much about it. I won't tell them that you came to me first, my husband. Or I will send you first It’s from me. I still say that. Just say that this kind of thing is really a lot in my hometown. I’ve seen it a lot. So I discovered it a long time ago.”

"This...then I have to thank you." When Zhang Fan said the word "thank you".It also felt a little awkward.After all this matter.But he wanted Joanna to help him.Zhang Fan really felt a strange feeling.But what Joanna said was true.After all, this matter has reached the present.That's the only way it's most appropriate.

"Sir, thank me." Obviously.Joanna also felt a little awkward about the word "thank you" that Zhang Fan said. "Well. Although this matter sounds a little strange. But speaking of it, you really want to thank me. But this thank you doesn't need to be so clear. Otherwise, I would feel a little uncomfortable Sorry."

Speaking up.This is where Joanna is different.If it is someone else.Even if you feel that there is something embarrassing about this matter.But it will definitely not be said.But Joanna was different.If there is something in her heart.Most of them will speak out.

Speaking up.Joanna is also very smart.many things.Maybe what she showed was not as proficient as Ru Xue and the others.But in her heart she understood very well.Not confused at all.only.After all, the environment in which I grew up was really different.So there is also a huge difference in psychology.But all in all.Even if it is bad.Joanna is not far behind either.

But there is one thing.But Joanna can definitely tell the difference.That's compared to the people who live here.She is really open-minded.Or to put it bluntly.That is Joanna is more direct.I have something in my heart.Speaking it out can also make people understand.Even if something inconvenient happens.Even if it is a detour that must be said.But it will never beat around the bush to the extent that people can't understand it.

And now.Faced with what Zhang Fan said.She did hear a lot of embarrassment in it.But obviously.Joanna will not avoid this question either.Instead, he said it directly.

For Zhang Fan.He also has a very different feeling for such Joanna.Although it is not good to be too straightforward.It will also cause a lot of trouble.But for Zhang Fan.Whether it is in the previous life or in this life.Whether it was before.Now.Or the future.The people Zhang Fan met.Basically, they are the kind of people who like to talk around corners.Some are good for him.Some are harmful to him.But whether it is good or bad.Everyone here talks like that.This made Zhang Fan a little unbearable.

certainly.If Zhang Fan has only encountered such a situation.That's just getting used to it.Just thought it was a very normal thing to do.But when he met Joanna.And it was also when Joanna gave him this completely different feeling.All this has become different.

How Joanna made him feel.It is so different.Not because she was born in another country thousands of miles away.It's not because Joanna has blond hair and blue eyes that are different from people here.It's because of Joanna's way of speaking and doing things.It really made Zhang Fan have a great sense of difference.

Maybe it was just a novelty at first.But wait until the novelty wears off.Zhang Fan can still experience a different feeling from Joanna.

For Zhang Fan.The relationship between him and Joanna.Perhaps the beginning did come from this freshness.But it is not only because of this that it can be maintained.

Joanna also knew Zhang Fan very well.I know what's on his mind.And it's not just about knowing.She also wanted to help Zhang Fan.Especially in this matter.Joanna was able to offer to help Zhang Fan.This moved Zhang Fan very much.

And now.Zhang Fan also had more reason to get this matter done.

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