Things have developed to this point, so for Yingyue, apart from being surprised, she has no other choice but to accept this fact, and after accepting this question, then the next thing will be known, Even if she didn't know what to do, at least she knew what kind of problems she was facing now. Yingyue would not think that Ru Xue called her here today just to talk about this matter.

Therefore, if Ru Xue called her here today, it means that she must say how to solve this matter, but in the end how to solve it, she just heard what Ru Xue said, so Although she could calm down immediately, it was impossible for her to think of a solution immediately.

Of course, what Yingyue thought at this moment was that since it was Ru Xue who asked her to come here and told her about this matter, then it should be, Ru Xue should have found a solution. It's just that Yingyue was obviously wrong about this point. Ru Xue asked her to come here, but in fact she just told her about it, and they didn't have any solution at all.

Now Yingyue has heard about this matter, and next, she will wait for Ru Xue to tell her what to do, but Yingyue waited for a long time, but the three people in front of her did not say a word. They thought that Yingyue was too shocked by this incident, so she didn't speak for such a long time, so they waited for her very patiently.

But Yingyue saw that they didn't speak for a long time, but she didn't think too much, she just asked herself: "Then... sister Ruxue... this... what should we do about this matter, sister, you should have already made up your mind ,"

Hearing what Yingyue said, the three of Ru Xue and the others immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. Yes, they did have an idea, but this so-called idea was actually to solve this matter and let Zhang Fan and Wei Wei The relationship between Yao and Yao is public, so that Wei Yaoyao can give birth to this child safely, but this is only their goal, and they have no idea what should be done to achieve this goal. When Yue asked, they didn't know what to say.

And Yingyue is not stupid, seeing the expressions of the three of them facing their own problems, Yingyue immediately understood that they obviously had no idea about this matter.

But now, Yingyue also knows that it is not the time to worry about such things, and now, they have told themselves about this matter, so even if they have no idea, I am afraid that they hope that they can help them think about it together, see Let's see if there is any idea to solve this matter.

"Do all the sisters think so about this matter?" Yingyue obviously wanted to confirm this matter again to see what they really think, although Ru Xue and the three of them are all on the same caliber now, She said she agrees with this matter, but Ru Xue is not sure, they all really think so, maybe some of them do not agree with this matter, but they are just forced to follow other people to do this matter It's true, but they don't think so in their hearts. Therefore, Yingyue feels that it is necessary to confirm this matter first and find out what is going on.

Of course, it is very normal for Yingyue to be worried about this matter. After all, this matter is not small, so there is no need to talk about Zhang Fan's side. For Yingyue, the most important person in this matter is actually It's Wei Leiyao, now Wei Leiyao's identity, coupled with her current situation, this matter has to be treated with care.

"We all see it that way." Although she may not be the oldest one, Ru Xue obviously has the most say, so after she heard Yingyue's words, she also spoke immediately. Of course, Ru Xue Xue obviously had the right to speak.

"Then... now who knows about this matter," Yingyue continued to ask.

"This is the troublesome part." Hearing Yingyue's question, Ru Xue couldn't help but frowned, "I don't care if other people know, but there are still so many people who should know about this matter." Several, one is Niang, and the other is Zhaoxue.

"Mother, don't be in a hurry now. After all, it just happened yesterday, and we are just starting to think of a solution. There is still some time. After we have figured out a solution, we can tell mother in time, but the most important thing now is Zhaoxue. What to do over there.

"Yingyue, you also know Zhaoxue's temperament. She is not a person who can hold her breath at all, but she still has a big belly. I am afraid that after she finds out about this, she will be excited and move her fetus. Will something happen, but this matter cannot be kept from Zhaoxue, so we just don't know what to do about it now, "

"That's...that's true..." After hearing Ru Xue's words, Yingyue had no choice but to nod her head in agreement, "Otherwise, let's let it go for a while, anyway, sister Wei's side is just two months old, wait until After Zhaoxue has given birth to the child, what does my sister think?"

"This is absolutely not possible," Ru Xue immediately shook her head and denied her words, and said, "Although this matter has not been long now, it will definitely not be able to drag on for such a long time. You must know that Zhao Xue was pregnant last year. Now it has been nearly seven months. If she waits until she gives birth, it will take another three months. After three months, Sister Wei will not be able to hide. If we think of a way, there will be no less troublesome things, so we absolutely can't wait for such a long time, we must solve them earlier, "

Hearing what Ruxue said, Yingyue also nodded her head in agreement. It is true. If Zhaoxue had to wait until Zhaoxue gave birth, it would take three months. After three months, Wei Laiyao's belly would also grow bigger. Well, if we wait until then, I'm afraid a lot of troublesome things will follow. It's better to solve the matter quickly when outsiders can't see that Wei Yaoyao is pregnant. That's the best.

"Then..." Yingyue immediately thought of another solution, "I don't think we can do it here, maybe... maybe we should go to Sister Wei, after all, this matter is her business, we should go Talk to her, as for what Zhaoxue should do, although there is no way now, there is always a way, "

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