The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1692 Don't dare to try

now.Ru Xue already knew what was going on.With Luo Linger and Joanna.But fell into trouble.Because they don't know what to do next.Or to be precise.They know what to do next.But after that.What should I do again.They have no clue.

Not for anything else.Although speaking according to Ru Xue's temperament.Even so.But it is also a step by step.Do what you can first.Then think about what to do about those things that are difficult to handle.But this matter is an exception.

The difficulty lies in that.After they told Yingyue about it.Maybe it's because the relationship between Yingyue and Wei Yaoyao is relatively good.Think about this matter.After Yingyue heard this, she definitely would not accept it easily.But even if you don't want to accept it.But after all, this thing has already happened.So she can't accept it and has nothing to do.Can only recognize the facts.And after that.That is a series of consolations.Although it may be more troublesome.But Ru Xue felt that there were three people on her side.It shouldn't be a problem either.

And the most important thing is Zhaoxue.For this own sister.No one in the Zhang family knew better than Ru Xue.Perhaps even their father, Chen Wenchuan.No older sister like Ruxue understands the younger sister Zhaoxue.Zhaoxue's character.Innocence aside.Also very impulsive.It's not just Ru Xue.Everyone in the family knows.And it can be imagined from this.Let Zhaoxue know about it.How would she react.

certainly.This is not the point.It is also very normal for people who are related to this matter to react strongly.The most critical issue is not here.It was Zhaoxue herself.It's not an impulse of the heart.It's a physical problem.

You must know that Zhaoxue is now pregnant with Liujia.And Zhaoxue at this time.The most important thing is to ease the mood.It's time to take care of your body.Of course.Speaking of care.This is not a problem for the Zhang family at all.Not to mention that the Zhang family is not short of money.Zhang Fan's identity is there.Why can't the doctor come?Even the imperial physician in the palace is not a problem.

real reason.Or because Zhaoxue is impulsive.Encountered something she cared about.I didn't care about anything.If this is in the past.Of course there is no problem.No one will say anything.But now.She was pregnant with Zhang Fan's flesh and blood.In this way.Ru Xue and the others cannot ignore this point.

Although Ru Xue and Luo Ling'er had already given birth to children.But they still dare not be careless about this matter.Ru Xue didn't need to say anything.She gave birth to a boy and a girl for Zhang Fan.And the production is also very smooth.There were no surprises.But Luo Linger was different.Because of some previous reasons.In addition, Luo Ling'er was not in good health.So when Luo Ling'er gave birth.It's really hanging by a thread.Fortunately, the mother and daughter are safe in the end.

But this kind of thing.If possible.Naturally, she would never act by chance.Otherwise.That is a matter of life and death.

And this kind of thing.It doesn't have to wait until after having a baby to have it.Actually even when pregnant.Or rather, when pregnant with a child.But it is also the most dangerous time.And Zhaoxue just happened to have entered this period this time.It's not just a matter of care.Physical and psychological problems are all connected.

Even for an ordinary person.Hears or sees things that excite him.Be it joy, sadness, horror, etc.Even a healthy average person.There is also a sudden rise in blood pressure.Excited.It even reflects some physiological conditions.Let alone a pregnant woman who is pregnant with a child.This time is also more obvious.more dangerous.

Perhaps for people who lived in ancient times.They don't understand the specific reasons why the mood affects the body.But they don't need to know that much detail either.Just know that the mood does affect the body.That's enough.

then.Here comes the trouble.Now Zhaoxue is pregnant.This look.It is impossible to be stimulated by anything.After she found out about Wei Yaoyao yesterday.There is already performance in this regard.obviously.At that time, Zhaoxue was a little out of breath.His face was flushed a little abnormally.At that time, Ru Xue was really taken aback.

now.If Zhaoxue was told about the matter between Zhang Fan and Wei Yuyao again.think about it.After Zhaoxue heard such news.Based on the relationship between her and Zhang Fan.Plus the relationship between her and Wei Yaoyao.One can imagine.How excited she will be then.

yesterday.It was only after Zhaoxue found out about Wei Yaoyao.That's it.If you tell her the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao again.Ru Xue was really afraid that Zhao Xue would be affected by this.If so.As a sister, Ru Xue couldn't stand it.

certainly.The reason why this matter is so difficult.It's not just because Ru Xue cares too much for Zhao Xue, her own sister.In fact, it's not just Ru Xue.Even other people are like this.

In short.The problem lies with Zhaoxue.How to make Zhaoxue who is already pregnant able to accept this with peace of mind.That's what they need to focus on.

want to come.This matter has been difficult from the beginning.Zhang Fan wanted to tell the story.But worried about trouble.And after Joanna asked.But it made him feel that this matter might not be difficult.

And after Joanna's next incident.She is also troubled.Maybe it was easy when I told Zhang Fan.But when you really let her go.She didn't know what to do.And next.When she was talking about this matter with Luo Linger.Seriously.But it is not that difficult.

And it was Joanna who explained the matter to Luo Linger.Then the two of them went to tell Ru Xue about this matter.Before I said it.In fact, it doesn't matter if it's Joanna or Luo Linger.They are also a little worried.But after I really said it.But I found that the previous worries were unnecessary.Ru Xue quickly accepted this matter.

If you look at it this way.It seems that she wants Zhaoxue to accept this matter gently.It shouldn't be a problem.only.this kind of thing.Whether they can see it or not.But I will definitely not go back and try this possibility.After all, the stakes are too high.

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