The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1706 Situation Reversal

Zhang Fan did not come to Yingyue's place today because of the annoyance of this matter, as Yingyue had hoped. On the contrary, Zhang Fan came as scheduled, and this alone made Yingyue very annoyed. At this moment, she really didn't know how to face Zhang Fan, not to mention that she was still so flustered.

But Zhang Fan is here, this has already happened, and there is no way to change it, and Yingyue can't drive him away. If on weekdays, Yingyue said that she was a little bored, even if she just said that she was in a bad mood, these reasons could be prevaricated , but today is not possible. After all, she can no longer treat what happened today as in the past. She is afraid that if she does something different, Zhang Fan will be suspicious. Now, after listening to Ru After Xue's words, Yingyue also understood that in the current situation, when she hadn't figured out what to do, it was best not to have such a thing.

Therefore, that is to say, tonight, if Zhang Fan stays with her overnight, it will probably make Yingyue feel very uncomfortable, but facing this kind of discomfort, Yingyue can't do anything, she can only suffer like this.

But if it's just like this, that's fine, anyway, everyone from Zhang Fan has come, so that's the only way to do it, but the problem is that Zhang Fan is not just coming.

In fact, Yingyue naturally hoped that even if Zhang Fan was here, it would be best if nothing happened, at least not tonight, and it would be nice if he could spend it peacefully, but in fact, this is Yingyue She is deceiving herself and others, even at this time she is not ignorant, or she must be able to feel that Zhang Fan definitely already knows something. Of course, Yingyue is not sure how much Zhang Fan knows, but He definitely knows something.

In this way, it is perfectly normal for Zhang Fan to ask something, or even say something to her directly, but Yingyue hopes that this will not happen, and obviously, this is unrealistic. Just when Zhang Fan entered Yingyue's room, he saw the expression on Yingyue's face that definitely showed that she was worried. After thinking about it, Zhang Fan didn't have any intention of hiding it, so he asked directly. come out.

Of course, even if things got here, there was still no problem, after all, nothing had been exposed, and what Zhang Fan said was really reasonable, even Yingyue herself, even if she couldn't see her face, He can definitely imagine what he looks like on the surface now. Since this is the case, it is perfectly normal for Zhang Fan to ask such a question.

But the question is not whether Zhang Fan asks or not, but how she should answer after Zhang Fan has asked. It is easy for Zhang Fan to ask such a question, but it is really hard for Yingyue. Now she does not know what to do. How to face Zhang Fan, I don't know how to deal with it.

However, even though Yingyue is so flustered now, she still heard something extraordinary from Zhang Fan's words, or Zhang Fan's words also helped her confirm one thing, that is, Zhang Fan Fan's relationship with Wei Yaoyao is indeed true, and the issues they discussed during the day are all correct, and things are indeed so troublesome now.

When Zhang Fan asked her what she said just now, although his voice was quite normal, Yingyue could hear it. When Zhang Fan mentioned Wei Leiyao's name, he suddenly paused, and then Immediately changed the name of Wei Weiyao.

Obviously, this clearly shows that Wei Weiyao's name also means an unusual meaning to Zhang Fan at the moment, and if this matter is not Zhang Fan, then Wei Weiyao has nothing to do with Zhang Fan at all. Even if they were acquaintances, there was absolutely no need to be so cautious. What's more, Zhang Fan was talking about this matter with Yingyue now. This place stopped, that is to say, Zhang Fan did have some relationship with Wei Maoyao.

So, on this matter, what is there between Zhang Fan and Wei Leiyao that makes Zhang Fan so afraid of mentioning Wei Leiyao from his own mouth? Obviously, this is clearly the one Yingyue thought of. There is a problem, that is to say, although Zhang Fan just asked a question, he has already admitted to Yingyue his relationship with Wei Leiyao.

Perhaps this is a very important discovery for Yingyue to come to the clubhouse, but if Yingyue is to choose, she really doesn't want to know this matter now, in such a passive situation, this feeling It's really too bad, of course, it's not regret, it's just a complaint from time to time, Yingyue understands what has happened, there is no room for turning around.

Thinking of this, Yingyue suddenly took a deep breath and stabilized her emotions. Here, I have to admire Yingyue's ability to calm down. She was obviously panicked just now, but it was just that. In a moment, in such a short period of time, she completely calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the change in Yingyue's expression, Zhang Fan was also very surprised. The slip of the tongue just now was actually done by Zhang Fan on purpose, in order to carry out his next plan, but Zhang Fan did not expect that , Yingyue's ability to adapt is so strong, and she recovered immediately after only such a moment of effort.

But now, it's not a good time to discuss why Yingyue's recovery is so fast, it's better to take care of the things in front of her.

"Why did Xianggong suddenly care about this matter?" Yingyue looked a little curious, and said to Zhang Fan, "Although sister Wei has a good relationship with our family about this matter, I am afraid that sister Wei and Xianggong may There is not too close relationship between them, so why does Xianggong care so much?"

"This..." Zhang Fan did not expect Yingyue to ask such a question. This was completely different from what he had thought before, but Zhang Fan's thoughts changed very quickly. He didn't know what to say for a while, but Zhang Fan thought of it right away, and said, "You can't say that, after all, she has a good relationship with us, and now she has such a big thing. And I see that you are also so nervous, so I am concerned about asking this question."

"Alas," Yingyue sighed a long time at this point, and said with a very helpless look, "It is indeed true. Sister Wei's life is really hard, and her husband died early, and she didn't say anything. She gave birth to a boy and a half girl, and has been alone until now.

"You also know, Mr. Wei. Although there is no law that says that a woman cannot remarry after her husband dies, if there is a woman who does this, she will probably be pierced by the people around her. In addition, Sister Wei is born, and she will never remarry. I did that, but it seems that Sister Wei can't bear to be lonely, but this kind of thing is the same when I think about it, but I didn't expect that Sister Wei was already pregnant, which is a big problem .

"If it's just about Sister Wei being pregnant, I think it's a good thing for Sister Wei. After all, she won't be alone anymore. Of course, this is just one side. , It's just that this matter, I'm afraid it's too much disadvantageous for Sister Wei.

"But thinking about it, no matter how difficult it is, Sister Wei still wants to give birth to this child. After all, this is her only thought now,"

"I see." Zhang Fan had no reason to object to Yingyue's words, and nodded in agreement, "But if this is the case, how will she live alone in the future? Even if she can persist, there are some things It's not that easy, there will inevitably be countless troubles at that time, and even if she doesn't care about it, the child does.

"If it's a man, it's fine. As long as you are stronger, you can stand out in the future, but if it's a girl, what will you do in the future? Even if I don't talk about the problems, you must know ,"

"I know all of this," Yingyue nodded and said, "So I went to Sister Wei's place today and tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen."

"Persuade her, what to persuade her?" Although Zhang Fan understood that perhaps Yingyue had recovered, but even so, he was still a little curious about what Yingyue said, "If you want to persuade her? If she aborts this child, then don't say it. Although I don't know very well, but from what you said just now, she has made up her mind that she must give birth to this child, so she will definitely not agree to it. of,"

"That's natural, but I'm not trying to persuade Sister Wei," Yingyue said, "I'm trying to persuade Sister Wei to leave the capital with the child and go to a place where no one knows her."

"What?" Rao Zhang Fan knew that Yingyue was testing him, but when he heard Yingyue say that, he was taken aback.

"In this way, everything will be easy to handle," Yingyue said, facing Zhang Fan's panic, but calmly said, "Even if someone wonders why Sister Wei A woman came to live here alone with a child. She could be said to have lost her husband and couldn't bear to stay in the old place, so she decided to live in another place. In this way, even the local people have doubts. But she definitely won't say anything, so sister Wei will be better off in the future, won't she?"

"But...but if this won't be able to see her, right?" Zhang Fan thought for a while, but he said such a reason.

"I also know that it will be difficult to see Sister Wei again," Yingyue said with a sad look, "but this is the best way now, for the sake of Sister Wei, I can only So advised her, "

"No, no, you must not do this," Zhang Fan said hastily.

"What did you say, Mr. Xianggong?" Upon hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yingyue immediately put on a look of why she couldn't do it, "Why can't you do this? What's wrong with you, Mr. Xiang?"

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