The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1701 Can't even ask

daytime.Not too busy though.Although the news from Liaodong also relieved some of Zhang Fan's tense nerves.But after all, there are not so many things now.So these things can only distract Zhang Fan for a short period of time at most.But wait until this thing is over.Zhang Fan had no choice but to come back and start thinking about this matter again.

And during the day.Even Zhang Fan is fine.But in view of something very important to him going on at home now.So Zhang Fan was there after that.Even though it is clear that there is nothing to do in the yamen.It's perfectly fine to go home.But even so.He still has to pretend to be busy.certainly.Can't pretend too much.Do not arouse suspicion in the there is nothing to do.However, Zhang Fan still waited until the time was almost around.This is home.

certainly.In fact, Zhang Fan was completely overwhelmed.He doesn't need to care so much at all.People in the family would not ask him why he was so busy during the day.After all, on weekdays.Zhang Fan was more troublesome in the first place.It is also very normal to be home late.Not to mention nowadays.After the incident with Wei Yaoyao.Not only Zhang Fan but even the family members are very concerned about this matter.Plus today's daytime.What Ru Xue and the others discussed.So they would not ask Zhang Fan anything at all.

only.Although Zhang Fan really wanted to ask how the situation is now.But he also understands.Now there is no way to ask so clearly.And the same.The same is true for Ru Xue and the others.After they went through some dialogue control during the day.They also had many questions they wanted to ask Zhang Fan.But all the same.They haven't discussed this matter yet to come up with a result.So they have no way to ask anything.

all in all.This thing is so strange.Obviously both sides have something to ask each other.However, due to some circumstances, they were unable to speak.this kind of thing.It may seem strange to others.But actually just think about it.It will be able to understand.Things really are so normal.Or that's the only way it can be.

but.Maybe Ru Xue and the others had a lot to ask Zhang Fan.But due to the current situation, there is no way to speak out.But Zhang Fanke is not the only one.After all, he is not the only one here.You must know that Joanna has already known about this.And the two of them had discussed it last Zhang Fan covets and wants to know.You can still ask Joanna.

certainly.Absolutely impossible now.But it can't be night.Maybe last night.He was forcibly pulled by Joanna.This can also be interpreted as Joanna wanting to test him.And today.This reason has definitely been stated by Joanna.And if Zhang Fan stays with Joanna again tonight.What would people like Ru Xue think about this matter who already knew about it.

And Zhang Fan was eager to know what was going on.So for Zhang Fan.He can only wait and find an opportunity.Just ask Joanna.See how things go.certainly.Even if it's just to ask about the situation.It doesn't take much time.But Zhang Fan also had to be careful.But don't let other people notice anything.

then.Zhang Fan made up his mind.Also began to wait for the opportunity.But obviously.This waiting is very worrying.Especially for Zhang Fan who is full of worries now.certainly.For Ru Xue and the others who also had the same idea in their hearts.They couldn't tell Zhang Fan about it either.I can only hold it in my heart.It is also terribly uncomfortable.

therefore.this dinner.It became the most tormented time for several people.Obviously they have something on their minds.But nothing can be said.And now these people have to sit at the same table to eat.From time to time, I will look at the other person's expression.And then it gets awkward right away.In short.This scene made Zhang Fan very sad.

But not everyone sitting at this dinner table knows about it.There are two more people who don't know.One is the Zhao family.And the other is Zhaoxue.

Mrs. Zhao has lived for decades.What things have not experienced.And now.Even if she couldn't guess what was going on.But she also knew that something must have happened between Zhang Fan and her daughters-in-law.But Mrs. Zhao didn't intend to speak.In her opinion.Zhang Fan is not young anymore.What's more, he has such an identity in the court.If you can't even solve the trivial matters at home alone.How can you be an official?Therefore, even if Mrs. Zhao can see that several people have something on their minds.She didn't intend to say anything either.Instead, I intend to let them figure it out on their own.It's just that Mrs. Zhao never thought of it.The relationship between this matter is not small at all.

And Zhao Xue also saw it.Although it is said that several people concealed it very well.And Zhaoxue usually has such a carefree look.Actually.If it was Zhaoxue from before.Also really can not find these.But today's Zhaoxue.pregnant.And it seems that it is for this reason.Zhaoxue has also become much more emotional than before.So now.Even Zhaoxue saw some clues.It can be seen that Zhang Fan and his sister have something on their minds.

But for Zhaoxue who didn't know anything.There is absolutely no clue what happened to this matter.That's why Zhaoxue has such strange expressions towards the few people now.Everyone already seemed to have something on their minds and became very curious.

But today's Zhaoxue.It is also different from before.If it was Zhaoxue from before.She only needs to discover these problems.Just don't even think about it.He asked directly.But now Zhaoxue.Maybe the change in xinxing is not that big.Even now because of pregnancy.It's become a lot more emotional than before.But even so.At the very least, Zhaoxue has become much calmer than before.It's not like the original kind of restless look.therefore.Now even she can see the difference.But she didn't mean to say it.

then.This dinner ended in such a very weird atmosphere.certainly.But no one thought it was a problem.

And after finishing this uncomfortable dinner.Zhang Fan began to think about it.How can I get close to Joanna without alarming others.Ask her something.

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